• The Great Reset
    Sep 30 2024

    Have you ever felt like your life was glitching—like everything was out of sync, and nothing seemed to work right? Maybe it’s time for a Great Reset. Just like rebooting a computer, there are moments when we need to hit pause, reset, and recalibrate our lives. Whether it’s your mind, body, spirit, or environment, understanding how to reset and refresh can bring you back into alignment with your true purpose. This episode of Positively Purposed is dedicated to helping women over 40 and 50 discover how to restart their lives in the most fulfilling ways possible.

    How to Know When It’s Time for a Reset

    Life, like a computer, needs a reset from time to time. Are you feeling sluggish, overwhelmed, or simply disconnected from the person you want to be? Listen as we explore the signs that indicate it’s time to reset your mind, body, spirit, and environment. Recognizing these signs is the first step toward living your best, most authentic life.

    Tips to Press the Reset Button on Your Life

    In this episode, we use the analogy of a computer’s hardware, software, and BIOS to break down the Great Reset into actionable areas:

    • Mindset Reboot: Your mind is like the software running your life. We'll discuss how to clear negative thought patterns, upgrade your mental programs, and make space for a healthier, happier outlook.
    • Body Reset: Your body is the hardware that carries you through life. Learn how to listen to your body’s warning signs, give it the care it needs, and ensure it’s operating at its best.
    • Spirit Reset: The spirit is the foundational input/output system of our lives—just like a computer’s BIOS. Find out how to nourish your spirit, eliminate toxic influences, and align your values with your actions.
    • Environmental Reset: Your surroundings impact your mental and physical well-being. We’ll talk about making changes to your environment that promote peace, joy, and the life you desire.

    Creating Space for Growth Through the Great Reset

    Resetting isn’t about admitting failure—it’s about taking control of your life and making space for new opportunities, new growth, and a better version of you. When you take a holistic approach to the Great Reset, every part of your being works harmoniously, helping you find balance and live positively on purpose.

    Whether it's your mind, body, spirit, or environment, embracing the idea of a reset can give you the freedom to start fresh. Take the time to press reset, refresh, and create the life you deserve. Life will throw challenges at us, but remember—it’s within your power to reboot and come back stronger.

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    18 mins
  • Conversations that Matter: Women, Wisdom, and Change
    Sep 22 2024

    As women in our 40s and 50s, we often find ourselves juggling numerous roles and navigating life’s shifting challenges. In this new season of The Conversations That Matter, we’re diving deep into the key issues that impact women like you—health, career transitions, relationships, finances, and the pursuit of authentic happiness. From navigating aging with grace to rediscovering our passions and reclaiming our identity, we’re creating a space for real talk that resonates.

    To ensure these episodes deliver exactly what you need, I asked a diverse group of women, "What are the top 3 challenges women over 40 face?" The answers were raw, insightful, and filled with common threads that unite us all.

    Join me, Nina Danilee, as I explore these topics, bringing together expert advice, personal experiences, and actionable tips to help you thrive during this transformative phase of life.

    Embracing Change: Health, Body Image, and Aging

    Women in their 40s and 50s face significant changes in their bodies—hormones shift, energy levels fluctuate, and our reflection in the mirror might not always align with how we feel inside. In this episode, we explore how to embrace these changes with confidence. Just like a flower blooming through different seasons, our bodies evolve. We discuss ways to maintain health and vitality, challenge societal beauty standards, and cultivate self-acceptance.

    Navigating Relationships: Empty Nests, Aging Parents, and Friendship Changes

    At this stage, relationships are shifting too. Many of us are balancing the needs of aging parents while adjusting to empty nests or changing friendships. It can feel overwhelming. Imagine juggling multiple balls—each one representing a different relationship dynamic—and trying not to drop any. This episode offers tips on setting boundaries, fostering emotional resilience, and finding new ways to connect with the people you love, even if life has changed the nature of those connections.

    Finances and Career: Shifting Priorities

    Finances can be a major concern as we approach retirement, but many women also face career transitions. Some of us feel stuck in jobs that no longer fulfill us or are grappling with ageism in the workplace. We discuss strategies for finding financial freedom and reigniting your career passion, so you can confidently move forward into the next chapter of life. Just like recalculating the GPS on a road trip, it’s about finding new paths to achieve your goals.

