• Natalie Mack: Home School Consultant for Military Families
    Jan 9 2025
    Natalie is a homeschool mother of five. Four of the five children have graduated college. Still homeschooling one. Has been homeschooling for over 23-years. Why she became a homeschool mom… When her military chaplain husband got transferred to California, she gave up her therapy license in Maryland and decided then to homeschool mom. Not anti-public school but favors homeschooling. She is now a public speaker and author. She talks about how God opened doors for you, but no need to walk through them at one time. Please put in an amazon link to her book: 101 Tips for Homeschooling. Her workshop is bloom, uproot, and replant geared towards military families who are reassigned every two years. She teaches parents how to adjust to a new environment and maintain homeschooling., what laws apply in what states and in what country. Wherever you homeschool state laws apply. We then shifted to talking about how she helps homeschool students adjust to being away from home for the first time. Parents must realize that their children will leave one day & it’s important to prepare them to live away from home. Raising them to launch somewhere, but it doesn’t necessarily be college. It could be a career, military service, etc. So, it’s important to play to their passions and gear their education to support their passions. We then discussed the importance of getting children in outside interests such as clubs and groups. (She recommends some groups a few minutes later) It helps them flesh out their academic resumes for college as well. They need to learn to make decisions independently. She found in homeschool families, the older siblings help raise the younger siblings and help them learn to listen to and trust MOM. Participation in outside groups helps children think independently, make decisions, some good & some bad, and how to learn from their independence. That’s where parents need to step back and not be involved. Natalie then discusses how she would incorporate their various domestic and foreign locations into learning, or the national election in teaching civics and citizen responsibilities. She suggested taking your children with you when you go vote. Then we discussed MHA, Military Homeschool Association, a nonprofit to assist military parents. They’ll learn their rights as military homeschool parents. (This would be a good group to add to our Education Resource Page). She then plugged her podcast, consulting, public speaking, and her website www.natalie-mack.com. Natalie then discusses how God is using her and how she listens for His direction. We close talking about her consultation business. First consultation is free. She can help homeschool student athletes learn what they need to know to meet NCAA requirements for athletic scholarships. Finally, how to pace oneself for all that God gave her to do.
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    35 mins
  • Raise Them UP! Episode 6
    Dec 4 2024
    Sikkenga, a political professor works at the Ashbrook Center in Ashland Ohio He’s co-author of “It’s a Republic if We Can Teach It” We discuss the book & the hunger for a deep civics’ education-but young people are not getting it- less time devoted to civics. Time is being devoted elsewhere. Schools don’t teach civics along with U.S. History. Causing a crisis because it’s difficult to keep a republic when young people don’t know what a republic is. Ashland University is educating teachers on how to teach civics centered on the primary documents of our founding such as the Constitution, Bill of Rights, sermons, etc. The shift away from civics began in the 1960’s when the space race outlined by Kennedy put a greater emphasis on science & math. Then, it continued right up to today with the stem programs. Sikkenga thinks the approach to teaching civics needs to change. Teachers don’t have time to dig deeply into our history to make it fascinating similar to the Bible. The question most often missed is “why?” do have the government we have, the history we have. When asked, it brings history & civics alive. More of civics and history needs to be tied to contemporary times to make it more interesting to students. We started talking a bit about the Supreme Court. Dr. Sikkenga talked about the Ashland way of teaching civics that sets it apart. Too much is just memorization, testing and then the students forget about what they learned. Our public discourse is very thin when it comes to civics. For instance, we have lost sight of the Declaration of independence. New immigrants are better versed on American civics than native born citizens. Why they wrote the book and aimed it at journalists & teachers to strengthen the public discourse as they report on the law and constitutional issues. How civics & history has gone woke in how it is taught. Slavery is one such topic. Jefferson & Washington both wrote about slavery. They knew it was morally evil and hoped it would go away. But, slavery is complex, so if no scant look at it reflects well on our founding fathers. Always a question of how to have an honest conversation in our woke society, about the bad aspects of our history. But, if addressed head on and directly the conversations remain civil. How do we do things differently. His