• EP 169: Did You Know That You Have the Possibility to Recover? LISTEN IN for Hope, Testimonies & Truth
    Sep 13 2024

    Hey love!

    I'm honored to have your listen of today's episode on the Her Best Self podcast.

    Typically, I feel a prompting as I'm about to sit down & record the show to prep a certain topic & I dive right in to my zone of genius to show up for you & provide you with all the BEST content. Yet, today when I sat down it felt different. I felt completely called to serve someone today. I felt called to lean in & whisper to YOU. I felt prompted to share straight to your heart from mine, that recovery from food controlling your life is POSSIBLE.

    &, I felt committed to providing you with hope, love, encouragement, & inspiration for when you just aren't "feeling" it. Because life & freedom from an eating disorder isn't linear. You will have days where you are on top of the world & days where you don't want to get dressed.

    But listen in girl...

    You did NOT come this far, to only come this far.

    You did NOT walk this path for this long, to walk away without victory.

    You did NOT find my show by coincidence. Don't you see? It's all part of the plan.

    It's all part of your story.

    You are here for a purpose & a reason. You were called to live a BOLD life. A BIG life. A life not revolved around shrinking your body to make you feel valued.

    Your very BEST & true self doesn't need to be controlled, manipulated, maintained or micromanaged.

    You see, the biggest lie I ever believed was a smaller me was a better me. It was indeed a "different" me. But it didn't make me happier.

    Friend, I pray today that you have the courage to break the patterns that are no longer serving you & that you start showing YOU who you truly are. This is your time!


    Thank you so much for your listen to the show girl & don't forget to come on out to our private FB community, www.herbestselfsociety.com & share a win from your week!

    I'll talk to you real soon girl!



    Find All the Things -> wwww.herbestself.co


    Coach with Me ->Client Application


    Email me directly -> info@lindseynichol.com


    Join the free FB community -> www.herbestselfsociety.com

    ______ Need a helping hand guiding you girl!? You don’t have to do this alone! Step 1: Go all IN! Decide to commit to yourself & your future! Do it scared girlfriend. Just do it!

    Step 2: Apply for limited 1:1 & let’s work together -> Client Application

    Step 3: Leverage the FB community for support & stay tuned for all the resources up & coming to help serve you! YOU TOTALLY GOT THIS!

    * While I am a certified health coach, anorexia survivor & eating disorder recovery coach, I do not intend the use of this message to serve as medical advice. Please refer to the disclaimer here in the show & be sure to contact a licensed clinical provider if you are struggling with an eating disorder.

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    11 mins
  • EP 168.5: **FAV ALERT!!** Eat Smarter, Not Harder Sis! The Pre-decision Strategy To Implement Today for Lasting Food Freedom
    Sep 10 2024

    Good Morning sister friend!

    Did you know that you make as many as 35,000 decisions every single day?

    But if you struggle with unhealthy behaviors tied to food & control over your food, 9 times out of 10 you will make a bad decision towards living your very best life if you aren't mindful. That is because decisions made in stress & with anxiety....those are the worst decisions of all.

    But it doesn't have to be this way!

    In Episode 168.5 of the podcast I teach you all about how to avoid this trap. I share with you the power to PRE-DECIDE all over again! This one is SOOO good girl!


    Pre-deciding allows you to accumulate a record of wins, while reinforcing the importance of recovery, plus...it actually gets you "doing the thing"!

    Listen in to this one sis! I break down the benefits of pre-deciding, as well as what steps you can take right now to practice the process of pre-decision this week!

    I just know you are gonna love this one!

    Decisions determine your destiny. Let's make a good one!



    Find All the Things -> www.herbestself.co


    Coach with Me ->Client Application


    Email me directly -> info@lindseynichol.com


    Join the free FB community -> www.herbestselfsociety.com

    ______ Need a helping hand guiding you girl!? You don’t have to do this alone! Step 1: Go all IN! Decide to commit to yourself & your future! Do it scared girlfriend. Just do it!

    Step 2: Apply for limited 1:1 & let’s work together -> Client Application

    Step 3: Leverage the FB community for support & stay tuned for all the resources up & coming to help serve you! YOU TOTALLY GOT THIS!

    * While I am a certified health coach, anorexia survivor & eating disorder recovery coach, I do not intend the use of this message to serve as medical advice. Please refer to the disclaimer here in the show & be sure to contact a licensed clinical provider if you are struggling with an eating disorder.

