• Heal negative thought projections. Consciousness technology. Holographic reality reprogramming
    Mar 13 2025

    #meditation #manifesting #mindfulness
    Master the thought projections that you are emitting into the field so that you can create a new collective consciousness on this planet as the microcosmic entangled aspect of the whole of humanity. YOU ARE POWERFUL!

    For online courses, in-person retreats and MP3 meditations go to www.sarita-sol.com

    Now available on the Patreon site.https://www.patreon.com/Sarita_Sol/membership
    Once in Patreon join as a 'Light Warrior Patron'
    website: www.sarita-sol.com

    Find me on telegram: t.me/Sarita_Sol

    Signup to receive info on all Free Ceremonies, courses and events with Sarita Sol
    online or at SolHenge via the webiste www.sarita-sol.com

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    43 mins
  • Heal pain upon the planet & within you. Consciousness Technology: Holographic Healing. All is One
    Feb 21 2025

    #consciousness #manifesting #healingmeditation
    Work with the holographic nature of your reality and heal pain within you so that pain can be healed on the collective level of human family. As within, so without. Healing occurs with quantum entanglement on all levels simultaneously when we make it so.

    For online courses, in-person retreats and MP3 meditations go to www.sarita-sol.com

    Now available on the Patreon site.https://www.patreon.com/Sarita_Sol/membership
    Once in Patreon join as a 'Light Warrior Patron'
    website: www.sarita-sol.com

    Find me on telegram: t.me/Sarita_Sol

    Signup to receive info on all Free Ceremonies, courses and events with Sarita Sol
    online or at SolHenge via the webiste www.sarita-sol.com

    For online Virtual Meditation Classes, Manifesting and Healing Retreats, Personal Mentoring, Distant Quantum and Shamanic Healing with Sarita email: solhengeretreats@gmail.com or go to www.sarita-sol.com


    Bitchute :https://www.bitchute.com/channel/MAbzen5yUKaE/

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/sarita_sol8

    All Playlist :
    Accessing the fifth dimension. 5D:http://bit.ly/2JVV5RI
    Heal Thyself- Body mastery:http://bit.ly/3nsiTdM
    The Cosmic Heart Series:http://bit.ly/39hpsuD
    Heart centered mindfulness techniques:http://bit.ly/2LvvAXS
    Explore consciousness:http://bit.ly/2MHMLGd
    Manifesting techniques:http://bit.ly/3nsbStx
    Healing Meditations:http://bit.ly/3osrIpc

    How can we navigate our lives to ascend in our awareness? My name is Sarita and I am trained in ancient Shamanic techniques. This channel will help you to transcend the ordinary and realize the truth of who you are as quantum, vibrational being moving into a higher level of consciousness. I believe everyone has the potential to have extraordinary, wonderful and uplifting, heart aligned lives if we can understand that we are all part of source consciousness and are creating our realities in every now moment. We have the capacity to become entirely present and manifest from the quantum field of infinite potential through the zero point technology of our inner being, including and not limited to; our energy centres/chakras, the cells, atoms and quantum particles of our bodies, our nervous and endocrine systems and our pineal glands. This self actualization is accessed by us in many ways and principally through meditation. Therefore I teach meditation in an entirely new and creative way, collating information directly from the source field and expressing to you, often in a raw and pure format without any pre-design. I also share my human perspective as well as ancient information including ways to create ceremony for yourself in this modern world which give you practical tools to be able to transcend matter, manifest your dreams, heal and become heart centered.
    My aim is to give you all as much information as I can for free on this channel so that you too can become the master of your own reality.

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    27 mins
  • Heal confusion within you & the human collective. Consciousness Technology & Unified field energy
    Feb 13 2025

    #meditation #manifesting #healingmeditation
    Using the divine technology of your energetic human architecture to heal confusion within you and as the microcosm of all that is within the collective human consciousness as well. We are creators , all is infinite potential and everything is possible with focus and unconditional love

    For online courses, in-person retreats and MP3 meditations go to www.sarita-sol.com

    Now available on the Patreon site.https://www.patreon.com/Sarita_Sol/membership
    Once in Patreon join as a 'Light Warrior Patron'
    website: www.sarita-sol.com

