• Transforming the Impossible Into the "I'm Possible"
    Aug 5 2021

    Mark and Annette have an inspiring conversation with Meridith Alexandar. Meridith is a best-selling author, powerhouse mompreneur, and top female motivational speaker who has become known for inspiring high-level professionals and entrepreneurs to venture beyond the place where their beliefs stop them -- all thanks to a plummeting boulder that changed her "old normal" into the destiny that she embraces today.

    Meridith challenges you to explore the boundaries of endless possibilities, positive expectations, and deliberate creation.

    With the remarkable life and death challenges that were laid firmly at her feet, she learned that it's these tiny individual seeds of Greatness that live waiting to be cultivated within our own minds. Then, as we master our own mindset and discover the real beauty within our own story, we become free to empower others and to go on to create "impossible" things.

    Annette, Mark & Meridith have experienced "impossible" boulders that have turned our ordinary lives into epic ones. 

    In this conversation, we focus on transforming the impossible into the “I’m Possible” and how ordinary people are capable of achieving EPIC things that seem totally “unrealistic” when they know how to fuse their inner game with the outer game.

    In fact, we believe that it's thanks to these "impossible" boulders that our ordinary lives have become epic lives and that your "impossible" boulders can have that same effect on you.

    Meridith's daughter Schuyler survived the “unsurvivable,” and she became her 24/7 caregiver. 

    We discuss parts of the journey and some real tools/insights that will help you obliterate your blind spot thinking and self-doubt so you can start unleashing the more epic version of yourself regardless of the circumstances.

    Meridith would love to offer you the chance to hop onto a 20-minute UNLEASH THE EPIC YOU strategy call with her to see where you might be getting in your own way. bit.ly/GOEPICNOW

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    54 mins
  • Don't Judge A Book By It's Colors / Beyond Stereotypes
    Jul 23 2021

    American professional wrestler, better known by his shortened name Will Kaye or his ring name, Brimstone is the guest of this episode of Trail Angels, powered by Cairn the Load.  Instead of spending time in the ring Brim can be found in schools speaking to the students as an anti-bullying advocate. Our guest, Brim, shares his compelling story of how he was an outsider. The only white Jewish kid in the neighborhood.  At first glance, Brim's looks might scare you, but if you get to know him, you will see that he has much wisdom to offer. This is a classic example of not judging a book by its cover. Brimstone is a renowned speaker against bullying and suicide.  
     Help is available

    Speak with a counselor today!

     National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


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    54 mins
  • Adversity & Peak Performance
    Jul 16 2021

    The topic of overcoming adversity has come up a lot in recent years, with people looking for ways to help themselves or their children better deal with challenges. It's often said that we grow from overcoming our adversities, but what does that really mean? The truth is, it means different things for everyone. In this episode, we'll show you some of the most common obstacles people face and give you tips on how to use them as opportunities for personal growth instead of dwelling on them as sources of pain. 
     What's more important than understanding adversity is understanding what your authentic self looks like--the parts of yourself that are true and real no matter

    In this episode, we have a delightful conversation with guest Dr. Jessica Houston. 

     Dr. Houston is a professor at Purdue University and has unveiled what peak performance looks like and what you need to do to get there to thousands of individuals now living a life of happiness.  In this episode 

    Dr. Jessica shares some key points to overcoming adversity, being successful, and making our own happiness.

    1) You make your own happiness: It's not about what happens to us; it's how we react to it. Happiness is a decision no matter what situation you're in!

    2) Being vulnerable is key to success: We should never be afraid of being authentic and showing who we really are. People can relate better with an honest person rather than hiding behind their masks or trying too hard to impress them. 

    3) Education opens doors for opportunity: There is always something new around the corner, and education gives us

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    50 mins
  • The Art Of Making Meaning Out Of Grief
    Jul 8 2021

    Almost everyone needs some encouragement to honor commitments that have been forgotten or neglected amidst feelings and reminders of grief. Chelsea Bowman, LCSW, heard her calling in the wake of her own tragedy-related loss. In Trail Angels, she shares story upon story about how listening can create meaning out of grief while keeping commitments for self--no matter how small, no matter how big. 

    Social Worker Chelsea Bowman, LCSW, sits down with us to discuss the art of making meaning out of grief. How do you decide what your priorities are when there's so much going on and trusting yourself? Tune in for these answers and more!

    Chelsea is a Licensed Clinical Social worker who has a deep love and passion for working with children, teens, and families. She loves supporting them on their individual journeys toward growth and healing.

    Chelsea believes everyone can heal, and building a secure attachment is an essential component of that process. Chelsea's favorite part of the therapeutic process is watching her clients love and own their stories. "Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we're supposed to be and embracing who we are." -Brene Brown. "You can either walk inside your story and own it, or you stand outside your story and hustle for your worthiness." -Brene Brown "Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance." -Brene Brown.

    Chelsea has experience working with people of all ages, life circumstances, and cultures. Some of her memorable work experience has been working with adolescent girls in residential treatment centers and children in foster care. She has received training in EMDR, play therapy, DBT, CBT, and Trauma-Focused CBT. Among these, she also enjoys incorporating art, sand tray, and attachment-focused modalities into her work. Chelsea enjoys using a variety of these modalities to meet the needs of her clients best.

    Chelsea received her Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work from Utah State University. She received her Master's Degree in Social Work from The University of Utah, emphasizing Child Welfare. Chelsea loves to travel, visit our national parks, hike, and spend time with her friends and family.