book offers solutions. History and civics have to be taught by teaching children how to think. In essence, teachers have to be taught what makes up education. Policymakers can also have a role in educating teachers, helping them discern what documents are the most important to teach. Then, we shifted the conversation and discussed how he came to write the book with the former President of Pepperdine University David Davenport. David keep pushing the project forward. Both authors agreed when writing the book, that the crisis in civics education was: “we (our society & academics) have done less and worse and we need to do more and better civics education.” So, David, a policy guy focused on the more part, and Sikkenga focused the better part of how to teach history & civics better…so they complimented each other well. Book has been favorably received because it cuts across political divides. Then, Sikkenga talked about Reagan’s final speech about patriotism. Link to amazon book: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=It%27s+a+Republic%2C+if+We+can+Teach+it+by+Davenport+%26+Sikkenga&crid=BRMR5T9ZAJSX&sprefix=it%27s+a+republic%2C+if+we+can+teach+it+by+davenport+%26+sikkenga%2Caps%2C79&ref=nbsbnoss Ashbrook Center (https://ashbrook.org)has a website aimed at teachers called “TeachingAmericanHistory.org” They have programs high school students can take from the Ashland Center over the summer in person at the Ashbrook Academy. Link to teachers’ site: https://teachingamericanhistory.org/ Their podcast is “The American Idea- link here: https://ashbrook.org/americanideapod/
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    31 mins
  • Child's Play
    Oct 22 2024
    Host: Fred Zielonko Guest: Dr. Peter Gray-Evolutionary Research Psychologist -Boston College & Expert on Child’s Play-His primary book is “Free to Learn.” Fred sets up a scenario for Dr. Gray to analyze his own 1960’s upbringing. Dr. Gray said Fred’s childhood mirrors his childhood in the 1950’s growing up in Minnesota. Dr. Gray expounds about how, due to changes in the world, we have limited child’s play that in turn has limited child development. We are not allowing children to become independent via the use of play. Dr. Gray explains how he became interested in researching play. It had to do to with his own rebellious son’s development. His son had difficulty following rules. By the time his son was in the 4th grade, Dr. Gray & his wife decided his son needed a different kind of school that was less structured. His son’s brain was wired differently, and he was demanding that his feelings be respected. The alternative school did not have a formal curriculum, mixed grade levels, and the children had an equal role in making the rules of how the school was to be operated. His son thrived there and it turned out to be a great choice. Then, Dr. Gray & Fred discussed what defines “play.” Dr. Gray determined it was self-directed by the children & self-controlled by the children. So, he wondered how these students learned anything being self-directed. He learned that the older kids helped teach the young kids, while the older kids learned to respect the younger children, sort of a throwback to a 1-room schoolhouse. Play according to Dr. Gray is an activity initiated & directed by the children themselves. No adults involved. It’s how children learn how to negotiate, compromise, resolve disagreements, and to set their own rules. How Charles Schultz’s cartoon strip “Peanuts” encapsulated the golden era of play When the golden age of self-directed play began to decline and why. In 1955, adults began to colonize child’s play. 1955 was the year more families had television than did not. And, then too, the Mickey Mouse Club started robbing children of their playtime because the program came on immediately after school. 1st time advertisers could reach parents through their children. Many new toys were designed for indoor play. So, Dr. Gray and his buddies began to go home and watch TV instead of playing outdoors after school. Dr. Gray then begins to discuss the detrimental impact of reduced play on children as they grow older. Dr. Gray not only thinks parents hover too much, but statistically, parents too, are paranoid about letting children out of their sight. Depriving children of the opportunity to have self-directed play is uniquely American. Dr. Gray sums up what the major changes have been that caused the decline of play and its detrimental effects. Normal parenting in the 1950 & ‘60’s would get parents in trouble with child protective services. Second biggest reason for the decline of “play” is the too much schooling, too many hours per day, too many days per years & too many years in school. So, school time has increased along with the amount of homework that all has deprived children of playtime. However, while parents acknowledge kids need more play time, they also insist their children learn more and spend more time in school. Number one cause of stress among kids is too much schooling & academic pressure What Dr. Gray developed to counter act the lack of play. He is one of four founders of “Let Grow” a nonprofit to establish more free play and exploration via Play Club, all grades play time whereby teachers & adults cannot intervene just for emergencies. Let them figure things out.
