• Intimacy and Weight
    May 2 2023

    It’s been a while since my husband and I have had a chance to connect- it’s been a busy spring and we definitely were ready to spend some alone time together. I don’t know if it’s the ducks enjoying the pool more than we are or a matrimonial tv show, but something woke us up to reality- it’s time to start acting like a loving, married couple again. As busy parents of younger children, family in town, and chaotic schedules, there’s always something coming up. Or at least that’s the thought I was having and I was sticking to it. Except this past week some aha’s were changing my tune and it woke me up to years of negative self talk about intimacy.

    What You’ll Learn on this Episode:

    • Neglecting basic self care can lead to inconvenient thoughts 

    • Negative self talk can lead to a lack of connection with loved ones

    • We may blame loved ones for not showing affection when in reality we are in our own way

    • If you’re tired of the mom bun and winter legs, and achy joints, it’s time to do something about it


    Featured on this week’s podcast:

    • Sign up for my free weight loss jumpstart guide- Teacher’s Objective: Losing Weight for the Last Time- you can begin your weight loss journey today, no more waiting

    • Frustrated with your food choices? Download a FREE 5 Day Menu Plan that’s based on whole foods and kids will actually approve of it!

    • Book your discovery call here to explore working with me to get clear on what’s holding you back in your weight loss journey so that we can get you started on the process right away and feeling confident at the front of the classroom.

    • Like the show? Leave a review. It will ensure you’re subscribed so you don’t miss any tips!


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    14 mins
  • Interview with Recipe Creative, Autumn Michaelis
    Apr 25 2023

    It’s 5:00, you’re finally picking up your kiddos after work and then you remember that you haven’t had a chance to prep tonight’s dinner. Do you pull over to the nearest drive thru window or do a quick grocery stop on the way home? The thought of preparing something nourishing sounds time consuming, or is it? Believe it or not, there are some creative minds out there, such as Autumn Michaelis, who have solved that problem for us. Join me as I chat with Autumn who focuses on creating recipes for us busy mommas that can happen in 30 minutes or less. Her recipes are simple, budget friendly, and most importantly loved by kiddos and all family members. She caters to the gluten free, dairy free, whole food world, and offers a lot of flexibility for all. 


    What You’ll Learn on this Episode:

    • How a busy mom of 5 boys makes meal prep and planning happen in a simple and doable way

    • Tips for eating healthy on a budget- it’s not just a special “club” to be a part of 

    • Difference between getting in tune with your body’s needs vs dieter’s mindset

    • How Autumn tamed her sugar dragon and some of the physical benefits she experienced along with it


    Featured on this week’s podcast:

    • Autumn’s recipe website and blog: https://wholefoodfor7.com/ 

    • Whole Food for the Family Cookbook- A book that will never leave your countertop!

    • Autumn’s Instagram

    • Like the show? Leave a review. It will ensure you’re subscribed so you don’t miss any tips!


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    34 mins
  • Disappointment and Body Image
    Apr 18 2023

    Who knew animals could teach us so much. Their strength, ability to bounce back after heartbreak, and optimistic attitude towards life is so refreshing to watch. If you’ve been watching some of my stories on social media, you know about the fun bird adventures we’ve been having as a family in our backyard. Little did we know we’d be attached to some wild ones that flew in about a month ago, and now we feel for little miss Momma Duck as she’s suffered some loss. It’s caused me to be silent, observe, and learn as I watch her each day. It’s led me to reflect on disappointment that I’ve gone through over the years and think about how I handled it and how I’d like to continue handling these feelings. 


    What You’ll Learn on this Episode:

    • Disappointment is a feeling and by going through the thought model, we can see where this disappointment in ourselves stems from

    • Examples from my life as a child and how early comments affected my body views

    • We are in control of our own thoughts and those directly affect our actions and results

    • We don’t need anyone else to meet our needs, we can meet our own needs


    Featured on this week’s podcast:

    • Sign up for my free weight loss jumpstart guide- Teacher’s Objective: Losing Weight for the Last Time- you can begin your weight loss journey today, no more waiting

    • Email any thoughts and questions regarding today’s episode at sonia@wildheartmommas.com 

    • Book your discovery call here to explore working with me to get clear on what’s holding you back in your weight loss journey so that we can get you started on the process right away and feeling confident at the front of the classroom.

    • Like the show? Leave a review. It will ensure you’re subscribed so you don’t miss any tips!


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    15 mins
  • 3 Signs You're Feeling Deprived
    Apr 14 2023

    It’s spring break for a lot of you teacher mommas and a much deserved time off. So many of you need a break from grading, meetings, parent emails, back talk from students, and just the constant prep at home too. I know the day before break means tasting the brief freedom that’s to come, and for some of us it’s no different in our weight loss journey. For way too many years of our life we’ve been on some restrictive diet that gives us a long list of foods to not eat and sadly it usually causes us to overeat. Instead of teaching things like hunger cues, reflecting on emotions, and getting a dose of daily bliss, programs focus on what is too high in points, calories, or fat. 


    What You’ll Learn on this Episode:

    • Physical symptoms of too much food restriction

    • Feeling left out at social situations can lead to overeating and ignoring hunger levels

    • Frustration and boredom with food choices causes us to stray from our plan and goals

    • Freedom to make our own choices can lead to losing weight and keeping it off


    Featured on this week’s podcast:

    • Sign up for my free weight loss jumpstart guide- Teacher’s Objective: Losing Weight for the Last Time- you can begin your weight loss journey today, no more waiting

    • Frustrated with your food choices? Download a FREE 5 Day Menu Plan that’s based on whole foods and kids will actually approve of it!

