• 139 - Who Rules Your Rules? Examining Oppression and Your Core Identity with the Thirteen Ghost Points
    Mar 13 2025

    In our final episode on the Thirteen Ghost Points, we discuss how they serve as metaphors for past traumas, events, or aspects of ourselves that haunt us. The journey through these themes is all about confronting these ghosts and working through them to cultivate a deeper sense of self.

    This episode addresses your ability to guide your own destiny and connect with your higher self. It's about asking yourself the tough questions: Are you living by your own rules? Are you fulfilling your true purpose?

    Exploring Ghost Official and Ghost Seal

    In this episode, we delve into two significant Ghost Points: Ghost Official and Ghost Seal.

    • Ghost Official: This is about being in charge of your destiny. It asks us to examine whether we are living under our own life's rules or if we are being oppressed by the expectations and control of others. The key takeaway here is the freedom to fulfill your own will and walk your own path.

    • Ghost Seal: This point speaks to the core essence of who you are, predating even this lifetime. It challenges us to connect with our authentic self, beyond labels and roles society gives us. Who were you before life defined you as an occupation, a familial role, or social identity?

    Unfinished Business and a Life of Completion

    A life with no unfinished business is one that aligns with your core purposes and values, bringing the idea of completing your life's journey with a sense of fulfillment. By working through these themes, you can clear past burdens, enabling you to fully realize and embody your authentic self.

    Join the Alchemical Journey

    Our exploration of the 13 Ghost Points ties in seamlessly with our upcoming book, Cultivating the Thirteen Ghost Points. If you want more information about the book, you can sign up to receive updates about the book launch and more at AlchemyLearningCenter.com.

    We also invite you to join us for our upcoming live events. We’re hosting a webinar on March 31st, 2025 about Alchemy and Stone Medicine, an ancient Chinese healing modality, at the end of March. This event promises to be as enlightening as our podcast discussions.

    00:43 Engaging with Your Ghosts 01:06 Deep Dive into the Last Two Points 01:38 Self-cultivation and the New Book 03:24 Introduction to Stone Medicine 03:48 Personal Connection with Stones 05:51 Exploring Ghost Official 06:51 Understanding Will Blocks 07:29 Living by Your Own Rules 08:41 Exploring Ghost Seal
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    16 mins
  • 138 - Lost and Found: Embracing Intimacy - Reclaiming Your Innocence with the Ghost Points
    Mar 4 2025

    In this episode, we discuss the next Ghost Points themes surrounding intimacy with yourself and the safest people in your life as well as releasing the guilt and shame you may be carrying.

    Ghost Hall: Embracing Intimacy with Yourself and Others

    Intimacy, whether with yourself or others, often involves vulnerability and trust. When we've been betrayed or taught to doubt ourselves, we often feel uncomfortable and afraid to expose our inner selves. Cultivating intimacy starts with introspection and building trust within yourself first.

    Ghost Hall, is a metaphor for a private sanctuary within you- a small, intimate chamber next to your heart. You decide who is safe enough to be allowed into that intimate space. Intimacy is about trusting yourself to make the decision as to who to let in so that you can reclaim your power and achieve a deeper sense of connection with others.

    Ghost Hidden: The Journey Through Shame and Guilt

    Shame and guilt can be significant barriers to achieving innocence and self-forgiveness. Forgiveness, particularly of yourself, allows for healing and can guide you back to your original state of innocence. The theme of Ghost Hidden is about embracing the idea that freedom and innocence are innate rights, available to everyone willing to undertake this journey of self-discovery.

    00:52 Deep Dive into Intimacy and Innocence 01:19 Exploring Ghost Hall and Ghost Hidden 01:31 The Importance of Self-Cultivation and Awareness 05:34 Understanding Ghost Hall 08:33 The Concept of Intimacy with Yourself 10:17 Challenges of Vulnerability and Trust 12:28 Introduction to Ghost Hidden 12:53 Dealing with Shame and Guilt 13:58 Advanced Forgiveness and Innocence 16:28 Conclusion and Final Thoughts Links

    Advanced Forgiveness Meditation

    Silly Walks


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    Through the Mystery Gate book


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    18 mins
  • 137 - Fields of Healing and Change - Interview with Keith Parker
    Feb 20 2025

    In this episode, we consider the realm of fields of energy in our healing journeys. This interview Keith Parker from Field Dynamics is a fascinating journey through the realms of energy fields, healing, and the intricate connection between mind, body, and spirit.

