
  • Samuel Smith: Monetizing By Giving Away Value
    Sep 13 2024

    About Samuel Smith: Samuel Smith, a.k.a the Small Business Surgeon, is an experienced Fractional Marketing Director. With a knack for diagnosing business challenges, treating marketing shortcomings, and scaling growth, he brings a unique blend of strategic thinking, professional expertise, and innovative solutions to your business.

    He delves deep beneath the surface, understanding the root cause of your business challenges, and offers holistic and effective marketing solutions that go beyond treating the symptoms.

    In this episode, JJ, Doug, and Samuel Smith discuss:

    • Practicing your podcasting skills
    • Building your audience through strategic interviews
    • Creating value-driven content for podcast success
    • Consistency and audience engagement for monetization

    Key Takeaways:

    • Commit yourself to practicing your podcasting skills, recognizing that it’s going to take a lot of time and experience to be the best that you can be.
    • Interview people who already have audiences and you won’t have to build your own, you can borrow from theirs. Podcasting gives you the ability to create a relationship with the audience that will make them want to refer you if not buy from you.
    • Everything you put out must be driven by value. Give the information for free, then sell the accountability and implementation.
    • Stay consistent, build your audience, and provide value to achieve success. If you want to monetize, listen to your audience. Find their pain points and see how you can provide value that will alleviate those.

    Everything I put out is value-driven. I give away the information for free, and then we sell the accountability and the implementation.” - Samuel Smith

    Connect with Samuel Smith:

    Website: https://smallbusinesssurgeon.com/

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    50 mins
  • Rachel Harrison: Nurture Your Superfans
    Aug 30 2024

    About Rachel Harrison: Her main objective has always been to do work that connects with people and to work that is a help to the world. She has developed a wide range of skills over the years in my many different jobs, which has given her a depth of knowledge she appreciates and uses every day. She enjoys working with people and helping to improve communication and the quality of the work being done. In 2020 she was guided to share the transformation that she has had from her recovery from alcoholism in a podcast that she calls Recover Your Soul. This led to achieving a lifelong dream to become an Ordained Minister in 2021 and expanding Recover Your Soul to include Spiritual Coaching, speaking, writing, and teaching.

    In this episode, JJ, Doug, and Rachel Harrison discuss:

    • Authenticity and alignment
    • Focusing on quality rather than quantity
    • Nurturing your superfans
    • Adapting your content

    Key Takeaways:

    • Be authentic and find a niche that resonates deeply within you. Prioritize forming a community rather than outright monetization. Always be of service to others and remain true to your authentic selves, aligning your business with your purpose and passion.
    • Focus on creating a quality product and nurture your superfans. Explore different revenue streams, such as Patreon, in order to empower and sustain your passion with financial stability. Profit and purpose can coexist harmoniously.
    • A smaller audience doesn’t necessarily mean smaller earnings. Don’t look at the number of followers, look at the depth of the connection that you have with your loyal listeners. Engage consistently with your superfans, and nurture your loyal and supportive community no matter how big or small it is.
    • Keep a pulse on your listeners’ needs and adapt your content accordingly. Recognize and cater to the diverse needs of your audience, providing alternative perspectives and resources to support their individual journeys.

    Have a quality product and do it for your passion. Make sure that you're being authentic to yourself.” - Rachel Harrison

    Connect with Rachel Harrison:

    Website: https://www.recoveryoursoul.net/

    Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/recover-your-soul-a-spiritual-path-to-a-happy/id1526021318

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/recoveryoursoulpodcast/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/recoveryoursoul.net/

    Connect with JJ and Doug:




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    53 mins
  • Guest to Gold Strategy
    Jul 4 2024

    In this episode, JJ and Doug discuss:

    • Transitioning from podcast to thriving business
    • Breaking the limits of podcast monetization
    • The most underrated and impactful monetization strategy
    • The multi-step process of podcast monetization

    Key Takeaways:

