• Reflections on overwhelm
    Sep 30 2024

    Fall season is now in full swing and whether you are a student, a professional or a stay at home parent you may experience a sense of overwhelm with all that you are managing in your life.

    This episode was created to support you in your experiences and provide you with an option you may never have considered.

    Have a listen and show up for yourself in the most loving manner possibly.

    Upon listening to the episode, please let me know what resonated with you!

    If you are interested in exploring BodyMind wellbeing and working with me directly check out www.christianepiano.com.

    Reach out for a FREE 15 minute consult or try out my FREE video series

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    26 mins
  • Reflections on curiosity
    Sep 23 2024

    If you are a student who has gone back to school or simply a student of life, curiosity is an essential foundation to the developmental process at any stage we find ourselves in.

    This episode was recorded to support you in reflecting on where you are placing importance in your own life journey and provides you with an opportunity to perhaps take on a fresh perspective that will enliven you and nudge you to hit the reset button on wherever you may feel stuck.

    Upon listening to the episode, please let me know what resonated with you!

    If you are interested in exploring BodyMind wellbeing and working with me directly check out www.christianepiano.com.

    Reach out for a FREE 15 minute consult or try out my FREE video series

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    18 mins
  • Reflections on fall
    Sep 16 2024

    The beginning of fall is around the corner and is a season that provides each of us with an abundance of opportunities.

    This episode was recorded to support you in supporting yourself, as you transition into this new season, as well as offer you an opportunity to reflect on various aspects of your growth process and as always some nuggets to chew on. Enjoy!

    Upon listening to the episode, please let me know what resonated with you!

    If you are interested in exploring BodyMind wellbeing and working with me directly check out www.christianepiano.com.

    Reach out for a FREE 15 minute consult or try out my FREE video series

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    22 mins
  • Reflections on perfectionism
    Sep 9 2024

    Perfectionistic tendencies have increased substantially among young people over the past 30 years, regardless of gender or culture. This episode was created to support YOU in identifying which area(s) of your life this tendency may be showing up in and how it may be hindering you from creating for yourself what you actually truly desire in your life.

    You will have the opportunity to make new discoveries and perhaps uncover new choices and if anything develop increased clarity that you may choose to apply in your life! Enjoy!

    Upon listening to the episode, please let me know what resonated with you!

    If you are interested in exploring BodyMind wellbeing and working with me directly check out www.christianepiano.com.

    Reach out for a FREE 15 minute consult or try out my FREE video series

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    23 mins
  • Reflections on cadence
    Sep 2 2024

    Welcome back! We have now completed the pause from the release of new episodes, which provided you with the opportunity to play catch up and perhaps re-listen to a previous released episode.
    We are now moving into a new phase! And as we recommence together, this episode will provide you an opportunity to reflect on the rhythms of your life, and take a look at where you may decide to invite shifts away from what is no longer serving you.

    Upon listening to the episode, please let me know what resonated with you!

    If you are interested in exploring BodyMind wellbeing and working with me directly check out www.christianepiano.com.

    Reach out for a FREE 15 minute consult or try out my FREE video series

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    19 mins
  • Reflections on taking one step at a time
    Jul 15 2024

    This episode was created to support you in facing your fears and move out of frozen or overwhelm mode. You will have an opportunity to reflect on taking the next step in some aspect of your life where you are challenged in making a decision, having that conversation or perhaps moving to the next layer of knowing yourself.

    Upon listening to the episode, please let me know what resonated with you!

    If you are interested in exploring BodyMind wellbeing and working with me directly check out www.christianepiano.com.

    Reach out for a FREE 15 minute consult or try out my FREE video series

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    26 mins
  • Reflections on flow like water
    Jul 8 2024

    Create a distinction between "going with the flow" and "flow like water".
    Dive into the element of water in your BodyMind and discover new ways of supporting yourself through BodyMind wellbeing practices.
    Summer is a ripe opportunity to explore and play and enjoy the voyage!
    Are you ready to experience more flow in your life?

    Upon listening to the episode, please let me know what resonated with you!

    If you are interested in exploring BodyMind wellbeing and working with me directly check out www.christianepiano.com.

    Reach out for a FREE 15 minute consult or try out my FREE video series

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    21 mins
  • Reflections on inner-strength
    Jul 1 2024

    This episode was created to support you in accessing ever increasing layers of
    inner-strength. Create the time and space to reflect and see how what I speak to applies to yourself and your life. And then slowly begin to uncover for yourself what happens to your relationship to challenge and adversity and how you begin to show up.

    Upon listening to the episode, please let me know what resonated with you!

    If you are interested in exploring BodyMind wellbeing and working with me directly check out www.christianepiano.com.

    Reach out for a FREE 15 minute consult or try out my FREE video series

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    27 mins