    Finding Purpose and Prioritizing Self-Care

    Many women over 40 feel disconnected from their purpose or struggle with putting themselves first. It’s like trying to pour from an empty cup—you simply can’t. Together, we’ll explore how to rediscover what lights you up, how to prioritize self-care without guilt, and ways to create space for yourself amidst the demands of everyday life.


    Season 2 of The Conversations That Matter is dedicated to women over 40 and 50 who are ready to have honest, meaningful discussions about the realities we face. You’ll walk away with valuable insights, motivation, and the tools to embrace change with confidence. Don’t miss a single episode—subscribe to the podcast today, set your alarms so you’re notified when new episodes drop, and be sure to follow me on social media for updates and additional resources. Let’s build a community of strong, empowered women, together!

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    28 mins
  • The Phoenix - Scorched and Burned
    Feb 22 2021

    Season Two of Positively Purposed is taking a page out of the book of the Phoenix. While some have thrived over the last year that was 2020, there was undoubtedly a ton of negative effects that still had a strong impact on the life of many, causing challenges that we were not accustomed to dealing with. We are diving deep into the rebound, fueling the bounce back, triggering the recovery and supporting all things that are positively pushing us towards our happiness, passions and purpose.

    I recognize that 2020 was filled with death and adversity for many people. For me personally I felt lows that I have never felt before in my life, and quite frankly I didn’t think that was even possible. There were times I struggled with confidence, fear, loneliness, self-worth, lack of faith, anxiety, inconsistencies; the list goes on. There were so many things going on in both my personal and professional life that to say it has been a crossroad or transition phase is truly a gross understatement. I can’t even say with certainty that 2021 has brought all of this to a close, but I certainly have a new perspective that has me in a positive mindset. And that is always where I strive to be.

    I want to begin this Season Two by sharing with you ten FREE things I do that help to bring me happiness, even in small momentary doses.

    1. Smile and laugh as often as possible throughout the day

    2. 10 minutes of daily exercise

    3. Sleep, sleep and more sleep

    4. Practicing gratitude daily

    5. Giving back to others

    6. Spend some quality time with genuine loved ones

    7. Meditation

    8. Go outside in nature

    9. R&R – I call these my home alone dates and you can create your own version, but basically it is special time that I set aside to be alone with myself and totally enjoy my own company.

    10. This one is probably the only ‘action’ other than exercise, and that is reading a good book, working on something you are passionate about or completing a task on an old to do list. I find when I do something that I have been ‘meaning or wanting to do’ for a while and finally get it done, the feeling of accomplishment makes me very happy.

    Now that’s my list – and you can do any of these in 10 minutes or less. Of course, you can stretch them out for an hour if you want as well. Treat yourself it’s well worth it! Just one hour a day and you can knock out 6 of these every day, and imagine how much happier you will be!

    Life will always put tremendous challenges in our path, however it’s these hardships and misfortunes that help us to grow stronger, wiser and also present us with the choice to turn them into an opportunity.

    Happiness allows us to appreciate our circumstances, which in turn lead to growth and enlightenment.

    So forgive yourself for not loving you the way you deserve. Forgive others – especially those that do not ask for forgiveness.

    Keep your mind, body and spirit aligned with your truth. You will find yourself in a peaceful happy place rising from the ashes. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. So push towards everything you have ever dreamed of. The Phoenix... that’s you!

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    22 mins
  • Mindset, Motivation, Meditation and Me with Nina Danilee
    Jul 26 2020

    Today I give you my favorite take away from each of the Season One Episodes as well as share my three secret weapons for personal growth, positivity, and walking in my purpose.