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    16 mins
  • EP 168: Are You Aware of Your Recovery Roadblocks? The Top 15 Hidden Hurdles in Eating Disorder Recovery
    Sep 6 2024

    Happy Friday sister friend!

    We have arrived girl...oh how we have arrived! TGIF!

    This first week of September has felt like a month for me. With back to school, back to routines, and back to the business trenches, it has been a very long (short) week!

    Today, I noticed I was daydreaming in my head of our next beach vacation. I am so not ready to say goodbye to warm weather just yet.

    Anyhoo...I do enjoy the fall. It's beautiful in our neighborhood with all of the landscaping and makes our usual morning walk to school a pleasurable one.

    Speaking of morning walks to school...today the boys decided to ride their bikes. And it just so happens that our street was under construction. Just when I thought we had plenty of time to get there...ROADBLOCK! There were signs and construction and black tar everywhere!!

    Good news is we did officially make it before the dreaded late bell, but it sparked inspiration for today's episode.


    In Episode 168 of the podcast I talk about roadblocks....RECOVERY ROADBLOCKS!

    I share 15 top hidden hurdles in recovery that are extremely common and can be overcome but will keep you STUCK right where you are if you aren't aware of the detour. Listen in to this one friend and spread this message of freedom with someone you love.

    I can't wait to share today's show with you!

    Sending love & recovery hugs,


    Find All the Things -> wwww.herbestself.co


    Coach with Me ->Client Application


    Email me directly -> info@lindseynichol.com


    Join the free FB community -> www.herbestselfsociety.com

    ______ Need a helping hand guiding you girl!? You don’t have to do this alone! Step 1: Go all IN! Decide to commit to yourself & your future! Do it scared girlfriend. Just do it!

    Step 2: Apply for limited 1:1 & let’s work together -> Client Application

    Step 3: Leverage the FB community for support & stay tuned for all the resources up & coming to help serve you! YOU TOTALLY GOT THIS!

    * While I am a certified health coach, anorexia survivor & eating disorder recovery coach, I do not intend the use of this message to serve as medical advice. Please refer to the disclaimer here in the show & be sure to contact a licensed clinical provider if you are struggling with an eating disorder.

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    18 mins
  • EP 167: Do This ONE Thing When You Feel Anxious, Stressed, Discouraged & Emotional in Life & Recovery🫶
    Sep 3 2024

    Hey girl!

    How was your weekend?

    I hope you had a great one!

    We celebrated Labor Day & relaxed, rejuvenated & did absolutely NOTHING!

    Oh, how it was glorious....well maybe for my hubby & I.

    We were planning on going camping, but the hustle of another weekend away felt like so much....our bodies literally needed to be home.

    I literally adore being home. How about you?


    So the one thing that I did accomplish over the weekend was a level set with myself.

    I have been feeling so unaligned since vacay & I couldn't put my finger on what was off with me. But today, I grabbed my journal & pen & did some personal reflection that changed the game.

    Your girl is BACK!


    & I knew I needed to do an encouraging episode to share it with you!

    In Episode 167 of the podcast, I discuss the importance of self-reflection, & I share with you tons of questions that you can ask yourself when you are feeling lost, anxious, stressed, discouraged & emotional.

    I hope this one helps you create action for you in your life, so that you can step into your healthiest most vibrant self.

    I love ya girl!



    Find All the Things -> wwww.herbestself.co


    Coach with Me ->Client Application


    Email me directly -> info@lindseynichol.com


    Join the free FB community -> www.herbestselfsociety.com

    ______ Need a helping hand guiding you girl!? You don’t have to do this alone! Step 1: Go all IN! Decide to commit to yourself & your future! Do it scared girlfriend. Just do it!

    Step 2: Apply for limited 1:1 & let’s work together -> Client Application

    Step 3: Leverage the FB community for support & stay tuned for all the resources up & coming to help serve you! YOU TOTALLY GOT THIS!

    * While I am a certified health coach, anorexia survivor & eating disorder recovery coach, I do not intend the use of this message to serve as medical advice. Please refer to the disclaimer here in the show & be sure to contact a licensed clinical provider if you are struggling with an eating disorder.

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    15 mins
  • EP 166: 6 Things to Remember About Your Past That Will Help You Heal From Trauma & Catapult You Into Your Future
    Aug 30 2024

    Happy Thursday sister friend!

