• Reincarnation and a Near-Death Experience
    Sep 30 2024

    GIFT'S FROM THE EDGE, Lessons from the Other Side, is a continuing journey into spiritual self discovery and awakening through dream experiences and communication with passed loved ones, who are now her patient teachers. Follow Claudia's lifetime quest for knowledge of the life-after-life phenomenon. Her father's death at sixteen served as a catalyst, creating an unquenchable thirst for more pieces of the proverbial spiritual puzzle. She shares her own tragic earth-death experience during childbirth at the age of thirty when she lifted into an entirely different place of complete peace. Her detailed account of dying and the gifts she received upon coming back, took years for her to fine tune into crystal recollection. Through her journaled dream sessions, Claudia shares detailed accounts of Spirit School teachings and visions and shares her gradual ability to both hear from and contact the dead. Her delivery is much like a great conversation with someone you care for and trust. "The veil between our worlds is no more than a curtain with a drawstring, and Claudia has pulled back that drawstring, and feels compelled to share all she has learned from her lessons from the Other Side."


    Besides writing books, Claudia is a working realtor in her home state of Utah, having lived in Colorado Springs for many years where she served as a hospice volunteer, the job she claims was the hardest and most rewarding of her life. She is a popular speaker and member of the IANDS community, serving as a speaker/moderator in 2020 and has been chosen again to speak at the International conference in the fall of 2021. She enjoys doing podcast interviews which are available for viewing on her website, claudiaedge.com and has many books to write before she will return to the wonder of her NDE experience.

    In the meantime, she enjoys spending as much time as possible with her family and her grandchildren who bring her life’s most ultimate joy.

    WE TOUCHED HEAVEN joins the collection of the award winning series GIFTS FROM THE EDGE, and debuted as #! in NEW RELEASES Her books are a compilation of her journaled lucid dreaming of her visits to what she calls ‘Spirit School’ where she is able to converse and learn from her guide, sister and mother who now reside in the afterlife, and have been instrumental in her journey into understanding what goes on beyond the veil, and the wonders of Earths future.

    Join Claudia as she vividly shares her NDE, earth-death in 1984, and the resulting explorations into the unknown.





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    58 mins
  • A Transformative Near-Death Experience
    Sep 26 2024

    These are the words of an accomplished NDE researcher about the book: Death - A Compilation of Transformative Near-Death Experiences.

    Step into the profound and enlightening accounts of 14 individuals who have journeyed to the brink of death and returned with astonishing tales to tell.

    From encounters with celestial beings, traversing ethereal landscapes, and conversing with God, each narrative offers a unique perspective on the mysteries of the afterlife.

    These transformative near-death experiences transcend cultural and religious boundaries, touching the very essence of what it means to be human.

    Through these stories, we are invited to contemplate the nature of existence, the interconnectedness of all things, and the boundless potential of the human spirit.

    Whether you seek comfort about what lies beyond death, seek spiritual enlightenment, or simply enjoy a captivating read, "Death" promises to inspire, uplift, and challenge your perceptions of life, death, and everything in between.

    Embark on a journey that will forever alter your understanding of the great beyond and infinite creation.


    Ameera is the founder and publisher behind the Near-Death Institute.

    Ameera has a passion and purpose deeply rooted in writing and publishing spiritually transformative experiences, which started with near-death experiences.

    Her passion was ignited as a result of experiencing the passing of her grandfather, ten years ago.

    She has since dedicated her life to seeking Divine knowledge and truth through near-death/spiritually transformative experiences and sharing it with others.

    She has a decade of writing and publishing experience and uses her skills to amplify the voices of those who seek to serve the Dive and humanity. Ameera is a loving mother, daughter, sister and friend who demonstrates her love and connection with the Divine through her example. Ameera's mission is to teach empowerment through connection with the Divine to overcome challenges and live a life of alignment.





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    11 mins
  • A Near-Death Experience
    Sep 24 2024

    Cassandra had a Near-Death Experience when she had a catastrophic car accident. She is Founder of NOWLEVELUP | Trauma-Informed Coach | Specialist in Inner-Child Work & Generational Trauma | Keynote Speaker | Expert in Holistic Transformation, Reiki and Somatic Movement Therapy.




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    49 mins
  • Transformative Near-Death Experiences
    Sep 23 2024

    These are the words of an accomplished NDE researcher about the book: Death - A Compilation of Transformative Near-Death Experiences.

    Step into the profound and enlightening accounts of 14 individuals who have journeyed to the brink of death and returned with astonishing tales to tell.

    From encounters with celestial beings, traversing ethereal landscapes, and conversing with God, each narrative offers a unique perspective on the mysteries of the afterlife.

