• Ep. 190 - Prenuptial Agreements Create Stronger Marriages with Aaron Thomas
    Sep 16 2024

    Can a prenuptial agreement strengthen your marriage and prevent a divorce? That’s not typically what we think about when we hear prenup. We’re just usually thinking of protecting our assets when we do get divorced. But this week’s guest, Aaron Thomas, is going to shed some light on the way he helps couples create prenuptial agreements.

    His process of crafting prenuptial agreements creates transparency, increases communication, and facilitates fairness in the relationship that all couples want. But wait, there’s more. Much more. What goes into these agreements, all marriages should have whether you have a prenup or not. So you want to listen, take notes, and make your marriage stronger.

    Get the book, “The Prenup Prescription” https://prenups.com/

    Key Takeaways:

    • Prenuptials are contracts that set the rules of marriage and define the rights of each spouse

    • It sets proper expectations and forces each person to reveal all personal and financial information. It creates transparency

    • You can set any type of agreement like going to counseling once a year, having yearly financial updates, and having joint bank accounts


    • We tend to think of prenuptial agreements as creating that safe out of a marriage. You have a different take on this. Please explain.

    • How did you get into this niche?

    • Do you see a change in the couple from when you first start working with them til the time you’re done?

    • How do you come up with the guidelines for the prenuptial agreements or is it simply following the couple's lead on what they want in their relationship?

    • Can you walk us through the process?

    As a three-time winner of Atlanta’s Best Divorce Attorney, Aaron Thomas is one of the nation’s top experts in family law issues. He is a 2002 graduate of Harvard Law School, and his firm Aaron Thomas Law, was recognized by peers as one of the fastest growing family law firms in the state of Georgia.

    With clients ranging from NBA Hall of Famers and Superbowl winners to Grammy award-winning artists, Aaron has extensive experience representing his clients in a range of family law matters, including divorce, custody, child support, and prenuptial and postnuptial agreements.

    As founder of Prenups.com, Aaron is widely viewed as the go-to source for writing fair prenups. He carries a fundamental belief that establishing a solid financial foundation during engagement can prevent many common marital disputes and that fair prenups help create happy marriages.

    Want to live a better balanced life and win in marriage AND business at the same time? Purchase our book Tandem: The married entrepreneurs’ guide for greater work-life balance. https://www.thetandembook.com/

    Need to create more time to dedicate to your marriage? Download this free guide. https://marriedentrepreneur.co/boundaries

    Need some insight into how to balance it all? Schedule a free discovery call. https://marriedentrepreneur.co/lets-talk

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    38 mins
  • Ep. 189 - The Perfect Marketing Strategy
    Sep 10 2024

    Marketing success can be elusive for many small business owners. Most rely on word of mouth (which is the best form of marketing) because they haven’t had much success doing anything else. Even if your business is doing well from word of mouth, there are some steps you can do to improve that.

    There is also so much noise out there about what form of marketing is best for you. In my experience, the best form of marketing is the one that best suits you. In other words, there is no cookie-cutter marketing that works for every business. You have to evaluate what works for you. This episode will delve into the fundamentals of marketing that will help you craft the perfect marketing strategy.

    Want to live a better balanced life and win in marriage AND business at the same time? Purchase our book Tandem: The married entrepreneurs’ guide for greater work-life balance. https://www.thetandembook.com/

    Need to create more time to dedicate to your marriage? Download this free guide. https://marriedentrepreneur.co/boundaries

    Need some insight into how to balance it all? Schedule a free discovery call. https://marriedentrepreneur.co/lets-talk

    Key Takeaways:

    • Consistent, persistence

    • Time and money.

    • Budget 5-20% of revenue toward marketing

    • It’s all about forming relationships. That leads to trust and sales.

    • Cycle- building relationship leads to trust that leads to sales. Strengthening the relationship after the sale leads to loyalty and customer retention.

    • Customer retention builds the foundation of your business.

    • If DIY, what do you enjoy? Public speaking, networking, video, audio, social media, writing

    • Short term (outbound marketing) - Ads, flyers, other promotions, public speaking

    • Pros - Reach a lot of people quickly

    • Cons - It only works when you’re spending money, spending money for trial and error

    • Long term (inbound marketing) - Organic social media, website SEO, blogs, VLOGS, podcasts, YouTube, public speaking, email/customer retention

    • Pros - “Free,” results can be long-lasting, searchable in a variety of ways, audience gets to know, like, and trust you, demonstrate your expertise, emails/customer retention keep your customers engaged and returning

    • Cons - Takes a while, trial and error

    • Start out using both outbound and inbound marketing

    • Over time, limit the outbound and focus on the inbound marketing

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    34 mins
  • Ep. 188 The Inconvenience Of Great Leadership with Bob Beaudine
    Aug 19 2024

    “Doing the right thing is inconvenient.” That was a powerful quote from this week’s guest Bob Beaudine. Prioritizing your family over your career or business is one of the hardest things to do for high achievers. It is possible to do it successfully but it doesn’t come easy. You have to make hard choices that are not convenient.