    Your Biography Creates Your Biology. My biggest take away from Episode one had to be that the internal negative beliefs about ourselves, these tapes we create throughout our lives, are NOT TRUE and we need to give them attention so that they can be healed, and we can be happier internally, which in turn allows us to be healthy and happy externally. Manifesting Our Reality. As a strong believer in the Law of Attraction, my biggest take away was that we are manifesting either intentionally or by default and I absolutely always want to ensure my manifestations are very intentional. Making Major Moves gave me tons of inspiration to push my limits, put myself first, give myself grace, and remember that it is never too late to make a fresh start. Balance Does Not Exist and to be honest... that was my absolute biggest takeaway. Give things the time and energy they are due in their season and just know that everything has its season. Stepping Out On Faith - by far what stands out most to me is to have faith, believe in yourself, and know that everything will work out just as it should. Power of Positive People. I have to say my most impactful lesson from this conversation was to listen to your heartbeat, your gut, your intuition. Trust it because it rarely steers you wrong. New Levels, New Devils. My biggest take away was that we must not allow our lives to be dictated by our fears or the fears of others. Fear prevents us from growing and pursuing our passions. The underlying theme of Positively Purposed is to provide women support, stories, guidelines, and resources so that you know that in all things You Are Not alone, so this episode hit hard on the basics of having a happier, more fulfilled, stress-free life. Marijuana, Menopause, and Me. My most immediate takeaway notes were the beneficial effects for migraines and menstrual cramp which I have suffered from decades. Abused; Surviving and Thriving was a touching and uplifting episode about celebrating life after trauma. I learned the importance of setting boundaries, forgiving myself, and rewriting my story. Centre Against Abuse. I was blown away by the forms of abuse and how they manifest into behaviors that are literally meant to Gain and Maintain Power and Control over you. We wrapped up the Season with Relationships; Reset, Reignite or Revisit and how to know which road to take, but the message that resonated most with me was to simply be in a relationship where you both want the same thing. And that concludes Season ONE!

    The three secret weapons that help me to walk positively in my purpose are Mindset, Motivation, and Meditation. Over the years I have learned that mindset is the key to unlocking your potential, in all areas of your life, and as a result, I practice daily habits to train myself to better control the power of my mind. Now I am sure you have heard the saying Money is a Motivator’. Well, I have learned that motivation is not about anything or anyone else other than me. I have also learned from experience that meditation releases my stress, leverages my fears, calms my soul, focuses my mind, and relaxes my body. I haven't found anything else that has so many positive results in my life, so I practice this daily in my morning routine.

    Mindset, motivation, and meditation are all a part of my daily self-care routine. I created a free 7-day journal that can he

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    19 mins
  • Relationships; Reset, Reignite or Revisit with Tina Laws
    Jul 19 2020

    Tina Laws is a relationship specialist with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Master of Science in Criminal Justice. Amongst her certifications, Tina is a certified Relationship coach, domestic violence facilitator, and advocate. She has spent the last 14 years focused solely on advocating on behalf of empowering women around building healthier relationships and lifestyles. She is passionate about helping ambitious women to RESET and own their position in their relationship.

    Tina, also the Founder of Under Konstruction Bermuda, is happily married to Shawn and is honored to be called mama by her two adult children, and nana, by her handsome grandson. Today we talk with Tina all about the twists and turns in relationships and how you might be able to better navigate sharing life with a long-term partner.

    Relationships are a lot of work, and the primary key to long term success is both partners wanting the same thing. As long as the love is still there, and both are willing to put in that hard work, coupled with respect, communication, and compromise, anything is possible. Here are the top five points that I took away from our conversation today with Tina.

    1. Strong women know their worth and have set boundaries for themselves. It need not be intimidating if both partners recognize that relationships are partnerships, not competitions. Of course, as a powerful woman in business, you must learn to not take board room behaviors home to the bedroom. But if both partners are pursuing their dreams and following their passions, there is less room for competition and intimidation, and more room for mutual support and respect.
    2. As a demure woman, finding your voice in a relationship is vital for your happiness, and may start simply as just saying no to something. Practice with a friend and start somewhere. It need not be an argument, but it is important to speak your truth without fear of what will ensue.
    3. Submission doesn’t mean weakness; it means that you honor and trust your significant other. This of course should be a reciprocal behavior. It is healthy to have a vulnerability in your relationship that allows you to be totally yourself.
    4. Don’t rely solely on your partner to bring you happiness. Happiness begins within. Learn who you are and what you love. Don’t make excuses for who you are and don’t be afraid to own your truth. Build up your confidence for yourself so that you are not needy and reliant on your partner to consistently build your confidence for you. Decide what you truly want for you and pursue it. If you don’t have dreams, do yourself a huge favor and find some.
    5. You may find over time that you outgrow some relationships and that is perfectly fine. It is a testament that people grow at different rates and sometimes in different directions. When you become mature in love, you learn to compromise. But also, when you become mature in your truth, you know when there is 'good' in goodbye.