    • Book your discovery call here to explore working with me to get clear on what’s holding you back in your weight loss journey so that we can get you started on the process right away and feeling confident at the front of the classroom.

    • Like the show? Leave a review. It will ensure you’re subscribed so you don’t miss any tips!


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    13 mins
  • Treat Your Journey with Food Like Your Faith
    Apr 4 2023

    As we near another religious holiday around the corner, I couldn’t help but think about faith this week. It’s been an up and down roller coaster because I find myself to be quite the spiritual seeker and when asked about my beliefs, I am always tempted to hold a “To be continued or To be determined” sign. I grew up in a mixed faith household and I am so glad I did because if anything it taught me acceptance and flexibility. When thinking about prayer and communication with the Divine this week, I started to see some correlation between prayer or meditation and our journey with food. Both rely heavily on communication and when the doors don’t stay open it can lead to distress in our life and on our plate.

    What You’ll Learn on this Episode:

    • The weight loss journey can be a mess in the beginning, much like a relationship with faith

    • It’s important we find a space to be ourselves and feel loved in rituals and our food relationships- both can lead to transformations spiritually and physically 

    • We can’t just “be on program” one day a week, just like we can’t have a strong relationship with the Divine one day a week- it takes lots of open communication

    • How I help teacher moms in a 6 month program to develop a stronger relationship with themselves and food

    Featured on this week’s podcast:

    • Sign up for my free weight loss jumpstart guide- Teacher’s Objective: Losing Weight for the Last Time- you can begin your weight loss journey today, no more waiting

    • Book your discovery call here to explore working with me to get clear on what’s holding you back in your weight loss journey so that we can get you started on the process right away and feeling confident at the front of the classroom.

    • Like the show? Leave a review. It will ensure you’re subscribed so you don’t miss any tips!


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    13 mins
  • Small Wins Lead to the Big Stuff
    Mar 28 2023

    This week I am all about focusing on the small wins that tend to get overlooked on our journey. As I’ve mentioned before, our brain likes to focus on the negative and it’s time we tell our brain, “cut it out.” Think about it- even in an evaluation meeting with administrators, what does your brain do first? It likes to think about all the things you could have done “better” during the lesson. It’s no different with attaining our weight loss goals. But I have a little secret to tell you: by focusing on the small wins, it makes the bigger wins even easier to conquer.


    What You’ll Learn on this Episode:

    • Why teachers deserve to give themselves credit for all that goes well on a daily basis

    • Examples of small wins to focus on each week that add up to bigger changes

    • By looking at accomplishments, body image and confidence will increase as well

    • The private Facebook group for teacher moms is a supportive community for sharing small wins


    Featured on this week’s podcast:

    • Sign up for my free weight loss jumpstart guide- Teacher’s Objective: Losing Weight for the Last Time- you can begin your weight loss journey today, no more waiting

    • Book your discovery call here to explore working with me to get clear on what’s holding you back in your weight loss journey so that we can get you started on the process right away and feeling confident at the front of the classroom.

    • Like the show? Leave a review. It will ensure you’re subscribed so you don’t miss any tips!


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    11 mins
  • Why You Should Clean Up Your Social Media
    Mar 21 2023

    Are you one to scroll your social media at night after all go to bed? What type of accounts do you follow? Would you believe that many of those accounts have a direct impact on your thoughts about weight loss and even your success with weight loss? That was me for way too many years. I was known to religiously check for accounts that reminded me of my life, my looks, how many pounds I wanted to lose, and what did these people eat and drink everyday. It was as if I thought that looking at their picture would magically change me into the woman I wanted to be. Obviously this didn’t serve me in the way I had hoped it would because it wasn’t due to those accounts that I lost the weight and kept it off. It was actually the opposite; it was time to delete those accounts.


    What You’ll Learn on this Episode:

    • Many assume the most important area in their environment to “clean out” is the kitchen, yet they neglect areas that affect mindset

    • Types of social media accounts that can be toxic to your self love relationship

    • Filling your life with positive people who support your goals makes the process more enjoyable 

    • Social media accounts that support holistic weight loss and freedom with food


    Featured on this week’s podcast:

    • Circle of Life Tool Exercise

    • Book your discovery call here to explore working with me to get clear on what’s holding you back in your weight loss journey so that we can get you started on the process right away and feeling confident at the front of the classroom.

    • Sign up for my free weight loss jumpstart guide- Teacher’s Objective: Losing Weight for the Last Time- you can begin your weight loss journey today, no more waiting

    • Like the show? Leave a review. It will ensure you’re subscribed so you don’t miss any tips! 


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    17 mins
  • Are Weight Loss Drugs Just a Band-Aid?
    Mar 14 2023

    Today I am all about the new buzz out there in the weight loss drug realm. While I personally haven’t ventured into them, I do know many teacher mommas who’ve told me they’ve tried it and found them unsuccessful. So I will give you a snapshot into the science behind them, why they may or may not work, and how we can actually get to the root cause of some of our weight loss struggles and keep the extra pounds off for life.


    What You’ll Learn on this Episode:

    • What weight loss drugs will do to your body

    • How weight loss drugs are supposed to change the dynamics of your thoughts

    • Dosage schedule and costs

    • My personal opinion on why drugs aren’t the solution and how to get to your solution in a way that’s less invasive


    Featured on this week’s podcast:

    • Book your discovery call here to explore working with me to get clear on what’s holding you back in your weight loss journey so that we can get you started on the process right away and feeling confident at the front of the classroom.

    • Sign up for my free weight loss jumpstart guide- Teacher’s Objective: Losing Weight for the Last Time- you can begin your weight loss journey today, no more waiting

    • Like the show? Leave a review. It will ensure you’re subscribed so you don’t miss any tips!


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    15 mins