
  • Unseen Struggles - The evolving attitudes of the homeless.
    Jun 2 2024

    Behind the struggles of homelessness lies a story of necessity and survival. For many experiencing homelessness, money offers flexibility and autonomy in meeting their immediate needs. It's not just about securing a meal; it's about having the means to navigate the unpredictable terrain of life on the streets. Once merely faces in the crowd, the homeless population has undergone a transformation, reflecting the complex web of societal issues that contribute to their plight. Economic downturns, mental health struggles, and systemic failures have woven together to create a tapestry of hardship, leaving many without a place to call home.

    I hope you enjoy my insight on the matter. Enjoy the episode.

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    9 mins
  • Behind the Facade
    May 17 2024
    Welcome to this episode on the Everything Podcast, today's episode is titled "Behind the Facade," in this episode we peel back the layers of perception and dive deep into the truths behind the stories we hear and the people who tell them. Today we’re exploring the intriguing world of individuals who craft their identities through the experiences of others.
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    20 mins
  • You don't belong here; Be Careful: mind your circle!
    Jan 13 2023

    In this episode, I highlight the fact that if others are not on the same page as you, have the truth in them, believe and understand you, have the same interests as you, are seeking knowledge as you.....do not let them into your circle.

    I hope you enjoy this episode and found some value and/or nuggets of wisdom in it; please share with others.


    2 John 1:10-11 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting, for whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works.

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    17 mins
  • You know something about nothing and nothing about anything!
    Jan 6 2023

    In this episode, I highlight those people who have something to say about everything when in actuality, they know nothing!

    Do you know anyone like this; are you this person?

    You know exactly who I am talking about.

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    25 mins
  • The Inquisition of the Black Community and the Unity of the Family
    Dec 16 2022
    Were you separated from your family for speaking out against Black Lives Matter? Were you the person who pushed someone aside for having a different opinion than yourself in regards to Black Lives Matter? If so, this episode is for you; here I will discuss my experience and current mindset over the matter.
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    30 mins
  • Efficiency vs Deficiency
    Dec 9 2022

    In this episode, I will ask the question: is it ok to be results driven vs emotion driven; is it ok to be a curmudgeon when you get results vs being woke and only concerned with emotions and others feelings, negating task accomplishment?

    There is a place and time for all but one has to outweigh the other when it is time for goal-oriented, solution-based strategies in achieving goals and accomplishing tasks.

    On one hand, you can be concise, driven, ambitious, efficient, and purposeful or on the other, you can be stopping to smell the roses, lack time management, only concerned with how others perceive you and how they are feeling with no regard for completion as long as everyone is happy!

    Which are you?

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    17 mins
  • Can you mind your own business because you do not have a need to know!
    Nov 18 2022
    Have you ever met that one person or persons who always has to be in everyone's business? Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and then another person (unrelated to the conversation) injects themselves and asks the age old question of....."what ya'll talking about?" In this episode, we will discussing the very person in which I know you can relate to/with. This episode is discussing conversations but the solutions, mantra, and premise can be applied to your personal life as well. I hope you enjoy and please share this episode with someone who needs to hear this.
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    14 mins
  • Dealing with Difficult People and Setting Boundaries
    Nov 11 2022
    Brief insight conveying a recent experience with overcoming the tensions of dealing with an overt aggressive person and setting boundaries to assist in gaining peace of mind.
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    15 mins