• How to heal Toe Nail Fungus?
    Feb 1 2025

    1/2 cup apple cider vinegar or white vinegar
    1/2 cup warm water
    1 Tablespoon of salt
    Keep it in a bottleEvery day for 10 minutes soak your nails in this solution … Take a plastic bag put cotton wool inside and fix it with a rubber ring around your big toe or toes or fingernail…It is crucial, After soaking your toe or finger rinse and wash your nail with water to get rid of that solution.
    The vinegar destroys the fungus, prevents the fungus grow… If you don’t believe that put vinegar on a wall with molt and wash after 10 minutes the vinegar from the wall…The salt is anti-inflammatory.
    Or use a 3% solution of Water peroxide H2 O2 instead of vinegar salt solution.
    How to prevent fungus infection?Keep your feet dry, expose them to sunlightAnd change wet socks as soon as possible Use anti-fungus powder in your shoes
    Fungus loves dark and wet areas, so wash feet and dry themUse sandals in swimming pool areas…

    My Video: How to heal Toe Nail Fungus? https://youtu.be/2aCvYYs1zZwMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast4/How-to-heal-Toe-Nail-Fungus.mp3
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  • How to come out of a crisis?
    Feb 1 2025
    1.)Do what is meaningful for you.
    Regardless of how much money you earn or have if your life has no meaning, you get lost.
    When Viktor Frankl was in a KZ of the Nazis, he was challenged…. And then he discovered the “search of meaning” for every human being….
    If we don’t support our search for meaning and support other people with their search for meaning we make us and the other people worse.
    Because we all have the drift downward and we need the inspiration to counteract our negative side in us. And Money, Facebook, YouTube will not help us, even make us worse.
    “When a person can’t find a deep sense of meaning, they distract themselves with pleasure.” -Viktor Frankl
    Viktor Frankl helped suicide patients to find a meaning or their life. He prevented so more than 20000 suicides.
    We can find in any suffering some positive aspects to find a deeper meaning in our life. Just look for it, or suffer!
    2.)Narrow down what you really want instead to get lost by too many options.
    Choose by the 80/20% rule (20% of the things bring 80% of the results) what you do. Start small and end up big!
    3.) Become yourself, live what you like without harming anybody, regardless of what. Every moment we waste our time instead to go forward, to ask for the things we want.
    I see, everywhere anxiety to ask.
    I am an introvert, I have a problem to ask, but I ask in any case. Because I have trained that. And you can train that too!!!
    4.) Get out of your comfort zone to rewire your brain. Life can be exciting and when it starts to be boring, challenge yourself.
    5.)Overcome your materialism.
    Remember when you visited a new country when you were trekking with your backpack with less money in your pocket. Life was much happier than to gain wealth, success, power, fame…
    When you have saved some money; think over, the new better Laptop or the car will be after some time meaningless. A great journey or to learn something new or to have a new love affair would be better. Don’t get stocked with social values….
    6.) Learn to travel inside with meditation. All the happiness is inside and it is for free.
    7.) Become grateful for every circumstance and for everything. Because it can teach you something. So more grateful you are so happier you are….
    When Nick (No arms, no legs, and no worries) was near to suicide for his crippled life… His parents said, it is your choice to complain or to be grateful! Today, Nick is rich, has a family and loves to help other people!
    8.) Give yourself the time to be sad, depressed instead to fight against your negative feelings.Learn to accept every emotion and spend some time with every emotion.So more we fight against our emotions so worse they get.Just feel them and let them go.
    9.) Have compassion for yourself.Forgive yourself on regular basis. I treat myself like a baby. I give compassion to me when I am sad, consult me when I am angry… Life can be wonderful.

