• Stress Management
    Sep 16 2024

    Stress is horrible for your health. It leads to increase risked of diabetes, irritable bowl syndrome, heart disease, anxiety and depression. With that being said it is critical to manage stress in order to avoid adverse effects. In this episode I discuss 5 steps on how you can better manage your stress:

    1. Identify your stressors- becoming aware of your triggers will allow you to develop strategies to deal with them
    2. Control what you can- we only have control over so much so do what you can and let go of the rest
    3. Talk about it- when something is out of your control talking about it may not solve the problem but it can help you feel better about it
    4. Take care of yourself- we often neglect ourselves when we get stressed, it's important to be self aware of your negative tendencies and practice self-care to combat it
    5. Reframe your mindset- sometimes stress can be a good motivator, also it's important to maintain perspective and not let little things spiral into big things

    Make sure to come back next week for an episode full of ideas on how you can begin to aleviate your stress immediately and for the long term.

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    23 mins
  • Get In Tune With Your Intuition
    Sep 10 2024

    Your intuition is that still small voice in the back of your head guiding you through life. It's that visceral gut feeling that tells you to either take the leap or get out of dodge. It's not something you can explain, it's not logical or rational always but it's there. It's that feeling of just knowing even though you can't explain why.

    If you've been wanting to get more in tune with your intuition, lean to hear that still small voice, get in touch with that gut feeling, and learn to trust yourself then this episode is for you!

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    22 mins
  • Fall Bucket List
    Sep 2 2024

    It's officially fall! At least in my book it is. This is my last fall season living in my hometown surrounded by my friends and family before I move halfway across the country and begin a new chapter of my life so I wanted to go big this year.

    In today's episode, I am sharing my fall bucket list to give you some inspiration for some festive, fun, fall activites you and your friends can do this season!

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    13 mins
  • How I Manifested My Dream Destination
    Aug 26 2024

    I'M MOVING!!! I cannot believe this is happening, but after years I have finally manifested my dream destination and am moving to Charleston, South Carolina! In today's episode I am sharing my best manifestation tips, so if you've been wanting to manifest your dream destination, partner, job, etc. then this one is for you!

    In today's episode I discuss:

    1. Take action- manifestation isn't sitting back, wishing, waiting for something to happen, and just hoping it falls into your lap. You've got to give the opportunity you want an opportunity to present itself to you
    2. Get crystal clear- know exactly what it is you want and then visualize it. Make a vision board, scrpit it, act as if, plan it out and get a clear vision in your mind
    3. Speak on it- don't be afraid to share your hopes, dreams and goals with the people you love, you won't jinks something by sharing it. It's okay to speak on things, but remember your words have meaning so be positive and optimistic.
    4. Don't cling to it- don't clench onto something, you recieve with an open hand. Sometimes the answer isn't necessarily no, it's just not yet so be patient and when it is meant for you it will happen.

    I am so excited to share this journey with you guys and I hope that these tips help you manifest your dream destination.

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    20 mins
  • Going Ghost Mode
    Aug 19 2024

    I'm going ghost mode! I have decided that I want to disappear for a while so that I can focus on my goals, work on establish habits that benefit my well-being, uplevel my life, and come out the other side a better version of myself. If you're wanting to go ghost mode to focus on yourself too, then this episode is for you!

    If you're not familiar with the term, ghost mode, it is essentially having a set period of time that you are going to set things aside that don't currently ressonate with your goals, eliminate distractions and get laser focused on your goals, and take breaks from commitments or relationships so that you can put all your time, energy and effort into yourself.

    It's a great way to work on your discipline, make larger strides to your goal, get realigned with your priorities and practice mindfulness and self care. I hope you will join me on this journey!

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    22 mins
  • Underconsumption Core
    Aug 5 2024

    In today's society we are constantly bombarded with ads telling us to buy the new latest and greatest things and I'd be lying if I said I haven't fallen into the overconsumption trap. But in today's economy I am working on being smart with my money and also not wasting money on unecessary purchases and instead working towards my financial goals.

    If you're wanting to start being a more concious consumer than this episode is for you. In today's episode I'm not sharing a list of things I don't think you should buy anymore because I think underconsumption will look different for everyone. instead I am sharing tips on how to get to the root of your consumer habits, shift your mindset and in turn change the way you buy.

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    18 mins
  • My Meal Prep Routine
    Jul 29 2024

    Meal prepping get's this stigma that it has to be chick, broccoli and rice every single day and I am here to tell you that meal prepping is whatever you make it! In today's episode I am breaking down my exact meal prep routine!

    I've talked a lot about meal prepping on this podcast because it is one of my favorite routines I have implemented into my life. It saves me so much time because I am not spending an hour every night cooking, instead I spend 2-3 hours on Sunday preparing for the entire week. It has also saved me so much money because I plan my meals ahead, reduce my food waste, shop sales and eat out less. Lastly it has made making healthier food choices even easier and more convenient than going through a drive thru.

    If you have been wanting to start meal prepping then this episode is for you!

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    19 mins
  • Hack Your Happiness Hormones
    Jul 23 2024

    Did you know that you can hack your brain to release happiness hormones and give you that feel good feeling whenever you want? In today's episode I am going over the four happiness hormones and things that you can do to trigger your brain to release them and feel happier.

    The Happiness Hormones:

    1. Dopamine: the pathway to pleasure, most notably involved in helping you feel a sense of accomplishment as a part of the brains rewards system
    2. Serotonin: the natural mood booster, serotonin affects a variety of functions and behaviors but is often linked to your gut, appetitie and digestion
    3. Endorphines: the brains natural pain reliever, triggered in times of stress and discomfort
    4. Oxytocin: the love hormone, has a positive impact on social behaviors and allows you to relax, trust and connect

    The tips in today's episode are super easy ways you can trigger happiness hormones. These science backed tasks that realease the happiness hormones are easy to incorporate into your day to day life and are guaranteed to make you feel good.

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    20 mins