    Can you believe August is coming to an end?

    Ohhh how I am not ready to leave the summer behind!

    Speaking of leaving things behind, in Episode 166 on the HBS podcast, I share with you an inspirational episode that will have you rethinking how you view your past, so that you can find freedom in your future.

    If you feel trapped in your thinking & constantly find yourself revisiting old traumas & events then today's show is perfect for you.

    You no longer need to play the past on repeat....you don't live there anymore!

    It's time to leave your past trauma behind & show yourself love & compassion as you navigate healing forward.


    The deepest, heaviest, darkest pain is most often what catapults you into your highest & best self.


    Tune in to this one to hear the 6 things to remember about your past that will help you heal from trauma, so that you can experience life to the absolute fullest.

    I believe in you sis!

    It's time to unfriend, unfollow & delete the past stories & past version of you, because she can't go where you are headed next.

    With love & so many hugs,


    Find All the Things -> wwww.herbestself.co


    Coach with Me ->Client Application


    Email me directly -> info@lindseynichol.com


    Join the free FB community -> www.herbestselfsociety.com

    ______ Need a helping hand guiding you girl!? You don’t have to do this alone! Step 1: Go all IN! Decide to commit to yourself & your future! Do it scared girlfriend. Just do it!

    Step 2: Apply for limited 1:1 & let’s work together -> Client Application

    Step 3: Leverage the FB community for support & stay tuned for all the resources up & coming to help serve you! YOU TOTALLY GOT THIS!

    * While I am a certified health coach, anorexia survivor & eating disorder recovery coach, I do not intend the use of this message to serve as medical advice. Please refer to the disclaimer here in the show & be sure to contact a licensed clinical provider if you are struggling with an eating disorder.

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    17 mins
  • EP 165: Coaching Over Coffee ~ ”How Do I Accept My Body & Continue to Make the Right Choices When I Feel Myself Gaining Weight?"
    Aug 27 2024

    Hey girl HEYY!

    How is your week starting? I hope so very well!

    But to make it even better, I'd love for you to join me in another coaching over coffee episode on the HBS podcast today!


    In Coaching over Coffee, Episode 165 I answer the question:

    "How do I accept my body & continue to make the right choices when I feel myself gaining weight?"


    Here is a hint, (but I encourage you to listen to the full episode still):

    If you find yourself questioning this part of the recovery process the first step is to understand how recovery works.

    What you are experiencing, I have also experienced. This comes from ED & the only way around it is to shift your perspective & begin to accept that maybe your body just isn't supposed to be controlled, forced or manipulated into a size.

    When you live life from a place of restriction...you believe you aren't allowed to have something, you shame yourself & you go against what it is you actually want....CONTROL, PEACE & FREEDOM.

    Body Acceptance is Key!


    Newsflash sis...

    "Your body is NOT your masterpiece, your life is." ~Glennon Doyle


    Reality is, you can continue to trust the process even if you don't love the process. You can trust that this is what is healthy for you & what is best for you long term.

    Your body was never meant to fit into your idea of perfection. Once you allow it to be free, is when you can experience true healing.

    I hope this episode gives you more permission to do the next right thing!

    I believe in you :)


    Listen in to this one & don't forget to come share your thoughts & feedback with us in our private facebook community!

    & if you have a question you'd like to have answered on the pod, you can shoot me an email directly at info@lindseynichol.com.



    Find All the Things -> wwww.herbestself.co


    Coach with Me ->Client Application


    Email me directly -> info@lindseynichol.com


    Join the free FB community -> www.herbestselfsociety.com

    ______ Need a helping hand guiding you girl!? You don’t have to do this alone! Step 1: Go all IN! Decide to commit to yourself & your future! Do it scared girlfriend. Just do it!

    Step 2: Apply for limited 1:1 & let’s work together -> Client Application

    Step 3: Leverage the FB community for support & stay tuned for all the resources up & coming to help serve you! YOU TOTALLY GOT THIS!

    * While I am a certified health coach, anorexia survivor & eating disorder recovery coach, I do not intend the use of this message to serve as medical advice. Please refer to the disclaimer here in the show & be sure to contact a licensed clinical provider if you are struggling with an eating disorder.