    These transformative near-death experiences transcend cultural and religious boundaries, touching the very essence of what it means to be human.

    Through these stories, we are invited to contemplate the nature of existence, the interconnectedness of all things, and the boundless potential of the human spirit.

    Whether you seek comfort about what lies beyond death, seek spiritual enlightenment, or simply enjoy a captivating read, "Death" promises to inspire, uplift, and challenge your perceptions of life, death, and everything in between.

    Embark on a journey that will forever alter your understanding of the great beyond and infinite creation.


    Ameera is the founder and publisher behind the Near-Death Institute.

    Ameera has a passion and purpose deeply rooted in writing and publishing spiritually transformative experiences, which started with near-death experiences.

    Her passion was ignited as a result of experiencing the passing of her grandfather, ten years ago.

    She has since dedicated her life to seeking Divine knowledge and truth through near-death/spiritually transformative experiences and sharing it with others.

    She has a decade of writing and publishing experience and uses her skills to amplify the voices of those who seek to serve the Dive and humanity. Ameera is a loving mother, daughter, sister and friend who demonstrates her love and connection with the Divine through her example. Ameera's mission is to teach empowerment through connection with the Divine to overcome challenges and live a life of alignment.





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    57 mins
  • Children Communicate From The Afterlife
    Sep 19 2024

    A child’s passing is said to be the most difficult of all 'losses' but there's a more soulful way forward. Many parents have demonstrated how to feel much peace, joy, and love after a child changes worlds. Taking that higher path improves their lives, everyone around them, and our world.

    Your child transitioned from earth, but can still be very near. They are in a different realm, dimension, or vibrational reality that most people cannot detect with their five senses. However, a sixth sense can come into play.

    In this book, these amazing parents share practical advice about perceiving your child in very real and meaningful ways. You can learn about afterlife contacts via spontaneous experiences, guided imagery sessions, and evidential medium readings.

    Love never dies… the relationship continues.

    Elizabeth Boisson Bio

    Elizabeth has four children, two of whom are in Spirit: Chelsea, who passed when she was two days old in France, and Morgan, who transitioned at the Base Camp of Mount Everest in Tibet while on a university exchange program when he was 20 years old. She also has two beautiful daughters: Alix, 31, and Christine, 29. Elizabeth is the Affiliate Leader of the Phoenix/Scottsdale group, a Caring Listener, and publishes the HPH monthly newsletter. She attended and taught at UNC-Chapel Hill for undergraduate and graduate school and at the Université Paul Valéry in Montpellier, France. Elizabeth is the compiling author of Life to Afterlife - Helping Parents Heal, The Book. She is also a certified yoga instructor and teaches healing yoga.

    Anne-Marie Taplin Bio

    Anne-Marie’s elder son, Harry, transitioned in October 2020, aged just 19, in a motorcycle accident. She has been a member of HPH Australia/New Zealand since January 2021 and is grateful for the focus on signs, the afterlife, films and books about spirituality and beyond. Since Harry’s accident, she has immersed herself in art and creativity, including writing about the experience of loss and connection. She has active communication with her son through abundant dreams and visitations as well as the occasional sign, for which she is beyond grateful. She is also mum to George, aged 18, and lives in Adelaide, Australia.





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    11 mins
  • Contact With Children In The Afterlife
    Sep 16 2024

    A child’s passing is said to be the most difficult of all 'losses' but there's a more soulful way forward. Many parents have demonstrated how to feel much peace, joy, and love after a child changes worlds. Taking that higher path improves their lives, everyone around them, and our world.

    Your child transitioned from earth, but can still be very near. They are in a different realm, dimension, or vibrational reality that most people cannot detect with their five senses. However, a sixth sense can come into play.

    In this book, these amazing parents share practical advice about perceiving your child in very real and meaningful ways. You can learn about afterlife contacts via spontaneous experiences, guided imagery sessions, and evidential medium readings.

    Love never dies… the relationship continues.

    Elizabeth Boisson Bio

    Elizabeth has four children, two of whom are in Spirit: Chelsea, who passed when she was two days old in France, and Morgan, who transitioned at the Base Camp of Mount Everest in Tibet while on a university exchange program when he was 20 years old. She also has two beautiful daughters: Alix, 31, and Christine, 29. Elizabeth is the Affiliate Leader of the Phoenix/Scottsdale group, a Caring Listener, and publishes the HPH monthly newsletter. She attended and taught at UNC-Chapel Hill for undergraduate and graduate school and at the Université Paul Valéry in Montpellier, France. Elizabeth is the compiling author of Life to Afterlife - Helping Parents Heal, The Book. She is also a certified yoga instructor and teaches healing yoga.