    Through challenging times, lean back on the basics. Do you still want the same things? Are you both fighting to make it work? Is the love still there? What about compromise, respect, and communication?
    Above all things, know yourself, love yourself first, stay positive, and know that there is always fulfillment in pursuing your purpose.

    Email: tinalawsconsulting@gmail.com
    Instagram: @tinatlaws
    Facebook: Tina Laws Relationship Specialist
    Phone: (441) 538-8857

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    52 mins
  • Gain and Maintain Your Power with Centre Against Abuse
    Jul 12 2020

    Laurie Shiell is the Executive Director of the Centre Against Abuse, an accredited organization leading the charge in providing services to survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault, in Bermuda.

    Laurie received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology from Spelman College, and her Masters in Educational Psychology from Howard University. She prides herself on taking a holistic approach to manage her clients’ needs.

    While Laurie has always been passionate about equality and justice for all, never in her wildest dreams would she have imagined that she would be a leading advocate through the Centre Against Abuse to eliminate domestic abuse and sexual assault in Bermuda. Joining her in today’s interview is Lauren Trott, the Clinical Supervisor and Counsellor of the organization.

    Abuse can come in so many different forms and while some are harsh and obvious, some can often be simply overlooked as just bad behavior. Mental, physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and verbal abuse can all be very hurtful, detrimental and even dangerous. Gaining and maintaining power and control over you is the primary motive of the abuser. Equality in a relationship means that you have a say and you are respected; you feel safe and your life is not controlled by another person.

    There are a variety of short- and long-term effects that can plague a woman as a result of abuse as a child and or an adult. These range from PTSD, anxiety, and depression to high blood pressure, migraines, and turning to alcohol or drugs to cope with the pain.

    It is important that when you are in a relationship you listen to that small voice inside that may tell you something is wrong, despite all the feel-good potential that you may be hoping for. Watch for red flags and respond to your own gut instincts, because they are rarely wrong.

    If you have been the unfortunate victim of abuse, but survived and are now out of the situation, be sure to take time to focus on yourself. When you put yourself first and take time to heal, your health and mental wellbeing will improve. You will experience a freedom that allows you to grow and accept happiness back into your life. Don’t allow your abuser to suck you into believing that he has changed, loves, and wants you back. It is all about regaining his control and is a temporary behavior that will revert back to his normal habits.

    Abuse is widespread and there are resources to help you and those you care about to manage the situation, and then get the support you need throughout the recovery process. Just like we need servicing for our cars, we need servicing for our hearts. Take care of yourself, keep your head up, and walk positively in your purpose.

    Instagram @centreagainstabusebda
    Bermuda (441) 292-4366

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    45 mins
  • Abused; Surviving and Thriving with Dr. Melissa Jordan
    Jul 5 2020

    During the Corona Pandemic, domestic violence reports surged as people were forced to be quarantined in homes, often together with their abusers. Stress levels peaked and a variety of circumstances brought out the worst in people, triggering emotions and reactions. Of course, abuse isn’t new, this is not an occurrence that just started, but it is often a taboo conversation that is avoided because of the pain, guilt, hurt or embarrassment associated with the victims.

    Today we hear a story of success, a celebration of life, a revelation of a healing process, from an amazingly strong woman, as we dive into this sensitive topic of abuse. Melissa Jordan is a Doctor of Educational Leadership with over 15 years in her field. She began her career in education as a High School Counselor and is currently a high school administrator in Michigan. She is a wife, mother of 10-month-old twins, a life coach, and a podcaster.

    Melissa tells her traumatic story of violation starting from the tender age of 6 when she was the victim of sexual molestation for a number of years, at the hands of a family member that was supposed to love and protect her. Later in life, she landed in an abusive marriage that continued to tear at her spirit.

    There are some of you who have been abused or molested. There are some in abusive situations right now. There are others trying to get out of abusive relationships. And of course, those in the healing process or still recovering.