    Bob had one of the top executive search firms for professional sports. In fact, he basically created the niche when no one was doing it. As a result, he’s placed in some of the positions in professional sports like Bud Selig, former commissioner of MLB, as well as head coaches, and presidents of NFL, NBA, and NHL teams.

    You can probably understand why Sports Illustrated nominated him as “The most influential man in sports you’ve never heard of.” His work helped transform leagues and teams with the people he placed in them.

    Listen to this week’s episode as Bob shares how he was able to balance marriage, family, and the busy life he led in professional sports.




    2 Chairs USA Today and Publishers Weekly best seller

    The Power of Who

    Want to live a better balanced life and win in marriage AND business at the same time? Purchase our book Tandem: The married entrepreneurs’ guide for greater work-life balance. https://www.thetandembook.com/

    Need to create more time to dedicate to your marriage? Download this free guide. https://marriedentrepreneur.co/boundaries

    Need some insight into how to balance it all? Schedule a free discovery call. https://marriedentrepreneur.co/lets-talk

    Key Takeaways:

    • Bud Selig was his first sports placement

    • Good leaders care about people

    • Flew 7 million miles for business but still able to coach kids teams

    • Good things are inconvenient

    • Dealing with change

    • Decide on boundaries

    • Favorite Dallas Cowboy

    • Was a Miller Beer rep in college


    • You’re an accomplished CEO with money, accolades, connections, and influence, how have you been able to keep the important things the priority in your life? Have you always been this way?

    • “Most influential man in sports you’ve never heard of.” Sounds like Rodney Dangerfield or Bob Uecker


    Bob Beaudine is the President and CEO of Eastman & Beaudine. He is one of the nation's most respected search executives having conducted 100's of searches for Fortune 500 companies, entertainment entities, professional sports organizations, non-profits, Olympic bodies, and universities, among many others. Celebrating over 50 years in business, Eastman & Beaudine has been named by The Wall Street Journal as the “top recruiting firm in college sports." Sports Illustrated named Bob the “top front-office matchmaker in sports” as well as the “most influential man in sports you’ve never heard of." These accolades come as a result of Bob helping shape the leadership teams of NBA, MLB, NFL, and NHL franchises and league offices, in addition to university athletic departments and conferences across the nation. Bob’s

    experience extends to the PGA TOUR, USTA, PBR, U.S. Olympics, NASCAR, UFC, and sports-related non-profits among others. Bob is the bestselling author of The Power of WHO! and 2 Chairs.

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    50 mins
  • Ep. 187 - Why Most Businesses Never Hit $1M Revenue: Top 5 Stumbling Blocks
    Jul 30 2024

    Fewer than 5 percent of businesses earn over $1 million in revenue and only 11% have 20 employees or more. For many entrepreneurs, those are magic numbers to reach so they can experience greater freedom from the business. Reaching those revenue and staff milestones means they have the resources and team to handle business while they go off on a great family vacation for a month.

    Why do the majority of business owners stay stuck? The simple answer is they don’t have enough sales to build the team to handle business while they’re gone. But the real answer is deeper than that.

    This episode explores the top 5 reasons businesses stay stuck.

    Want to live a better balanced life and win in marriage AND business at the same time? Purchase our book Tandem: The married entrepreneurs’ guide for greater work-life balance. https://www.thetandembook.com/

    Need to create more time to dedicate to your marriage? Download this free guide. https://marriedentrepreneur.co/boundaries

    Need some insight into how to balance it all? Schedule a free discovery call. https://marriedentrepreneur.co/lets-talk

    Key Takeaways:

    • You’re wearing too many hats

    • You’re casting a wide net

    • Your margins are too small

    • You have people in the wrong seat

    • You aren’t resting

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    32 mins
  • Ep. 186 - Is Your Business An Idol? With Stu and Trish Fuhlendorf
    Jul 17 2024

    Entrepreneurs have an independent streak for sure. I have it, you have it, we all have it. It’s why we can’t see ourselves in a 9 to 5 job. It’s why we’re so successful in what we do. We take the bull by the horn and make it happen.