    Anne-Marie Taplin Bio

    Anne-Marie’s elder son, Harry, transitioned in October 2020, aged just 19, in a motorcycle accident. She has been a member of HPH Australia/New Zealand since January 2021 and is grateful for the focus on signs, the afterlife, films and books about spirituality and beyond. Since Harry’s accident, she has immersed herself in art and creativity, including writing about the experience of loss and connection. She has active communication with her son through abundant dreams and visitations as well as the occasional sign, for which she is beyond grateful. She is also mum to George, aged 18, and lives in Adelaide, Australia.



    https://www.tiktok.com/@artfofnhf9k (TikTok focused on hope and afterlife connection after a child transitions to Spirit)

    https://youtu.be/KhGNxJc1oPY?si=VM1w-EzQXO4613JR (Video of the Shining Light Parents Speak book launch on HPH YouTube channel)



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    57 mins
  • Children’s Near-Death Experiences
    Sep 9 2024

    What do we know about children’s near-death experiences? How do these differ from those of adults? Is it common for young kids to have afterlife encounters with God, Jesus, or Paradise? And what do these experiences teach us about the existence of life after life?

    Discover the extraordinary universe of children's NDEs in "The Girl Who Visited Heaven and Other Children’s Near-Death Experiences." With a foreword by renowned NDE researcher Dr. Raymond Moody, this captivating book presents over a dozen remarkable stories of children who journeyed to the other side and returned with incredible tales of divine encounters.

    Explore the profound insights shared by top scientific investigators, including Dr. Melvin Morse, Dr. PMH Atwater, Dr. Pim van Lommel, Dr. Yvonne Kason, Jodie Long, and Paul Perry. These experts provide a unique perspective, blending scientific rigor with the awe-inspiring accounts of young experiencers.

    Bestselling author and investigative journalist AJ Parr personally interviewed these courageous children and leading researchers, weaving their testimonies into a compelling narrative that illuminates the mysteries of life after death. This book is more than a collection of stories; it’s a journey into the heart of one of humanity’s greatest enigmas—the existence of a heavenly realm and the continuation of consciousness beyond this life.

    Are you ready to embark on this transformative adventure and uncover the truth behind these miraculous experiences?

    Then click the "Buy Now" button and begin your journey today!


    AJ PARR is an internationally recognized Venezuelan journalist, bestselling author, and Senior Research Associate at the Institute for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ISSC). His lucid dreams and near-death-like experience led him to study comparative religion for three decades and become a near-death experience journalistic researcher. He has authored over twenty books on comparative religion and spirituality.




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    1 hr
  • A Past Life Regression
    Sep 5 2024

    A Seattle area hypnotherapist turns to past-life regression therapy to resolve puzzling memories that predate her birth. However, when she realizes she is seeing the world from the point-of-view of Joe DiMaggio, she struggles to accept the famous ball player’s identity as well as the energy flow between them.

    The hypnotherapist flounders trying to heal her experiences as the Yankee Clipper until a young woman struggling with overwhelming memories from the same timeline is referred to her for a past-life regression.

    Her new client has significant recall from childhood of what appears to be her past life as Marilyn Monroe, including as Joe DiMaggio’s second wife. The hypnotherapist realizes she needs to step to the plate to help them both release the old energy.


    Wendy Rose Williams is a Past-Life Energy Healer. She helps people release the energy that no longer serves them, including chronic pain (both physical and emotional); anxiety; depression and stuck energy! Releasing this energy allows you to live a happier, healthier life - one that's filled with joy and purpose.

    Wendy had 2 Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) in August 1997 while pregnant. She met her Angels for the first time when an aorta burst while home alone and again the night before surgery. Meeting the soul mate Wendy contracted with to 'wake her up spiritually' led her to Dr. Michael Newton’s 'Journey of Souls.' These two events in tandem triggered a profound spiritual awakening.

    She experienced stunning physical & emotional breakthroughs from her own past-life regression therapy sessions & other healing work, including releasing a decades long battle with debilitating daily chronic pain & mobility issues. The remarkable difference in Wendy's quality of life from healing her own past life energy inspired her to help others release the energy that no longer serves them.

    Wendy trained with Dr. Brian Weiss ("Many Lives, Many Masters") and other leading experts for past-life regression therapy; Between-Lives energy healing; and future life progression. She is a Certified Spiritual Teacher; Reiki Master Energy Healer; author and channel as well as hypnotherapist.

    Amazon link https://amzn.to/4dySy8z




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    12 mins