    • Turn your podcast into a thriving business by engaging with your audience and discovering service opportunities. If your podcast isn’t working out according to plan, don’t worry because podcasts can evolve beyond their original purpose and become something better.
    • The power of a podcast isn't limited to direct monetization; it can effectively serve as a lead magnet and a part of a sales funnel. Use guest appearances for soft selling and qualify potential clients through podcast interactions.
    • One of the most underrated yet most impactful strategy in podcast monetization is the 'guest-to-gold' approach, which involves transforming podcast guests into clients, referral sources, or even joint venture partners. This is achieved through authentic relationship-building rather than focusing on immediate profits.
    • The multi-step process of monetization: qualifying, interviewing, and following up with podcast guests. Each phase is pivotal, with proper follow-up deemed critical to unlocking monetization opportunities. This multi-step process can go by more smoothly for people who recognize the value of guidance and coaching in this area.

    "I strategically invite people on my show that have a great message. That is really important if you're thinking about growing an audience of any size or having a message that has continuity, then you want to talk to an audience that will resonate with the message that you are sharing.” - Doug Sandler

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    37 mins
  • Community Money, JJ's Way
    Jun 27 2024

    In this episode, JJ and Doug discuss:

    • Deliver value consistently
    • Creating a strong foundation for your podcast
    • Finding the right community

    Key Takeaways:

    • Start small and be consistent. Deliver value to a dedicated group of listeners. Try recording by batch, doing a few episodes a week in order to create months’ worth of content.
    • Creating a strong foundation through consistent messaging and community building allows podcasters to reap long-term rewards by catering to the needs of their engaged audience.
    • Identify your zone of genius and focus on what you're passionate about. Create a strategic plan and story arc to build an engaged community that leads to monetization opportunities. Remember that it’s more important to have the right community than a large one.

    Be clear about why you're doing your show. If you're not passionate about it, it's not your zone of genius - let's find out what that is because that will be where the gold is for you.” - JJ Flizanes

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    42 mins
  • Jason Medlock: Podcasting For Purpose And Profit
    Jun 20 2024

    About Jason Medlock: Based in Houston, Texas, Jason Medlock is a distinguished mindset-performance coach, Level 2 Quantum Healing Hypnotist, and energy healer whose comprehensive expertise spans several spiritual and personal development modalities. His profound understanding of human potential and a relentless passion for empowering others have fueled his mission to assist business owners, athletes, and individuals to become exemplary leaders. Medlock's unique approach ensures his clients achieve their goals with unwavering confidence, enabling them to lead by example and significantly increase their personal and professional abundance.

    In this episode, JJ, Doug, and Jason Medlock discuss:

    • Self-expression and bringing on diverse guests
    • Scaling your business with sustainable growth
    • Keeping an abundance mentality

    Key Takeaways:

    • Podcasts can be used as a means of self-expression and sharing with others your personal spiritual journey. It’s important to showcase a diverse set of guests in order for the audience to connect with the right person for their needs if it is not the host themselves.
    • Make it one of your long-term goals to scale your business by means of turning services into subscription-based offerings or coaching others to prevent burnout and ensure sustainable success.
    • Always foster an abundance mentality. There is enough room for everyone to help those in need. Partner with people who have different styles to yours in order to reach different parts of the audience.

    Everything you need to reprogram your mind is within you.” - Jason Medlock

    Connect with Jason Medlock:

    Website: https://www.jasonmedlock.com/

    Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/expansion-of-consciousness-the-podcast/id1685589053

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/expansionofconscious/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/EXPANSIONOFCON

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EXPANSIONOFCONSCIOUS

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/expansionofconsciousness/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@expansionofconsciousness

    Connect with JJ and Doug:




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    44 mins
  • Steve Kidd: Thriving in Life and Business Through Podcasting
    Jun 13 2024

    About Steve Kidd: Steve is a 3rd generation minister, an International Best Seller of multiple books and he makes best sellers!

    1000’s have used his system to write, publish, and market their book to Best Seller. Steve knows the power of being a best-selling author - it is the #1 credential a person can have and use in their marketing. Being a Best Seller will allow you to no longer be the best-kept secret in your industry.

    This is the most important and foundational key to your marketing. Everything else you do in marketing will be improved by becoming a Best Seller!