    But independence can have an ugly side to it. It can cause us to become a little arrogant, isolated, and hurt our most important relationships. Meet this week’s guest Stu Fuhlendorf and his wife Trish. Stu took three companies IPO, made tons of money and was a wall street darling.

    Until ego, alcohol, and the love of success got the better of him. It almost landed him in jail. Thankfully, there is a happy ending to this that you’ll have to listen for yourself.

    Website: www.redemptionhills.com

    Business: www.lifeverse.com

    Book: “Wall Street to Well” https://www.amazon.com/Wall-Street-Well-Transformation-Fortune/dp/1949021432

    Key Takeaways:

    • Stu wasn’t driven by money and things but by accomplishments

    • The accomplishments were great but fleeting

    • Turned to alcohol which made him angry

    • Guided 3 companies through successful IPOs

    • Faced a lawsuit from the S.E.C.

    • Trish had to lean on her faith and prayer to stay married

    • She put her happiness on the shelf

    • Instead of arguing she chose silence


    • Why were you such a jerk?

    • Trish, I know you got saved first and that was a big part of the reason you stuck it out with Stu, but many good Christian women would have still left, how were you able to stick it out?

    • I’m sure you tried to get him to quit drinking and change the way he was living, did you just give up trying to convince him at some point?

    • While not going to the extremes you did, many entrepreneurs have the same mentality you had. What would you say to them?

    • Pastors can fall into much of the same trap that you did in your career, what do you say to them?

    Stu serves as the Senior Pastor of Redemption Hills Church in Littleton Colorado and is the Cofounder and COO of Lifeverse. His first book, Wall Street to the Well, was released April 2019. After working in corporate business for twenty years, he earned an M.Div. from Denver Seminary and was called into full-time ministry combining his love of Jesus with 21st century technology. Stu lives in the foothills of Colorado with his wife, Trish. They have two grown children who divide their time between school, work, and fun.

    Want to live a better balanced life and win in marriage AND business at the same time? Purchase our book Tandem: The married entrepreneurs’ guide for greater work-life balance. https://www.thetandembook.com/

    Need to create more time to dedicate to your marriage? Download this free guide. https://marriedentrepreneur.co/boundaries

    Need some insight into how to balance it all? Schedule a free discovery call. https://marriedentrepreneur.co/lets-talk

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    42 mins
  • Ep. 185 - Vacations Are Good For The Health of Your Business
    Jul 9 2024

    Taking a vacation is a good thing. So why is it so hard for the typical entrepreneur to tear themselves away from the day to day grind of building a business to take a break with their family?

    We’ve heard and used these excuses. “I’m too busy to get away.” “It’s too stressful to take time off. There will be so much work waiting for me when I get back.” “I don’t think the staff will be able to handle things while I’m gone.” “I get texts and emails all the time while I’m away. So I might as well stay home and get things done.”

    If your goal in starting the business was to gain more freedom then something has to change. And forcing yourself to take more vacations will set your business up for success if you follow these rules. Take a listen to this week’s episode. Your family and staff will thank you.

    Want to live a better balanced life and win in marriage AND business at the same time? Purchase our book Tandem: The married entrepreneurs’ guide for greater work-life balance. https://www.thetandembook.com/

    Need to create more time to dedicate to your marriage? Download this free guide. https://marriedentrepreneur.co/boundaries

    Need some insight into how to balance it all? Schedule a free discovery call. https://marriedentrepreneur.co/lets-talk

    Key Takeaways:

    • Common excuses- I don’t have time, It’s too stressful, I can’t trust the staff to take care of business,

    • Results- You’re stressed, business is stressed, family is stressed

    • Vacations are good for the soul

    • It is productive

    • What we hear after the vacation. I got more clarity/ideas for the business, I/we needed that, The team took care of business,

    • It forces you to scale and grow your business. - prepare your staff for your absence (S.O.P.)

      • List what you do

      • Circle the things only you can do

      • Identify who can do what

      • Nominate a lead(ers)

      • Start preparing three months before your next vacation

      • Develop systems

      • Document the procedures

      • Define what a true emergency is

    • The team is empowered to make decisions for themselves based on the good of the company

    • Resist the temptation to take back responsibilities once you return

    • You get great ideas

    • It refuels you for the work ahead

    • Better for your health, relationship and business

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    31 mins
  • Ep. 184 - Managing Death and Business with Gary and Keely Van Vlack
    Jul 1 2024

    Imagine the doctor telling you that your spouse has 40 minutes to live. What do you do? How do you feel? How do you cope? Tune in to this week’s episode as entrepreneurs Gary and Keely Van Vlack share their story of how close Keely came to dying and how Gary coped.