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    52 mins
  • Christian Worldview Speaker & Author Israel Wayne
    Sep 9 2024
    Israel explains how his mother helped originate the modern homeschool movement in 1983 & subsequently published a homeschool magazine 11- years ago he started Family Renewal along with his wife. And, he speaks at 30- to-50 events per year. How he followed in his mother’s business & how he and his sister proofread his mother’s magazine. How difficult it was initially to reach teenagers. Dr. George Barna’s research said that a child’s worldview is locked in by age 12. So, that is why it is important for parents to reach children or disciple them as early as possible. Parents thought the church would disciple their children and so they underestimate the cultural influences upon their kids. Parents on average only spend about 90 minutes per day with their children, so much of that time are not discipling. Parents need to be more intentional. Israel Wayne believes 150% that children need to see their parents worship, and we should not be segregating them when it comes to the church service. George Barna, the Christian researcher, also agrees that only 12% of children get anything worthwhile by church youth groups. 88% do not benefit from church youth groups segregated from the church services. A lot of kids grow up in church without attending any of the main services. Kids grow up without knowing the body or the community of the church they attend. Israel & his wife always have kept their children with them throughout the service. Too many churches have replaced relationships with programs. Proverbs 22:15, says children have foolishness in their hearts rather than the fear of the Lord. They need more time spent with older, wiser instructors & mentors who have the fear of the Lord in them. Churches under utilize their seniors even though they are often the wisest. We have too many ill-equipped young people teaching other young children Conversation shifts to what is a “Biblical Marriage.” His mother was not a Christian, early on and he is the product of a broken family starting when he was 6-years old. During his young adult life, he was without a father figure. His mother did not become a Christiaan until Israel was 12 years old. How he was able to avoid the pitfalls of a broken home? Israel learned at an early age. He learned holding onto bitterness would make him bitter. How he values gratitude and living in gratitude every day. As a teen, he was very distrusting of mentors. The Word of God was his initial go-to and sustained him until he found adult mentors. Grace & Truth in Christian parenting today. What that means and it’s often permissive parenting. It’s biblical for children to obey their parents. Too many parents obey their children instead of the other way around. Parents want to threat their children as equals. And, children are not equipped to make adult decisions. Too many parents listen to pop psychology voices instead of Christian teachers & voices. Too many evangelical churches are too worldly. Parents need rules for children, but it’s okay to be conservative. But our “house” rules are not the same or on the same level as God’s commands. House rules do not equate to holiness. Israel tells the story of his raising own kids. As he matured as a parent, he always wanted to get to the heart of his child’s bad behavior. Pride & self-love are often what’s in the heart in those failed moments. Parents need to learn how to point their children to Jesus in all things. Conversation shifts to Christian Education….how his late mother would look at what has become of homeschooling today. Homeschooling is about restoring the family. New homeschooling parents are not religious, but they see the value of keeping their children close to home. He discusses the reasons parents are pulling their children out of public schools and now Christian private schools. What should the goals of Christian parents be when homeschooling their children. All the things that are out there for parents, but the lack of clarity of definition of what comprises a homeschool can be problematic. But, more state & educational regulations are not the answer because in public schools the standards and results are lower. We talked about public school teacher/turned homeschool advocate John Taylor Gatto and how his mother was instrumental in getting him published. Wayne talks about books he’s written that are aimed directly at homeschool parents. Website: familyrenewal.org. Ordering from his website, he’ll sign the books you purchase directly from him. Last comment about his homeschool pioneering mother. How to book him as a speaker. Separate website: Israelwayne.com His Chrisitan apologetics website is Christianworldview.net.
