• About Love And Selfless Service
    Sep 13 2024

    Janice Walton and her husband, Dan, were married for more than 60 years. They made every decision, planned every holiday together.

    For six decades.

    They raised their two kids together, providing them with a safe and secure home environment.

    Dan was the love of Janice’s life when, overnight, their world went pear-shaped.

    He began to experience signs of dementia. Janice found herself thrust into a role she was ill prepared for – that of a fulltime caregiver.

    Then, Dan needed surgery. And after the surgery, his mind began to spin away even faster, to the point where Janice had to find a memory facility for him.

    The facility was hit with Covid during the pandemic; Dan became infected and died.

    Suddenly, for the first time in her adult life, she was alone.

    This is a very personal story but one that is not unique. It’s the story of a spouse hurled into the role of caregiver with no roadmap as a guide.

    To try and deal with her grief, Janice began to write. A lot. Today, at the age of 85, she is the author of one book and a newsletter, Aging Well, on Substack.

    Janice shares much of her story this week on The Art 2 Aging.

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    23 mins
  • Technology Is Great
    Sep 6 2024

    Baby boomers have grown up with technology. We’ve seen enormous change over the past seven decades. It’s staggering what has transpired since the days of telephone “party” lines in homes, rotary dial phones, two or three TV channels via an outside antenna – the list goes on.

    So, it’s always odd to hear someone who is NOT a baby boomer make the assumption that older people are clueless about technology. We’re not.

    But what can baffle us is the complexity of technology today. Which baffles many who are much younger, too.

    It is difficult to stay on top of authenticator apps, IPTV apps (and how to configure them), two or three step ID security systems, modems, ethernet, etc. The technology is always changing and tricky to master.

    Ezra Schwartz is a UX developer with more than 30 years experience designing interfaces that are clear and simple. His major complaint with technology – the industry in which he makes his living – is that apps and software platforms have become so complex that they are leaving many older people on the sidelines. He’s our guest this week on The Art 2 Aging and he explains what’s wrong and how to fix it.

    Correction: Ezra Schwartz is a UX designer; he is not a UX developer. Our apologies to Ezra!

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    30 mins
  • A Declaration of War
    Aug 30 2024

    A company called Rest Less has released the results of a survey it did on self employed individuals in the U.K.

    Rest Less has a simple mission: help those in their 50s and older to find jobs. What their survey discovered is that a record number of individuals over 60 have become self-employed. This represents nearly a quarter of all of those in the U.K. who work for themselves.

    It would be a real stretch to say that all those self-employed over 60 are dying to work for themselves. More likely, they are forced to because they can’t find a job with a company. And that’s likely because age discrimination, more commonly known as ageism, is keeping them on the sidelines.

    This week, a conversation with Janine Vanderburg, a veteran consultant who has taken on the task of battling ageism in the workplace, trying to tear down the prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination at work that does such damage to those over 50 and also to the companies that reject their applications.

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    32 mins
  • Life Is A Play In 3 Acts
    Aug 23 2024

    Most of us blunder into retirement without any realization about how much our lives are going to change. We’re entering unchartered waters.

    Or, as our guest this week on The Art 2 Aging, Wayne Lehrer, would say, we are entering our third act without the knowledge of how to make it extraordinary.

    That’s why Wayne looks at life as a play in three acts.

    Act 1 is our personal development up to age 20.

    Act 2 is when we begin striving for success, accumulation, wealth building and family.

    Act 3 likely begins around age 60 and it could be the most challenging one of all.

    Wayne has worn a few hats in his life: IMAX film maker, theme park designer, sculptor, and writer.

    And as he wound his way through his own three-act play, he came to realize that it wasn’t until he reached Act 3 that he began to understand what the play was really about. Listen this week on The Art 2 Aging.

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    45 mins
  • A Man For All Seasons Part 2
    Aug 15 2024

    This week on The Art 2 Aging, we resume our conversation with Jim White. If you’re Canadian, then you will know what President’s Choice is. As well as PC.

    Well, that’s Jim White.

    And if you’ve ever eaten a muffin from Starbuck’s, then you have consumed a Jim White recipe.

    You have probably enjoyed food and beverage products from Costco, Walmart, Wegman’s, Safeway and many other food retailers throughout the U.S. that have Jim’s moniker all over them.

    Jim has enjoyed enormous success in the food and wine industries and he’s done so with very little fanfare.

    Today, the final part of our interview with Jim as he relates how he moved from food to wine because, as Jim would put it, he’d never done it before and it sounded like fun.

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    34 mins
  • A Man For All Seasons
    Aug 8 2024

    There aren’t many entrepreneurs who can boast that they are responsible for not one but two case studies at the prestigious Harvard School of Business.

    Or that they created the best selling cookie in Canada.

    But Jim White can.

    Jim is a 78 year old guy who lives with his wife in Napa Valley. He was born in the U.S. but became a Canadian citizen and lived in Canada for many years.

    During his time north of the border, Jim had careers as a journalist, photographer and food critic, all of which led him down several amazing paths, making him a very successful man in the process.

    Today, at 78, Jim is not slowing down one bit.

    Jim White is our featured guest this week on The Art 2 Aging.

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    28 mins
  • How Supplements Can Slow Aging
    Aug 1 2024

    Cell senescence. Oxidation. Inflammation.

    These three terms represent what often happens to our cells as we grow older.

    Cell senescence refers to cells that lose their fuel and slip back into idle. They aren’t dead cells but they’re basically useless cells that can become cancerous.

    Oxidation is a process in the cells that impacts the cell’s electrical charge in a detrimental way and inflammation in healthy cells can lead to chronic diseases and ailments if left untreated.

    The effect on our bodies is called aging.

    Since we can’t see what’s going on in our cells, a surefire way to avoid any of these three issues is through the use of targeted supplements.

    Our guest today is Dr. Barbara Barrett, a doctor of natural medicine who is an expert on supplement use. Her recommendations for supplement use will be an eye opener for those who listen to this episode of The Art 2 Aging.

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    26 mins
  • The New Medicine Is NOT Another Pill
    Jul 26 2024

    There is so much happening at the forefront of health and wellness right now that it’s difficult to know where to begin.

    What science has discovered about the human body is that it is not chemically based but electrically based. This means your body is electrical and responds to electrical energy. In fact, the body can be healed electrically.

    So, this week on The Art 2 Aging, we’re going to do just that: start to uncover a few universal secrets within the human body.

    Our guest is Dr. Steve Small. Doc Steve, as he refers to himself, is someone you’re going to want to listen to.

    Steve is a doctor of functional medicine who practices what he calls Quantum Integrative Medicine. He practices in L.A. and his patient list is quite literally a Who’s Who of Hollywood.

    What he has to tell you about frequency, vibration, and energy and how your body responds is going to blow you away. More than that, Doc Steve explains why the human body is electrical and how it can always be kept in a healthy state through the use of tiny electrical currents flowing from a hand-held device that is revolutionizing wellness.

    Steve’s message is NOT just theory. Rather it is information you can really make use of. And it is in all likelihood the future of medicine.

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    34 mins