    You are her, you know her, or you have heard of her. The abused woman.

    She looks for love in the wrong places because her innocence wasn’t protected. She accepts treatment that she doesn’t deserve because her own self-worth was stolen. She puts her needs last because she has been made to feel guilty or selfish through narcissistic behavior. She blames herself for the way others treat her because she was manipulated.

    But then one day, she woke up and looked in the mirror and didn’t know or like the woman she had become. She recognized and remembered WHO SHE IS and gave herself permission to heal, to put herself first, to break the cycle, and to move forward in her strength.

    She set boundaries that couldn’t be broken. She forgave herself for accepting blame that wasn’t hers. She surrounded herself with a support shield of friends and family. She broke the Code of Silence. She sought out help. She rewrote her story. She healed.

    Dr. Melissa Jordan, you are a SHERO and we thank you for sharing your story of triumph to let others know that they can do the same. From a victim to a confident woman of power, not just surviving but thriving in life. We honour you.

    You are more than your past. You are more than your pain. You are strong. You are beautiful. You are worthy. Your healing is your right. Your present is your gift. And your future is your choice. Walk positively in your purpose and reclaim your crown, Queens.

    Instagram- @dopechickmj

    website- www.dopechicklifepodcast.com

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    50 mins
  • Marijuana, Menopause and Me with CannaMD
    Jun 28 2020

    CannaMD is committed to providing compassionate care through the evidence-based application of medical cannabis research. Our interview guest today is Jessica Walters, who graduated from Harvard where she studied neuropsychology and currently serves as CannaMD's Chief Medical Researcher. Today’s conversation will be an enlightened discussion on how and why cannabis can provide relief, support, and comfort to a variety of ailments that we suffer from.

    Now we know that marijuana or cannabis isn’t a medical drug designed to mitigate symptoms, it is a plant that contains a naturally occurring formula that happens to fit perfectly into our human endocannabinoid system. This has virtually miraculous results in most circumstances, and many of these treatable symptoms can be a result of menopause, hormones, pre-existing health conditions, or just daily life.

    Marijuana has been a taboo subject for so long with a number of stereotypes attached to it, some more accurate than others. Let’s do a little myth-busting and fact confirming in this regard. Cannabis users have been thought to be very calm and mellow. True. Medical marijuana has the innate ability to drastically reduce the feelings of stress and anxiety.

    The ‘munchies’. True. Medical marijuana restores the optimal regulation and balance between Omega 3 and Omega 6 in our bodies. So, while you may have the initial snack craving and consume more calories than normal, this quickly is remedied as it restores balance and increases your metabolism. The result is actually shown in studies as a smaller waistline, which is quite contrary to popular concern. On the flip side, an obese or overweight person would also benefit from the Omega 3 and 6 balancing acts, and consequently, lose weight as the balance is restored.

    Another stereotype is that marijuana makes you sleepy. Truth to a certain extent. Medical marijuana is useful for those with sleep challenges, restlessness, and insomnia; however, it doesn’t make you feel sluggish, it just gives you the ability to have a more restful sleep. Also proven, is that during daily hours, the result is a more focused and productive functioning person.

    One of my favorite revelations was the positive result for the reduction of migraine frequency, and the ability to slow down or stop the progression of a migraine already active. Medical marijuana has been proven to be just as effective for preventing migraines as its pharmaceutical counterparts.

    Finally, we learned that medical marijuana users reported an increased frequency of sexual intercourse, as well as improved sexual experience. These results we know can also be attributed to the fact that medical marijuana effectively mitigates other symptoms such as stress, pain, and exhaustion which also make intimacy less inviting or exciting. So inherently there are positive improvements all-around when these symptoms are no longer present.

    Medical marijuana is no different from regular marijuana except that it is legally produced, distributed and content regulated. The prescription can be consumed in a number of ways, so there is no need to panic if your preference does not include smoke inhalation. And just to be clear, there are options and opinions, but the facts are that medical marijuana must be legally prescribed by a registered distributor or physician and I strongly encourage you to confirm the laws of your country to ensure that you abide by the restrictions that you are legally bound.

    Know that you have options for your own health

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    45 mins