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    1 hr
  • Steve Noble founder of Noble U online homeschool resource
    Jul 23 2024
    Steve talks about being an old friend-he’s 58 How God maneuvered him into what he is doing now – talked about what he did in his previous life as a non-believer. How he got into teaching civics to high school homeschoolers in 2012. Steve talked about adding Christian ethics, what he has his degree in, to his civics foundational course. Curriculum comes from BJU Press-Bob Jones University. He then altered that material to make it applicable to current events. He calls it “Teaching in Real Time.” Why Civics? Why did he start with civics….most Americans don’t know it because only 10-states in the U.S. require civics teaching. The age range of his students who he teaches history & civics to… He teaches in person and online upwards of 70 people online per week. Steve keeps the environment close to a homeschool as possible. How his classes are set up and how he does them on video….so he records them and delivers them via YouTube via an email link. So, what he teaches on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday in person, the students online get on Friday. Why he wants to keep his teaching as current as possible and he has shown over 1,000 students since he started how to apply the Bible to real life. Does he miss radio-loves teaching-& how he transitioned out of it. How he came to the decision to teach only and give up radio. How just teaching has changed him, even to the point where his children noticed. He then uses Hamas’ attack on Israel on October 7th as an example of how teenagers don’t pay all that much attention to what happened that day. His students learn the value of history, the value of the past….and how it impacts today. The differences between how we grew up and how kids grow up today via the changes in digital technology. We live in an advanced media culture world. Why older Christians need to inform the young; we have an obligation How does a parent sign up their teens for his online courses. Steve walks us through the process. He also discusses what the courses cost…and he’ll offer payment plans to parents who cannot afford the courses. Steve will work with them to figure it out. Steve wants your students in his classes. How teaching history makes it easy to teach a Christian worldview. Wants to add philosophy, theology, media literacy, communications & perhaps journalism. Helping students learn the value of discernment.
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    40 mins
  • 2: The History of the Homeschool Hub
    Jun 18 2024
    Fred interviews Dr. Angela Watson on the history of the Homeschool Hub and why she created it. The Homeschool Hub helps parents find the policies and regulations all in one place and how researchers, media and state policymakers can search the resource state-to-state. How California, for example, varies from other states. Tune in to hear how the Homeschool Hub works, how parents access it and special interest pages…such as black & brown homeschooling & special needs homeschooling.
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    33 mins
  • 1: What Do You Do When Homeschooling Is Hard?
    May 15 2024
    Homeschooling is a blessing, but it can also be chaotic and incredibly challenging. Things don’t always go the way you plan. Emotions can run high and there’s a lot to navigate: Learning styles, teaching styles, curriculum, extra-curriculars, scheduling, legal requirements, co-ops... and so much more! It’s enough to leave any homeschooling parent feeling overwhelmed and discouraged. If you’ve been homeschooling for a while and things just aren’t going the way you hoped, what do you do? Is homeschooling just not working for you? Or is there something you can do to make homeschooling more effective? Our guest, Amanda Schenkenberger, was homeschooled by her parents, and is now a homeschooling mom with several years of experience. She comes alongside struggling homeschool moms through her personalized homeschool coaching services. She works with parents one-on-one to develop customized plans to achieve academic success for children, while making sure moms have what they need as a parent and educator. She’ll help you LOVE homeschooling again! Amanda helps moms work through a wide range of challenges including: -homeschooling special needs kids -working with resistant kids -building confidence in homeschooling -meeting state requirements for homeschooling laws -determining your family’s goals for homeschooling -identifying your child’s learning styles and your teaching styles Working with Amanda is easy! Visit her website to get started: https://homeschoolfamilylegacy.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/homeschoolcoachingmama/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mandy.schenkenberger/ Raise Them UP! is a production of Family Vision Media, a non-profit ministry committed to helping Christian parents discern the truth in a culture of lies.
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    35 mins