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    46 mins
  • Living A Life of Impenetrable Joy
    Jul 1 2021

    Erin McCullough is a thought leader, an in-demand speaker, and an international teacher that helps people create IMPENETRABLE JOY so that they can be calm, have peace of mind, and meaning in their life, NOW!  Erin had an Anxiety Disorder that had her holed up in her home for nearly a year.  Through that experience, she learned how and why that happened and developed strategies to overcoming and preventing it, which is what she now teaches. Erin vowed that when she found solutions to overcoming and preventing anxiety, she would do whatever she could to make sure that no one had that experience, so that has been her mission.  Erin spent a decade studying the Mind/Body connection, Visualization, and ways to still the mind.  Over the decade she has created simple strategies to Overcoming and Preventing Anxiety, Stress, Worry and Overwhelm so that all her clients live a life intentionally in Joy.  She has been an entrepreneur for 21 years and consulting businesses and business leaders for 16 years.  If you question who you are and what you are meant to be doing in this life, let Erin help you discover your own path to joy.

    The Seat Of The Soul
    A New Earth
    Reach out to Erin 

     "Step 1 to Joy" call is all about creating value.  It is an opportunity for Erin to listen and be in service by sharing a strategy to help people get on their path to joy and if they are looking for guidance to creating their life of joy what the next steps might be.

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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • How To Develop A Spiritual Walk
    Jun 23 2021

    Nate Rifkin was a lot like so many people who are struggling with finding their path. After dropping out of college, he had dedicated himself to self-help and pursuing my entrepreneurial dreams. Yet he failed to achieve any of his goals. Worse, he spiraled into debt, drank alcohol every morning, felt lonely, lost, and hated himself.

    A few years later – after a brutal bankruptcy and a stint spinning signs on a street corner – Nate quadrupled his income, married the woman of his dreams, and found happiness and contentment.

    What made the difference? Oddly enough, Nate discovered an ancient form of meditation that reversed his downward spiral and elevated the levels of success he never dreamed possible.

    Recently Nate published a book about his journey called The Standing Meditation. Nate is currently training/studying to become a Daoist priest and get his Doctorate in Chinese Energetic Medicine.

    Nate is candid about the pain he went through and gave thoughtful answers to every question. Our listeners will love, relate to, and be inspired by our conversation with Nate Rifkin - as well as receive practical ways to get through their emotional and spiritual roadblocks.

    You can find more out about Nate at www.thestandingmeditation.com

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    45 mins
  • Godly Men - Father's Day Special
    Jun 16 2021

    Simply put: Dr. Joe Martin is passionate about helping men win!

    The truth is, almost every man wants to be a great husband, an awesome father, and a successful provider for his family. But most men are secretly frustrated or afraid of failing in their role as "family leaders." Because deep down inside, most of us don't know how to be the men we desperately desire to be, because more than likely, we didn't have the "right man" in the home to teach us.  And I was one of those men.  

    Dr. Joe is the product of a single, teenage-mother, he successfully survived abject poverty, sexual and physical abuse, father abandonment, anger, depression, rejection, and addiction by graduating from college (first generation, top of his class) at age 20; starting his first business at age 22 (retail clothing store); becoming a university professor at age 24 (youngest in history in the state of Florida); earning his doctorate degree at 28, and writing 2 books by the age of 30, only to lose it all 7 years later due to my addiction to pornography and sex.

    Dr. Joe now dedicates his life to helping men, husbands, and fathers write their own comeback stories or at least prevent them from having to write one at all.

    Dr. Joe Martin is an award-winning internationally-known speaker, author, professor, and certified "man builder" who helps men win at what matters and frustrates them most as husbands, fathers, and spiritual leaders.

    Dr. Joe has authored or co-authored more than nine books, including Man Accomplished!, Are You the Man?, and The Real Man Spiritual Leader Blueprint.  He's also the host of the #1-rated podcast for Christian Men on Apple Podcasts (with more than 1.7 million downloads), and he's interviewed more than 475 men from all over the world from company presidents to prison inmates.

    His  life’s story can be summarized in one simple sentence: “He went from rags to riches to ruined to redemption.”  Having it all by age 30, losing it all by age 40, and gaining it all back by age 50 - now hosting the #1-rated podcast for Christian Men on Apple Podcasts!

    For our listeners, Dr. Joe has offered a FREE on-demand training video for men called "The 5 Critical Things Every Man Needs to Become the Hero of His Home and the Husband, Father, and Leader His Wife Deserves." 

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    56 mins
  • Facing Life Head On
    Jun 7 2021

    Carey Portell is an advocate against distracted driving as well as being an advocate for farm safety. After surviving being hit by an impaired driver, Carey has become a public speaker regarding her recovery, the challenges that she endures, and how working as a disabled cattle farmer/speaker has given her purpose again.

    Awesome. Awesome. So before we leave our conversation and I think that we could probably go on for another hour, cause I'm, I'm, we've really enjoyed this dialogue here, but we always give our guests the last word there. And you know, we've talked about a lot, we've talked about emotional resilience, physical resilience, spiritual resilience. We've talked about thriving versus just surviving. We've talked about a lot, forgiveness,

    Carey is there anything else that you'd like to share with our listeners as to your story and what you've learned that might be helpful for those that are dealing with their own internal struggles

    Yeah. I feel that if you will use the support, the positive support system around you, and if you make a daily choice to have a positive attitude, I don't care what you're going through. It doesn't have to be anything remotely close to what I'm going through. I promise that if you do those two things, you will get through any challenge in your life, but you, you have to choose to use them both

    Carey is the author of the book Facing Life Head On

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    51 mins