    Find me on telegram: t.me/Sarita_Sol

    Signup to receive info on all Free Ceremonies, courses and events with Sarita Sol
    online or at SolHenge via the webiste www.sarita-sol.com

    For online Virtual Meditation Classes, Manifesting and Healing Retreats, Personal Mentoring, Distant Quantum and Shamanic Healing with Sarita email: solhengeretreats@gmail.com or go to www.sarita-sol.com


    Bitchute :https://www.bitchute.com/channel/MAbzen5yUKaE/

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    47 mins
  • Heal programs of scarcity, unworthiness, overwork from your father, the paternal line & patriarchy.
    Feb 10 2025

    #meditation #abundance #abundancemindset

    How your conditioning from your father, the paternal line and patriarchy can really affect on deep levels the way abundance and money flows into your life.

    To heal this go to: https://www.sarita-sol.com/sins-of-the-father

    Sins of the Father
    Online workshop LIVE via zoom with sarita
    2nd March 2-7pm CET
    A journey into sovereign kingship
    To Join go here:https://www.sarita-sol.com/sins-of-the-father
    111 euros

    The process
    Ceremony, healing, meditation, mirror work, embodiment practices.

    This is an intensive, deeply healing workshop, open to all those wishing to heal their relationship with their father and the paternal ‘sins’ that have been carried forward to you from him and all the fathers down the ancestral lines of the grandfathers. You will be contained within a sacred process to experience how, through a deeper connection and focused action of will into truth you can break detrimental beliefs and patterns and call forth your own arrows of protection and seed the golden coins of abundance into your life. This process works via the transmutation alchemy of forgiveness, compassion and wisdom and will affect change within you on cellular levels. You will meet the truth of yourself as a sovereign ruler of your own kingdom, receive gifts from your paternal ancestors and forge a new way. This offering is designed to bring you lasting internal change as you anchor deeply into the masculine of your own being and rise in kingship in the realization that the kingdom of choice is within you.

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    14 mins
  • Incredible Frequency technology for your home. Rife and spooky2
    Feb 7 2025

    #meditation #healingmeditation #frequency
    Talking to Bradley Johnson about spooky2. Affordable frequency technology available for your family.

    For more info on Rife and spooky2 go to: https://www.spooky2-mall.com/royal-rifes-technology-and-frequency-healing-4/ref/972/

    Anyone with any questions on any Spooky2 products, accessories, or software please feel free to reach out directly.
    Bradley Johnson

    “If you could eliminate certain outside frequencies that interfered with our bodies, we would have greater resistance toward disease.”

    – Nikola Tesla

    For online courses, in-person retreats and MP3 meditations go to www.sarita-sol.com

    Now available on the Patreon site.https://www.patreon.com/Sarita_Sol/membership
    Once in Patreon join as a 'Light Warrior Patron'
    website: www.sarita-sol.com

    Find me on telegram: t.me/Sarita_Sol

    Signup to receive info on all Free Ceremonies, courses and events with Sarita Sol
    online or at SolHenge via the webiste www.sarita-sol.com

    For online Virtual Meditation Classes, Manifesting and Healing Retreats, Personal Mentoring, Distant Quantum and Shamanic Healing with Sarita email: solhengeretreats@gmail.com or go to www.sarita-sol.com


    Bitchute :https://www.bitchute.com/channel/MAbzen5yUKaE/

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/sarita_sol8

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    31 mins
  • Heal shame within you and upon this planet CONSCIOUSNESS TECHNOLOGY. You are the microcosm.
    Jan 30 2025

    #meditation #consiousness #healingmeditation
    Working with the energetic alchemical architecture of your body to heal shame within you and by doing so heal the external projection of shame on our planet and within our collective consciousness of humanity.

