• Train Like A Woman with Dr. Stacy Sims
    May 31 2024

    On today's episode I sit down with one of my personal hero's, Dr. Stacy Sims! We dive deep into fitness, nutrition, and training for women, how and why women should train differently than men, the many benefits to training to help prevent age-related bone density and muscle loss, and so much more. This is a juicy episode, enjoy!

    Dr. Stacy Sims MSC, PHD, is a forward-thinking international exercise physiologist and nutrition scientist who aims to revolutionize exercise nutrition and performance for women.

    She has directed research programs at Stanford, AUT University, and the University of Waikato, focusing on female athlete health and performance and pushing the dogma to improve research on all women.

    With the unique opportunities Silicon Valley has to offer, during her tenure at Stanford, she had the opportunity to translate earlier research into consumer products and a science-based layperson's book (ROAR) written to explain sex differences in training and nutrition across the lifespan. Both the consumer products and the book challenged the existing dogma for women in exercise, nutrition, and health. This paradigm shift is the focus of her famous "Women Are Not Small Men” TEDx talk.

    Her contributions to the international research environment and the sports nutrition industry have established a new niche in sports nutrition and established her reputation as the expert in sex differences in training, nutrition, and health.

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    53 mins
  • Raising Healthy Kids with Whitney & Alex of Plant Based Juniors
    Mar 22 2022

    This week we sat down with Whitney English & Alex Caspero, the Founders of Plant Based Juniors to talk about everything from how to instill healthy eating habits in our children, navigating picky eaters, the truth about protein, and so much more! This was such an informative and fun conversation!

    Whitney and Alex are Registered Dietitian Nutritionists and mothers who started Plant Based Juniors as a resource for families who want to raise their kids in a predominantly plant-based way; and feel confident about the many decisions that come with nourishing children.

    They know how confusing it all can be, so at PBJs they do the research for you. Whitney & Alex rely on evidence-based nutrition advice, so you know that the recommendations they make are based on research, not dogma. Their goal is to empower parents to make the best nutrition decisions for their families.

    Check out the Plant Based Juniors website to lear more HERE!

    Sarah & Stephanie are the Founders of LUNA Mother Co, the first all-in-one digital platform for motherhood. From their evidence based fitness method, to pelvic floor & core physical therapy programs, parenting classes, & community, LUNA Mother Co has it all. New subscribers, get your first month FREE using the code MOTHERLODE.

    Subscribe to The MOTHERLODE Podcast so you never miss an episode, & catch up with us on Instagram! Interested in being on the show or know someone who would be a great fit? Email us online@lunamother.co Like this episode? Leave us a review and let us know your thoughts!

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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • CBD & Motherhood - The New "Tupperware Party" with Shaina Kerrigan
    Jan 11 2022

    This week we sat down with Shaina Kerrigan, mama of two and Founder of Molly J Life - handcrafted CBD confections, to learn more about some of the benefits of using CBD for things like stress, anxiety, and sleep. We learned so much about the ins and outs of cannabinoids, how to choose a high quality CBD product, how to get your dosage right for YOUR body, and so much more. It's such an interesting episode!

    Check out the MollyJ website HERE.

    Sarah & Stephanie are the Founders of LUNA Mother Co, the first all-in-one digital platform for motherhood. From their evidence based fitness method, to pelvic floor & core physical therapy programs, parenting classes, & community, LUNA Mother Co has it all. New subscribers, get your first month FREE using the code MOTHERLODE.

    Subscribe to The MOTHERLODE Podcast so you never miss an episode, & catch up with us on Instagram! Interested in being on the show or know someone who would be a great fit? Email us online@lunamother.co Like this episode? Leave us a review and let us know your thoughts!

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    55 mins
  • Navigating Sex & Relationships As Parents with Dr. Claudia Six
    Dec 7 2021

    This week we sat down with Board Certified Clinical Sexologist, Dr. Claudia Six and took a deep dive into the subject of sexual health, relationships with partners as well as with ones self, why and how relationship dynamics may change after becoming parents, why so many mothers feel like their libido had up and left them for good(spoiler alert - it hasn't) as well as ways to reignite that flame. This was an interesting conversation that certainly opened our eyes and our minds!