    My Video: How to come out of a crisis? https://youtu.be/XA5bDjXYC64My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.B/How-to-come-out-of-a-crises.mp3

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  • What is Kai Zen?
    Jan 30 2025
    Or, why we can’t reach our goals?
    The Japanese answer is: we want too fast too much.The Japanese tradition is Kai (change) Zen (wisdom) invented by Masaaki Imai.
    We should not change our life spontaneously but slowly and wisely.
    The new habitsshould occur as a resultof our reflections and life experience.
    The concept includes of the One-Minute Principle for self-improvement.
    Every day, just for one minute, practice at the same time and do not do more. It should be no trouble for absolutely anyone, right?Because it is difficult to carry out for 30 minutes or an hour a day… one minute is easy…
    And we believe we should practice much more and end up in exhausting of us and leave with no tangible results.
    How can we learn in only 1 minute something new?
    The One-Minute Principle lets you see the progress you’re making.
    We need to experience a sense of victory and success to move forward.
    We start for 1 minute and gradually we increase the time more and more to that 1/2 hour or 1 hour.
    All you have to do is understand what it is you want to achieve and start doing it for just a minute every single day in the beginning…

    My Video: What is Kai Zen? https://youtu.be/aReBxTbPaMMMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.B/What-is-Kai-Zen.mp3

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  • Why is passionate love stupid?
    Jan 29 2025
    All Religions are telling us that we should omit a passionate, sexual love.Because when we are passionate we lose our calmness and can’t find peace in our mind.
    When we live our passions, and the greatest passion is love, we lose our fears and in the end, we will find peace in our mind.
    If we don’t live our passions, we suppress our fears and many years later the suppressed fears will cripple our life. And that result we can see in the old people. Most of the old people want to dictate our life that we should not live a passionate sexual love. Because they didn’t have lived it either; cannot live it anymore; and they are jealous of the young people.
    In the famous novel “Siddharta” written by Herman Hesse, is a guy who had the longing to find the truth and renounced his worldly life. Siddharta could understand that renunciation will not lead to anything. Afterward, he was engaged in a passionate worldly life and when he was fed up with the worldly life he renunciate again. Again, he was drawn in a worldly life and finally he found the truth…
    I lived a similar life, was a devotee of Bhagwan; I found God in a tantric love and then I was 12 years in meditation retreats with celibacy… And now, I live both…
    The famous Sufi book: “Conference of the birds” written by Attar wants both: to renunciate the world and to live a passionate sexual life. Why? Attar was one of the greatest Sufis … he could understand that the greatest renunciation is to love a woman. For that, we should be well trained in the renunciation of the world. Otherwise, our love will be shallow and not so deep that we can discover God/Allah in our love.
    If you are 90 years old, do you think that you will regret that you could not live a passionate love? With 90 years you can’t live that love anymore. Why not take your chance now, live your passionate sexual love and don’t be afraid of the suffering…. In the end, you have done well.

    My Video: Why is passionate love stupid? https://youtu.be/jrh_NDJwu58My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.B/Why-is-passionate-love-stupid.mp3