    In this episode, JJ, Doug, and Steve Kidd discuss:

    • The essentials for monetizing a podcast
    • Growing as a podcast host
    • Tips for new podcasters
    • The impact of providing value

    Key Takeaways:

    • Strategy and intentionality are essential for monetizing a podcast. It’s also important to host guests on your podcast as it can lead to valuable relationships, potential partnerships, and even new clients.
    • Personal growth is just as crucial as good marketing when it comes to business success. As a podcast host, you’ll learn the skill of weaving together all the gems from different topics you discuss with different guests, eventually improving your writing and creativity.
    • New podcasters should create shorter episodes, integrate video, and take advantage of the 'New and Noteworthy' section on iTunes during the first 60 days of launching.
    • Providing valuable content for free can empower and change the lives of your audience. The podcast can serve as a lead generator for your business, allowing you to connect with potential clients and build relationships with remarkable individuals.

    People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” - Steve Kidd

    Connect with Steve Kidd:

    Website: https://www.thrivingbestsellers.com/

    Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/do/podcast/thriving-entrepreneur/id313134451

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/AskSteveKidd

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevekidd

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steve-kidd-90236655

    Connect with JJ and Doug:




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    39 mins
  • Carl White: Unlocking the Power of Podcasting for Private Practice Success
    Jun 6 2024

    About Carl White: Carl White, the founder of MarketVisory Group, has been in the healthcare marketing world for most of his working life. Before starting MarketVisory Group, he worked for five years at Hollister (NOT the clothing company!). Carl led Hollister’s global Continence Care business and their digital marketing efforts. Before Hollister, Carl worked at Baxter for a decade, also in marketing. Carl grew up working in his family’s pharmacy. He's a member of the National Association of Certified Healthcare Business Consultants. You could say healthcare is in his blood.

    In this episode, JJ, Doug, and Carl discuss:

    • Podcasting as a tool for entrepreneurs and professionals
    • Growing in your expertise through podcasting
    • Making money off of podcasting
    • Your podcast can be your knowledge archive

    Key Takeaways:

    • Entrepreneurs, service providers, and even healthcare professionals must find new ways to differentiate themselves in the industry, build relationships, and grow their businesses. Podcasting can help achieve these goals!
    • One of the key benefits of podcasting is the ability to learn from and network with a wide range of experts in the field.
    • Beyond the traditional methods of monetizing a podcast through advertising and sponsorships, recognize the importance of understanding your target audience and explore profit-sharing opportunities with guests.
    • By creating and archiving valuable content, podcasters can efficiently teach and work with clients while continually improving their shows and generating revenue.

    I learned so much about everything, and that makes me a better source for my clients, for my own referral network.” - Carl White

    Connect with Carl White:

    Website: https://marketvisorygroup.com/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/healthcaremktg/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSdnQ0WfCqPVOVjDb0auiHQ

    Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/practicecare/id1604226363

    Connect with JJ and Doug:




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    48 mins
  • Keith Kohler: Unlocking Financial Freedom and Business Success
    May 30 2024

    About Keith Kohler: His mission is to provide his clients with information, inspiration, resources, and insights. Drawing from his own family business experience combined with financial and deal-making expertise gained from a wide spectrum of operational roles across multiple industries, Keith knows what it takes to get deals done and help growth-minded business owners.

    In this episode, JJ, Doug, and Keith discuss:

    • Establishing connection through bite-sized education
    • The role of mindset in our financial well-being
    • How podcasts can enhance your business relations

    Key Takeaways:

    • Create bite-sized, well-categorized content that resonates with your audience. Whether your goal is to gain clients or build a community around your products and services, establishing a strong connection with your listeners is essential.
    • Our mindset plays an important role in our financial well-being. We need to be able to look back on the past and recognize the unhealthy money habits that our families have had and break them in our own lives.
    • Podcasts can be used as an educational platform to efficiently share stories and information with a wider audience. By doing so, you can reduce the need for repetition when working with clients, instead focusing on helping them navigate their journey and coming up with a solution.

    I think of my journey as continuing to honor the gifts I was given and even the hard times I was given and put those in service and contribution of others.” - Keith Kohler

    Connect with Keith Kohler:

    Website: https://www.financingman.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/financingman/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/keithkohler1

    Connect with JJ and Doug:




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    43 mins