    Keith elaborates on how energy fields are often described in various cultures and spiritual traditions as chi, prana, or aura, encapsulating electromagnetic, bioelectrical, and informational domains.

    Join us for this thought-provoking conversation and uncover the intricate pathways that lead to a deeper connection with our inner healing potential. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or a curious seeker, this episode explores the boundless possibilities of energy fields in enhancing healing.

    00:31 Exploring the Heart's Energy Field 01:54 The Intersection of Science and Alchemy 03:44 The Power of Thoughts and Emotions 06:11 Introducing Keith Parker 07:37 Understanding Energy Fields 19:46 The Science Behind Energy Fields 32:21 Quantum Entanglement and Modern Science 33:49 The Holographic Principle and Reality 35:41 Fractals and the Nature of the Universe 39:24 Mind, Body, and Spirit: A Unified Perspective 43:03 The Heart's Role in Inner Transformation 49:01 Meditation and Self-Cultivation
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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • 136 - Giving or Hiding Your Gifts from the World? - Ghost Market and Ghost Cave
    Feb 18 2025

    This episode focuses on two themes: Ghost Market and Ghost Cave.

    Ghost Market: Honoring Your Gifts

    How do you present yourself to the world? Are you offering your unique gifts to those who most need them? Or are you hiding them away? Ghost Market is a metaphor for your unique talents. Can you connect with those who need your gifts? What is your "elevator pitch" for your skills and strengths?

    Ghost Cave: Journey into the Heart

    At the core of the Ghost points lies the Ghost Cave, which represents the heart's immaterial space—the essence of who you truly are. Heart pains, stemming from limitations and disappointments, often clutter this space. Can you release these burdens to free the heart and allow it to flourish authentically?

    00:41 Understanding the Ghost Points 02:24 Ghost Market and Ghost Cave 04:54 The Concept of the Heart 06:20 Exploring the Ghost Market 17:14 Delving into the Ghost Cave


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    Through the Mystery Gate book


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    29 mins
  • 135 - Restless or Stressless Nights? 💤 - Ghost Pillow and Ghost Bed
    Jan 22 2025

    😴 Look Under The Covers: Ghost Points for Better Sleep and Deeper Self Awareness 🥱

    In this podcast episode, we discuss the mysteries of the Ghost Pillow and Ghost Bed points from Chinese Medicine, guiding you through self cultivational practices to perhaps uncover your unconscious beliefs and obsessive thoughts that can disrupt sleep. This episode is not just a conversation, but an invitation to become aware of your patterns, release what no longer serves you, and step into a life of greater authenticity and peace.

    Whether it's through meditation, contemplation, or simply being more vigilant with your thoughts, this episode offers practical tips and empowering insights to transform hidden aspects of yourself that may be affecting your sleep at night. Join us for our continued podcast journey through the Thirteen Ghost points and your potential path to realized self-awareness and living the life you truly want will appear.

    00:40 Exploring Ghost Pillow and Ghost Bed 01:09 Symbolism of Ghost Points 01:16 Deep Thoughts and Feelings 05:40 Understanding Unconscious Beliefs 06:11 Role of the Heart Protector 06:58 Repressing Emotions in Chinese Medicine 10:24 Meditation and Contemplation Techniques 10:54 Working with Unconscious Beliefs 13:33 Ghost Pillow: Support and Safety 17:23 Ghost Bed: Obsessive Thoughts 19:34 Homework and Practical Tips 22:09 Recap and Final Thoughts


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    Through the Mystery Gate book

    #InspiredActionPodcast #InnerTransformation #GhostPoints #PersonalGrowth #AuthenticLiving #AlchemyJourney

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    27 mins
  • 134 - Ghost Heart/Ghost Road - Who's in the Driver's Seat?
    Jan 10 2025
    Are you embracing your authenticity—both in our relationships and your life's path? Are you being genuine with loved ones and staying true to your destiny? Cultivating Heartfelt Connections

    Can you free yourself from past heartaches and embrace new connections? Your Heart Protector might tell stories of inadequacy, but recognizing and questioning these beliefs can unlock the door to genuine relationships. Do you have defensive patterns that stop you from opening your heart.

