• Navigating Love Without Losing Who You Are
    Sep 10 2024

    In this episode Gabrielli has a session with Dakota, who’s not wanting to lose herself to her new relationship. Together, they explore what it takes to cultivate self-love, maintain autonomy, and nurture a thriving partnership that evolves without self-sabotage or fear of loss getting in the way. Dakota has had very limited experience of the method, and this is one of the first sessions she’s had with Gabrielli.

    After the session, Chloë shares a simple strategy that can completely transform your relationships. You won’t want to miss it!

    Ready to move from surviving to thriving in your life? Join us for our FREE Masterclass Sept 17th at 12pm, EST "From Surviving to Thriving: Unravel Your Trauma and Embrace Your True Potential" - To sign up go to: https://lachiaramethod.com/masterclass/ and yes, there will be a replay!

    Claim your FREE GIFT "The Ultimate Self Care Bundle to Clear Your Energy, Boost Your Vitality & Feed Your Soul" Here: https://lachiaramethod.com/podcast-bundle

    Doors are now open for our Level 1 Radical Life Coach Training - Learn the essentials of the LaChiara Method and how to hold peer-to-peer coaching sessions! Check it out here: https://lachiaramethod.com/level-1

    Experience or learn more about the method: https://lachiaramethod.com

    Follow us on Tiktok: @lachiara_method

    Follow us on Instagram: @lachiara_method

    Music by Aly Halpert: https://www.alyhalpert.com/

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    48 mins
  • Belonging Debunked: A Surprising Twist You’ll Want to Know
    Sep 6 2024

    What does it take to rehumanize ourselves by recognizing our inherent worth, power, and divine essence?

    In this episode, Chloë debunks the myths of belonging and why it's not about trying to fit in everywhere. She explores how the idea of 'normal' is often a distorted concept that creates unnecessary pressure and self-doubt. Instead of striving for constant ease or comfort, she discusses the importance of embracing discomfort and challenges as part of the human experience.

    Ready to move from surviving to thriving in your life? Join us for our FREE Masterclass "From Surviving to Thriving: Unravel Your Trauma and Embrace Your True Potential" - To sign up go to: https://lachiaramethod.com/masterclass/

    Claim your FREE GIFT "The Ultimate Self Care Bundle to Clear Your Energy, Boost Your Vitality & Feed Your Soul" Here: https://lachiaramethod.com/podcast-bundle

    Doors are now open for our Radical Life Coach Training! Check it out here: https://lachiaramethod.com/level-1

    Experience or learn more about the method: https://lachiaramethod.com

    Follow us on Tiktok: @lachiara_method

    Follow us on Instagram: @lachiara_method

    Music by Aly Halpert: https://www.alyhalpert.com/

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    9 mins
  • Why Don't I Fit In? A Quest For True Belonging
    Sep 3 2024

    In this episode, Gabrielli has a session with Caroline, who’s on the precipice of a big life transition. She’s feeling bored and complacent with her life and part of her wishes she could just be “normal”. Together, they explore what it will take to move beyond the feelings of being trapped, address her fear of standing out, and discover how embracing her authenticity and power can lead to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

    Caroline has had sessions with Gabrielli in the past and is a certified LaChiara Method Radical Life Coach.

    After the session, Chloe talks about when fear means stop and when fear means GO and how to know the difference.

    Claim your FREE GIFT "The Ultimate Self Care Bundle to Clear Your Energy, Boost Your Vitality & Feed Your Soul" Here: https://lachiaramethod.com/podcast-bundle

    Doors are now open for our Radical Life Coach Training! Check it out here: https://lachiaramethod.com/level-1

    Experience or learn more about the method: https://lachiaramethod.com
    Follow us on Tiktok: @lachiara_method

    Follow us on Instagram: @lachiara_method

    Music by Aly Halpert: https://www.alyhalpert.com/

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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • Somatic Inner Child Healing: Unlocking Abundance and Personal Power
    Aug 27 2024

    In this episode, Gabrielli has a session with Reina, who’s wanting to explore her resistance to having more on every level - more freedom, more energy, more power, more money. As they delve into the underlying reasons for this resistance, they uncover a traumatic experience from Reina's childhood, leading her to do some profound inner child work.

    Reina is deeply familiar with the LaChiara Method, having trained with Gabrielli for over 20 years. She has her own private practice, where she blends her expertise in mindfulness, polyvagal theory, and the LaChiara Method, guiding clients through their own journeys of transformation.

    After their session, Chloë speaks about the importance of listening to our bodies, and how being somatically aware and curious can be an incredible gateway to healing. She even offers a guided experience to help you tap into deeper somatic listening.

    Claim your FREE GIFT "The Ultimate Self Care Bundle to Clear Your Energy, Boost Your Vitality & Feed Your Soul" Here: https://lachiaramethod.com/podcast-bundle

    Experience or learn more about the method: https://lachiaramethod.com

    Follow us on Instagram: @lachiara_method

    Music by Aly Halpert: https://www.alyhalpert.com/

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Can I Really Be ALL of Who I am? No More Staying Small
    Aug 12 2024

    In this episode Gabrielli has a session with Matisse, a poet who’s in the process of renegotiating old habits and patterns in their relationship to themselves and with others. They explore what it will take to receive more than ever before without being greedy or selfish, and where they might be holding back in ways that may be blocking them from their creativity, their gifts, and truly thriving in life.