    After Keely miraculously got over the hump and her health started to improve, the reality of life and running multiple businesses kicked in. Gary had to run his business and Keely’s business while learning how to roast coffee in one day. And make sure their customers liked it.

    This conversation will show you what’s important, how relationships matter, and how to accomplish more in less time.

    Website: Gkcapitalinc.com

    Website: Renew.global

    Key Takeaways:

    • Purpose drives business

    • Power of relationships

    • Follow the graph

    • Freedom of a well said “no”

    • Empowering people to do what they can do


    • Stewardship of time—guarding your yes and no. leaning into God, and not getting caught up in all the good things, and leaving no time and space for the God things.

    • A yes and a no in covenant- what it looks like to wait on God as a couple in life and business. How to lead in times where you are not 100% aligned. Hence, one has a yes, and the other person has a no. what to do, and how to handle that together and stay out of strife.

    • How to handle tremendous growth in business. – doing more with less. Avoiding burnout and strife in marriage due to commitments and deliverables. Creating an environment and culture around you to aid in your success, and keeping accountability.

    Gary and Keely, the dynamic duo behind G.K. Capital Inc., bring a unique fusion of passion, expertise, and heart to the world of business consulting & start-up’s. With a combined experience of over 30 years, they have honed their skills in fostering strategic growth and sustainable business practices. Their journey is not just about building successful businesses; it's about cultivating relationships and empowering individuals. Their approach is deeply rooted in their values of service, integrity, and commitment, ensuring that each decision and strategy aligns with these core principles.

    Together, Gary and Keely embody the spirit of entrepreneurial stewardship. They are not only business owners and investors themselves, but also dedicated mentors who believe in the transformative power of disciplined stewardship. Their expertise in identifying growth opportunities and maximizing investments is matched by their dedication to their faith and community. This blend of professional acumen and personal values makes them a formidable team in the business world. As they share their knowledge and passion with others, they continue to inspire and lead with a vision that transcends the traditional boundaries of business, focusing equally on profitability and the enrichment of human lives.

    Want to live a better balanced life and win in marriage AND business at the same time? Purchase our book Tandem: The married entrepreneurs’ guide for greater work-life balance. https://www.thetandembook.com/

    Need to create more time to dedicate to your marriage? Download this free guide. https://marriedentrepreneur.co/boundaries

    Need some insight into how to balance it all? Schedule a free discovery call. https://marriedentrepreneur.co/lets-talk

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    38 mins
  • Ep. 183 - How To Hire and Train Millenials with Robert and Kay Lee Fukui
    Jun 18 2024

    If you’re like many business owners, it’s been hard to find good employees. It seems like the younger generation doesn’t want to work and are lazy. Or at least that’s what they say. But think about this, the baby boomers were also considered lazy when they were in their twenties and thirties.

    They were the hippies. Love not war.

    In other words, the older generation always thinks the younger generation is not as hard working as they are. So maybe it’s not that the younger generation is lazy, they have a different set of values that they want to see reflected in their job. And if you look at what they value, you may find that they align well with yours.

    If you adjust how you lead the younger generation, you will find that you develop the most loyal employees and attract more of them. Listen to this episode to learn more.

    Want to live a better balanced life and win in marriage AND business at the same time? Purchase our book Tandem: The married entrepreneurs’ guide for greater work-life balance. https://www.thetandembook.com/

    Need to create more time to dedicate to your marriage? Download this free guide. https://marriedentrepreneur.co/boundaries

    Need some insight into how to balance it all? Schedule a free discovery call. https://marriedentrepreneur.co/lets-talk

    Key Takeaways:

    According to the Gallup Poll research on the workplace, this is what millennials want in a job:

    1. Millennials don’t just work for a paycheck — they want a purpose.

    2. Millennials are not pursuing job satisfaction — they are pursuing development.

    3. Millennials don’t want bosses — they want coaches.

    4. Millennials don’t want annual reviews — they want ongoing conversations

    5. Millennials don’t want to fix their weaknesses — they want to develop their strengths.

    6. It’s not just my job — it’s my life.

    Gallup report https://www.gallup.com/workplace/238073/millennials-work-live.aspx

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    30 mins