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    19 mins
  • EP 164.5: Do You Desperately Want Freedom but You're Terrified to Gain Weight? Stop the Madness & Face the Fear! **FAV ALERT!!**
    Aug 23 2024

    Hey sweet sister!

    Welcome back to the Her Best Self Podcast.

    Today, I'm dropping one of the most listened episodes of all time!

    In this replay, I share with you the raw & real.....of what you can do when you are simply terrified to gain weight.


    If you find yourself scared to eat more because you are afraid you will gain weight...then this is your sign to listen in friend & to apply these steps today, which I'm sharing to help you along your journey. Maybe, you know that in order to get "stronger" or "healthier" you will indeed need to put on some LBs, but the mere thought fuels you with debilitating anxiety?

    Gosh, do I get it!

    The scariest thing for me during my recovery from anorexia was gaining weight.

    I cared so very much what others thought of me....& I was terrified that I may not like myself if I gained weight & actually had a normal life.

    If this is you today friend, I encourage you to LISTEN IN to the show!

    I share with you 4 steps for you to take RIGHT NOW, to help you navigate this crippling topic of weight gain.

    Weight restoration can be scary, but staying chained to food controlling your life is even more terrifying. You can do this!

    I hope today's show brings clarity to your spirit, & I hope it shifts your perspective to embrace the recovery journey & breathe easy.....recovery is possible for you!



    Find All the Things -> www.lindseynichol.com


    Coach with Me -> https://herbestself.co/services


    Email me directly -> info@lindseynichol.com


    Join the free FB community -> www.facebook.com/groups/herbestselfsociety/

    ______ Need a helping hand guiding you girl!? You don’t have to do this alone! Step 1: Go all IN! Decide to commit to yourself & your future! Do it scared girlfriend. Just do it! Step 2: Apply for limited 1:1 & let’s work together at www.lindseynichol.com/apply-for-coaching Step 3: Leverage the FB community for support & stay tuned for all the resources up & coming to help serve you! YOU TOTALLY GOT THIS!

    * While I am a certified health coach, anorexia survivor & eating disorder recovery coach, I do not intend the use of this message to serve as medical advice. Please refer to the disclaimer here in the show & be sure to contact a licensed clinical provider if you are struggling with an eating disorder.

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    13 mins
  • EP 164: Reframe Your Recovery With These 10 Powerful Mindset Shifts for Healing & Growth✨
    Aug 20 2024

    Ohhh Happy Day!

    Or is it? I hope you are hanging in there sis!

    In my neck of the woods, my mom turned 70 today & I caught myself going down a long dark hole of the "what ifs" & negative thoughts. I found myself wondering just how many more years I had left with her.

    But I stopped myself mid-thought cycle & held the negative Nancy committee captive in my mind while I REFRAMED to something way more powerful & positive.

    Research tells us that 95% of our thoughts are set on repeat every single day & out of all of those, nearly 80% are negative....freaking wow! Am I right?

    What this means is you will continue to allow those negative thoughts to impact your life UNTIL you change the song & rewrite the lyrics.

    In Episode 164 of the Her Best Self Podcast, I share 10 recovery reframes for you to leverage TODAY that will have you changing your perspective & your life.

    This one is full of truth, so make sure to grab a notebook & pen so that you can use some of these phrases this week when you find yourself revisiting those old recycled lies.

    I hope you enjoy today's show as much as I enjoyed recording it for you :)

    & don't forget to come on out to our private FB community, www.herbestselfsociety.com & share with us your fav reframe from Episode 164!

    I'll talk to you real soon girl!



    Find All the Things -> wwww.herbestself.co


    Coach with Me ->Client Application


    Email me directly -> info@lindseynichol.com


    Join the free FB community -> www.herbestselfsociety.com

    ______ Need a helping hand guiding you girl!? You don’t have to do this alone! Step 1: Go all IN! Decide to commit to yourself & your future! Do it scared girlfriend. Just do it!

    Step 2: Apply for limited 1:1 & let’s work together -> Client Application

    Step 3: Leverage the FB community for support & stay tuned for all the resources up & coming to help serve you! YOU TOTALLY GOT THIS!

    * While I am a certified health coach, anorexia survivor & eating disorder recovery coach, I do not intend the use of this message to serve as medical advice. Please refer to the disclaimer here in the show & be sure to contact a licensed clinical provider if you are struggling with an eating disorder.

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    17 mins