    Matisse has extensive experience with the method through sessions with Chloë, and is in the process of getting their Radical Life Coach Training certification with us.

    After their session, Chloë shares an incredibly helpful tool to help you in those moments in life when you feel triggered or super upset and it’s hard to know what’s what. Maybe it’s a comment someone made, or a situation that just doesn’t seem that big of a deal on the surface, but it hits you hard and suddenly, you’re flooded with intense emotions, sensations, or you’re having flashbacks from the past. This tool will help bring you back into the present moment so you can know what you actually need in that moment. So stick around to the end, it’s one of my favorites!

    Here’s the activation Chloë speaks about in the episode called Release Injury Recall:

    I command the Vibrational Source of Consciousness to release injury recall; Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Emotional, Energetic, and Genetic: past, present and future; Activate Change and Generate Healing, Immediately!

    Claim your FREE GIFT "8 Days to a Clearer, Happier YOU in 3 Minutes a Day or Less" Here: https://lachiaramethod.com/podcast-gift

    Experience or learn more about the method: https://lachiaramethod.com

    Follow us on Instagram: @lachiara_method

    Music by Aly Halpert: https://www.alyhalpert.com/

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    1 hr and 17 mins
  • From Codependency to Clarity (Part 2) - Chemistry Isn't Enough.
    Aug 6 2024

    Welcome back to this two part episode of our deep dive with Brenna! In our previous episode, we heard Brenna work through her doubts and fears about her relationship, as she navigated through the terrain of family history, codependency, and finding self-responsibility.

    Today, we pick back up with a session they did just a week and a half after the first session you heard last week. After that first session, Brenna hit a significant wall of discomfort and some pretty intense feelings came up. She faced moments of wanting to sabotage her progress and she got caught up in her partner's patterns, losing her center and clarity about her own choices and actions.

    So, they decided to do a follow up session where Brenna navigated through the muckiness, and regained her sense of self, and reset into a much more grounded, generative space. It’s a really special session to listen to.

    And at the end, Chloë speaks into an all too familiar pattern. Have you ever fallen in love with someone’s essence? You know, that magnetic, fire-in-your-belly, swoon-worthy attraction that makes you think, “This is my person!” only to find out that maybe, just maybe, you were more in love with the idea of them, more than the reality?

    Well, stay tuned until after their session, and get ready to laugh, cringe, and (hopefully) relate, because Chloë shares all about this challenging conundrum and some thoughts that might help you navigate what the blend of chemistry AND safe, human to human connection can look like in relationships of all kinds.

    Claim your FREE GIFT "8 Days to a Clearer, Happier YOU in 3 Minutes a Day or Less" Here: https://lachiaramethod.com/podcast-gift

    Experience or learn more about the method: https://lachiaramethod.com
    Follow us on Instagram: @lachiara_method

    Music by Aly Halpert: https://www.alyhalpert.com/

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • From Codependency to Clarity (Part 1) - Do I Stay or Go?
    Jul 30 2024

    In this episode Gabrielli has a session with Brenna, who’s struggling with her partner’s relationship with alcohol and wonders if she can stay. She doesn’t like the parts of herself that rear their monstrous heads in the relationship, and wonders what it will take to honor herself in a challenging dynamic. This is part one of a two part episode with Brenna who’s had many sessions with Gabrielli over the years.

    Together, they've explored Brenna's relationship with other people's addictions, her family history, and her own codependent patterns.

    Throughout this journey of personal sessions and retreats with us, Brenna has done some profound work to uncover self-responsibility and self-accountability. She's learning to lead her own life in positive and empowering ways.

    Today's session is just a glimpse into the middle of this transformative healing process, and next week you will hear the follow up session they did, after this session shook loose, and brought to consciousness some challenging dynamics she’s really ready to shift!

    Claim your FREE GIFT "8 Days to a Clearer, Happier YOU in 3 Minutes a Day or Less" Here: https://lachiaramethod.com/podcast-gift

    Experience or learn more about the method: https://lachiaramethod.com
    Follow us on Instagram: @lachiara_method
    Music by Aly Halpert: https://www.alyhalpert.com/

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    46 mins
  • I’m Hating the Business Side of My Life’s Work
    Jul 23 2024

    In this episode, Gabrielli has a session with Kellie, an entrepreneur who’s longing to have more ease with getting her amazing work out in the world. Listen as she explores her lineage of staying hidden, her struggle with motivation, and her ongoing and profound rebirthing process. Kellie has experience with the work, mostly through sessions with me, Chloë, and a couple with Gabrielli in the past.

    CLICK HERE for Free 3-Part Audio Class "BEINGS - Unlock the Hidden Potential of Your Spiritual Essence": https://lachiaramethod.com/beings/

    Experience or learn more about the method: https://lachiaramethod.com
    Follow us: @lachiara_method
    Music by Aly Halpert: https://www.alyhalpert.com/

    Claim your FREE GIFT "8 Days to a Clearer, Happier YOU in 3 Minutes a Day or Less" Here: https://lachiaramethod.com/podcast-gift

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    1 hr and 6 mins