    Dr. Claudia Six is the author of Erotic Integrity - in her book she leads readers through ten sexual themes including garden-variety performance anxiety, sexual boredom, newly dating, coming out, and more and reveals three simple steps to a more rewarding sex life: knowing who you truly are as a sexual being, embracing that knowledge, and living it authentically.

    Dr Six has a Ph.D. in Clinical Sexology from the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco, CA, USA, a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology, is certified by the American College of Sexologists, and is Board Certified Clinical Sexologist by the American Board of Sexology, which sets standards and maintains quality assurance based on academic achievement, dedication to the discipline and evidence of competence. For more information on the scope of work she does in her private practice, please click here.

    Sarah & Stephanie are the Founders of LUNA Mother Co, the first all-in-one digital platform for motherhood. From their evidence based fitness method, to pelvic floor & core physical therapy programs, parenting classes, & community, LUNA Mother Co has it all. New subscribers, get your first month FREE using the code MOTHERLODE.

    Subscribe to The MOTHERLODE Podcast so you never miss an episode, & catch up with us on Instagram! Interested in being on the show or know someone who would be a great fit? Email us online@lunamother.co Like this episode? Leave us a review and let us know your thoughts!

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    47 mins
  • Breaking Down The Barriers Women Face When Becoming Mothers with Molly Dickens, Co-Founder of &Mother
    Nov 12 2021

    In this week's episode Sarah & Stephanie sit down with Molly Dickens, Co-Founder of &Mother to talk about everything from the effect of the pandemic on mothers, to the disparities in research on maternal and paternal care, to how high level female athletes are unsupported in their journeys to motherhood. Its a very interesting episode, and Molly is a wealth of knowledge so be sure to tune in!

    Molly Dickens is a scientist, writer, advocate, and mother of two. After ten years as an academic researcher, Molly became a founding team member of a maternal health startup to follow her passion for aligning science and education with empowering mothers, called &Mother. &Mother is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to breaking the barriers that limit a woman’s choice to pursue and thrive in both career and motherhood.

    As a stress physiologist, she has over 30 academic publications and has extended her work to include support for women during pregnancy, postpartum, and early motherhood. In science, academia, technology and startups, Molly has direct experience with the barriers that women face when they choose motherhood. She has witnessed the impact of a failure to support the needs of the modern family’s work/life balance and the repercussions of a working world that is not representative of women in society. She truly believes that improving the health of mothers is inextricably linked with representation across professions and that women, with all choices available to them, will lead the charge to change societal norms.

    CNN op-ed -- health benefits of policy to better support caregivers
    & Mother's Instagram community
    COVID+stress+maternal health

    Sarah & Stephanie are the Founders of LUNA Mother Co, the first all-in-one digital platform for motherhood. From their evidence based fitness method, to pelvic floor & core physical therapy programs, parenting classes, & community, LUNA Mother Co has it all!

    Subscribe to The MOTHERLODE Podcast so you never miss an episode, & catch up with us on Instagram! Interested in being on the show or know someone who would be a great fit? Email us hello@lunamother.co Like this episode? Leave us a review and let us know your thoughts!

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    50 mins
  • A Mother's Story of Loss with Lynea Wallace
    Nov 4 2021

    *TRIGGER WARNING* - this week's episode talk about pregnancy loss and may be triggering for some listeners.

    1 in 4 people who become pregnant will experience loss. That is no small number. Yet our society tends to shy away from talking about it. We believe these stories deserve to be told, and that people who have experienced loss deserve more support. In this week's episode we talk with Lynea Wallace, a mother of two living children who has gone through three pregnancy losses. She bravely shares her story with us in a completely unedited, real, and raw conversation.

    LUNA Mother Co's CONNECT Program is a curated offering for those who have experienced pregnancy or infant loss to begin to connect to and heal your body through a 4 part core and pelvic floor connect series, restorative yoga practices, and guided meditations, process emotions with the help of mental health experts, and honor your loss with a community who stands with you and supports you. neutral, non-triggering language is used throughout this program. This program is offered on a sliding scale and grants are also available. Learn more about the program HERE or email us at hello@lunamother.co for financial assistance.
    - Hand Online
    - Birthwaves Doula Support for Pregnancy & Infant Loss
    - Walk With Me
    - March Of Dimes
    - Return To Zero : HOPE

    Sarah & Stephanie are the Founders of LUNA Mother Co, a curated fitness and wellness app for MOTHERhood. Because we believe you deserve more from fitness. From evidence based fitness classes, core and pelvic floor programs, meditations, and nutritional guidance to parenting classes, LUNA has you covered.