    For online courses, in-person retreats and MP3 meditations go to www.sarita-sol.com

    Now available on the Patreon site.https://www.patreon.com/Sarita_Sol/membership
    Once in Patreon join as a 'Light Warrior Patron'
    website: www.sarita-sol.com

    Find me on telegram: t.me/Sarita_Sol

    Signup to receive info on all Free Ceremonies, courses and events with Sarita Sol
    online or at SolHenge via the webiste www.sarita-sol.com

    For online Virtual Meditation Classes, Manifesting and Healing Retreats, Personal Mentoring, Distant Quantum and Shamanic Healing with Sarita email: solhengeretreats@gmail.com or go to www.sarita-sol.com


    Bitchute :https://www.bitchute.com/channel/MAbzen5yUKaE/

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/sarita_sol8

    All Playlist :
    Accessing the fifth dimension. 5D:http://bit.ly/2JVV5RI
    Heal Thyself- Body mastery:http://bit.ly/3nsiTdM
    The Cosmic Heart Series:http://bit.ly/39hpsuD
    Heart centered mindfulness techniques:http://bit.ly/2LvvAXS
    Explore consciousness:http://bit.ly/2MHMLGd
    Manifesting techniques:http://bit.ly/3nsbStx
    Healing Meditations:http://bit.ly/3osrIpc

    How can we navigate our lives to ascend in our awareness? My name is Sarita and I am trained in ancient Shamanic techniques. This channel will help you to transcend the ordinary and realize the truth of who you are as quantum, vibrational being moving into a higher level of consciousness. I believe everyone has the potential to have extraordinary, wonderful and uplifting, heart aligned lives if we can understand that we are all part of source consciousness and are creating our realities in every now moment. We have the capacity to become entirely present and manifest from the quantum field of infinite potential through the zero point technology of our inner being, including and not limited to; our energy centres/chakras, the cells, atoms and quantum particles of our bodies, our nervous and endocrine systems and our pineal glands. This self actualization is accessed by us in many ways and principally through meditation. Therefore I teach meditation in an entirely new and creative way, collating information directly from the source field and expressing to you, often in a raw and pure format without any pre-design. I also share my human perspective as well as ancient information including ways to create ceremony for yourself in this modern world which give you practical tools to be able to transcend matter, manifest your dreams, heal and become heart centered.
    My aim is to give you all as much information as I can for free on this channel so that you too can become the master of your own reality.

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    49 mins
  • Inner peace meditation. A Heart and Pineal gland energy center omnipresent merge to emanate peace
    Jan 24 2025

    #meditation #manifesting #peace

    Become the emanation of peace out into the world by merging your heart center and your pineal gland energy center to create an awareness of yourself as omnipresent and omni-sentient using the breath and frequency of peace.
    You are the light and you are the way.
    for the free download of this meditation go to; www.sarita-sol.com on the free for you page.
    much love to you all, sarita x

    For online courses, in-person retreats and MP3 meditations go to www.sarita-sol.com

    Now available on the Patreon site.https://www.patreon.com/Sarita_Sol/membership
    Once in Patreon join as a 'Light Warrior Patron'
    website: www.sarita-sol.com

    Find me on telegram: t.me/Sarita_Sol

    Signup to receive info on all Free Ceremonies, courses and events with Sarita Sol
    online or at SolHenge via the webiste www.sarita-sol.com

    For online Virtual Meditation Classes, Manifesting and Healing Retreats, Personal Mentoring, Distant Quantum and Shamanic Healing with Sarita email: solhengeretreats@gmail.com or go to www.sarita-sol.com


    Bitchute :https://www.bitchute.com/channel/MAbzen5yUKaE/

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/sarita_sol8

    All Playlist :
    Accessing the fifth dimension. 5D:http://bit.ly/2JVV5RI
    Heal Thyself- Body mastery:http://bit.ly/3nsiTdM
    The Cosmic Heart Series:http://bit.ly/39hpsuD
    Heart centered mindfulness techniques:http://bit.ly/2LvvAXS
    Explore consciousness:http://bit.ly/2MHMLGd
    Manifesting techniques:http://bit.ly/3nsbStx
    Healing Meditations:http://bit.ly/3osrIpc

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    37 mins
  • Create and encode your hearts desire for 2025 with an embodied biofield walk of infinity. POWERFUL!
    Jan 17 2025

    #2025 #manifesting #intention
    Access source consciousness through an embodied infinity walk of 8 to call forth into your reality your hearts desire for 2025 working with the electro-magnetic fields of your biofield and the biofield of Gaia Sophia to create and install the codes you require for the most wonderful year ahead.

    For online courses, in-person retreats and MP3 meditations go to www.sarita-sol.com

    Now available on the Patreon site.https://www.patreon.com/Sarita_Sol/membership
    Once in Patreon join as a 'Light Warrior Patron'
    website: www.sarita-sol.com

    Show more Show less
    42 mins