    Walking Your True Destiny

    Are you aligned with your heart's true path in life? Explore what you believe about the balance between destiny and free will. Are external forces or past experiences taking you off your Dao's course? There's no judgment here—only a call to honesty and self-reflection.

    00:31 Introduction to I Ching 06:19 Season 8 Theme: 13 Ghost Points 07:12 Living Authentically and True Destiny 14:31 Exploring the Concept of Ghost Heart 15:40 The Domino Effect of Trauma 16:21 Rebuilding Trust and Connection 18:10 Defensiveness and the Heart Protector 21:29 Understanding Your Life Path 26:36 Overcoming Addictions and Will Blocks 28:40 Self-Cultivation Homework


    Upcoming Live Webinar - January 14, 2025 - Release Chaotic Energy: Reclaim Balance and Vitality

    Learn how to give yourself an I-Ching reading

    I-Ching Hexagram lookup


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    32 mins
  • 133 - Can You See What You Need to See? - Exploring How you See the World with the Thirteen Ghost Points
    Dec 23 2024
    The next two Ghost Points in our series are about how we receive input from the outer world and how we actually see the world. These insights are invaluable for anyone striving to cultivate greater authenticity in their life. Ghost Convincing: This theme challenges us to recognize when we're being influenced by external pressures or "gaslighting." It's about trusting our inner truth and being aware of when something feels off. Ghost Eyes: This theme encourages us to reflect on how past experiences, especially traumas, might cloud our current perceptions. It's about seeing clearly without letting the past dictate our present. Building Trust in Yourself To cultivate Trust, start with small steps to rebuild trust in yourself. Whether following a gut instinct about a seemingly simple decision, like taking an umbrella when it doesn't look like rain, or reflecting on bigger life choices, nurturing this inner trust is key to authenticity. For those who might feel overwhelmed due to past traumas, the journey may take time, but it's worth the effort. Recognize situations where you might have doubted yourself and try to understand the underlying truth of those moments. Moving Forward with Confidence While the past may have shaped us, it doesn't have to define us. By reconnecting with our authentic self, we can cultivate the Thirteen Ghost Points to approach the world with clarity and confidence. 08:00 Introduction to the 13 Ghost Points 08:42 Understanding Ghost Convincing 09:47 Trusting Your Instincts 10:12 Reconnecting with Your Inner Truth 12:17 The Impact of Trauma on Trust 13:04 Baby Steps to Rebuild Trust 14:38 How You See the World 15:50 Hypervigilance and Trauma 16:12 The Exhaustion of Hypervigilance 16:27 Different Perspectives and Vantage Points 17:20 Influence of Past Traumas 17:46 Homework: Observing Your Assumptions 19:51 Hypervigilance as an Excuse 20:20 Living Authentically 20:39 Energetic Work and Self Cultivation 21:35 Recognizing Gaslighting 21:47 Gentleness and Self-Care ********************************* Visit the Podcast Website: Click here to get more information on the Inspired Action podcast and the Five Element Fridays podcast. Visit the Alchemy Learning Center Website: Click here to get more information about our meditations and online classes. Join Our Facebook Group Click here to join our Facebook group for additional content or to send us a question. Join Our Inner Circle If you would like to join our email newsletter list, click here. (We will never sell or misuse your email in any way, it is safe.) Through the Mystery Gate book #InspiredActionPodcast
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    24 mins
  • 132 - Knock-Knock, Who's There? - Exploring the Door to YOU through the Thirteen Ghost Points
    Nov 25 2024
    🚪 What does your 'door to the world' look like? How do different Elements like Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water interface with the world? 🌈 Plus, mini-update on the 5 Spirits... 🌿 Tune in and begin your journey to rediscover your true self! 💫 00:28 Diving into the 13 Ghost Points 02:42 Understanding the Five Spirits 09:55 Exploring your Door to the World 18:44 Exploring Your True Self 19:13 Understanding the Five Element types of Doors 20:14 Wood Element: Engaging with the World 22:13 Fire Element: Embracing Social Connections 24:41 Earth Element: Balancing Care and Boundaries 28:29 Metal Element: Integrity and Interaction 31:21 Water Element: Trust and Expression 33:02 Inspired Action: Healing and Authenticity 36:46 Conclusion and Next Steps


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    38 mins