    Subscribe to The MOTHERLODE Podcast so you never miss an episode, & catch up with us on Instagram! Interested in being on the show or know someone who would be a great fit? Email us hello@lunamother.co Like this episode? Leave us a review and let us know your thoughts!

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    39 mins
  • Normalizing The Challenges of Breastfeeding
    Mar 30 2021

    As natural a thing as it may be, breast/chestfeeding can be friggin’ hard! And many new parents aren’t prepared for that. Neither one of us were, that’s for sure! We both assumed it would feel natural and would just click into place. What we didn’t anticipate was the unbearable pain, the problems latching, the endless hours spent pumping, the undiagnosed lip tie, the many, many shed tears, or the feeling of defeat that would come along with it and we certainly weren’t prepared for any of that. Can we ever truly be prepared for what postpartum and new motherhood brings? We certainly don’t think so. We can have tools in our box but nothing can truly prepare you, since every experience is so unique.

    ️What we both wish we’d known then is that our babies would be OK. Whether exclusively breastfed or formula fed, they would be just fine. That they would grow strong, thrive, be healthy, and happy regardless of how they were fed. That our bonds with our first borns would be stronger than anything either of us could have ever imagined. That we didn’t need to be so hard on ourselves.

    In this week's episode, Sarah & Stephanie share their own personal experiences with breastfeeding; their struggles and successes, and ways in which you can find support.

    Nurture by Naps
    La Leche League
    Lactation Matters
    Black Mothers Breastfeeding Association
    United States Breastfeeding Committee
    Milk Junkies
    Milk Banking Association of America
    MOBI Motherhood International
    National Alliance For Breastfeeding Advocacy

    Sarah & Stephanie are the Founders of LUNA Mother Co, the first all-in-one digital platform for motherhood. From their evidence based fitness method, to pelvic floor & core physical therapy programs, parenting classes, & community, LUNA Mother Co has it all!

    Subscribe to The MOTHERLODE Podcast so you never miss an episode, & catch up with us on Instagram! Interested in being on the show or know someone who would be a great fit? Email us hello@lunamother.co Like this episode? Leave us a review and let us know your thoughts!

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    46 mins
  • All About Postnatal Nutrition w/ Jaren Soloff, RD
    Mar 6 2021

    During pregnancy there is an abundance of information out there about what we should (and shouldn't) eat, our weight and blood pressure is checked at every prenatal visit, and our wellbeing is closely monitored. Then the baby is born and we get one, maybe two (if you're lucky) postnatal visits. Mental health screenings for postnatal mood disorders are minimal at best, and there is a lack of guidance in terms of how to actually heal our bodies after birth. Nutrition is something that is rarely, if ever, discussed post-birth. But what we eat can help postpartum helps us replenish, nourish, and fuel our bodies for faster healing, healthy milk supply, and the energy needed to care for our new little human(s)!

    In this week's episode we sat down with Registered Dietitian & International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) Jaren Soloff to discuss what we should be eating postpartum to help fuel and heal our bodies, what healthy postpartum weight loss looks like and cultivating a positive postpartum body image, and much more! We also chat about Jaren's new book, the Postnatal Cookbook.

    In addition to being a Registered Dietician and IBCLC, Jaren is also the Founder of FULL CRCL where she provides nutrition counseling and lactation consultations from a "Health at Every Size" perspective using an Intuitive Eating Framework. To learn more about Jaren, connect with her, and order her new book, visit her at https://www.fullcrcl.co/ and follow her on Instagram!

    Sarah & Stephanie are the Founders of LUNA Mother Co, the first all-in-one digital platform for motherhood. From their evidence based fitness method, to pelvic floor & core physical therapy programs, parenting classes, & community, LUNA Mother Co has it all.

    Subscribe to The MOTHERLODE Podcast so you never miss an episode, & catch up with us on Instagram! Interested in being on the show or know someone who would be a great fit? Email us hello@lunamother.co Like this episode? Leave us a review and let us know your thoughts!

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    45 mins