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  • Fear of Death
    Jan 27 2025
    Who is afraid of his death, his life is already gone…
    Fear only Allah
    I came across a YouTube (never say die) of the longest living people of the world, they live in Bama Yao County (China/Vietnam border).In Bama are living quite a lot of elderly over 100 years old, the oldest is 126Years old.
    The grandson of the 126 years old lady said she has lived so long because of her hardships in life.
    The custody is that the oldest of the family has his/her coffin in her home and if a younger member dies, he/she gets that coffin. And the oldest has to buy again a coffin,…
    If we have our coffin ready at our home, then the fear of death is gone.Even more, we live more in the here and now,…
    One should not fear death rather more that one has never begun to live. (Marcus Aurelius)
    I have faced quite a lot the death, even I tried so hard to live a normal life, and I failed again and again…
    I remember 4 years ago when I came out of the hospital, my entire body was paralyzed, no chance anymore… And God healed me. My friend Oskar, who had awful challenges in his life (faced many time the death) called me when I was waiting for the bus home. I told him briefly what happened and he said “again”? I had teased Oskar with his tragedies and forgot that I am not better, faced 4 times the death in the last 14 years, 1-time clinical death…
    After such challenges, I felt born again and to appreciate my time as a gift from God…
    Imagine every day is the same, no challenges… Do you think that such life can give you the will to over-live tragedies or to live long?
    It is rather more that we have forgotten to live and we are afraid of the death…. Because of our anxiety, we didn’t take that challenge…
    The fear of death is one of our primer fears that we encounter in difficult situations. Our animal mind wants to protect us and interpret every threat as a life-threatening.
    How to reduce the fear of death?
    All spiritual schools have created techniques to overcome our fear of death or our body identification. Because our real being/soul is beyond our body, feelings, and thoughts.
    When we imagine our death in advanced and feel that, we reduce drastically our fear…
    Death Meditation.
    1.) For 10 min. Relax, feel your body and breath deep in and out for 5 minutes.
    2.) For 20min. Imagine for instance:
    A.) your funeral that you are lying in a coffin; B.) that they burn your body; C.) lying on your deathbed and surrounded by your family; D.) killed in a car accident; E.) killed in a war.
    Imagine every detail and feel that, so that you cry…
    3.) For 10 min. Sit in meditation and relax, breath deep for 5 min.
    4.) For 10 min. Dance and celebrate your new birth.

    My Video: Fear of Death https://youtu.be/UpmV0d93d0AMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.B/Fear-of-Death.mp3

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  • Become yourself and light up your shadow…
    Jan 27 2025

    After Carl Gustav Jung 90 % of our persona is hidden as unconscious or collective unconscious that decides mostly all things in our lives. We are not aware of our unconscious, otherwise, it would not be unconscious…
    We have created through our ego a fake persona, that is not truthful … The problem is until we are not aware which part of ourselves decides for ourselves we are just a slave of our unconsciousness.Today we call that also our belief system ….And that is a part of our shadow.
    If our belief system is wrong programmed we can’t get the things that we want or that would make us happy and self-content.
    Even worse we are chasing things that will not make us happy.
    So we have to light up our shadows to become our real selves.
    For instance
    You had a very aggressive father and he had a decent reputation…He earned big money and people loved him… might be true for my father…
    You want to be a good person and so you reject your aggression inside of yourself and try to be nice and kind to everybody… This is just a cover-up from your real self.After some time you have accumulated so much anger inside of yourself that you explode like a volcano in a normal situation or even worse you suppress your anger so much that you get sick, for instance, you get allergies (allergies are anger related)…
    It is better to be whole than to be good!
    If you suppress your anger then you suppress your power!
    The only healthy way is to accept your anger or integrate your anger in your personality…
    Anger is great, becauseit is the power to change yourself, your circumstances,…to work very hard, to train your body, to make your body strong, to do garden work, I can list here thousands of things where anger applied is good… Even Sex is related to anger, what is an orgasm?If I am angry I do the things that I don’t like … Without anger, I have no power…
    In your shadow are also positive abilities that you can use for yourself…
    For instance, there is a guy who can’t write or speak correctly…And later this guy has his blog, writing books out of fun even in a foreign language…
    There is a guy who is hyperactive later he becomes a well-adored Yogi in India who is mediating the entire day…
    Or a stout atheist becomes a God lover…
    And actually, you have seen or heard this person…
    We have to discover ourselves and for that, we need a therapist, a couch, and meditation.Alone you can just scrap the surfaces from your shadow! Don’t waste your time, get a therapist or couch…
    Mike Tyson would not be the greatest boxer of all time if he didn’t have a couch that exposed his shadow. And then Thyson became unstoppable…

    My Video: Become yourself and light up your shadow…https://youtu.be/AXPux_K1UT4My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast4/Become-yourself-and-light-up-your-shadow.mp3

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  • How can we change our self-talk?
    Jan 26 2025
    “I am also that…”
    When somebody abuse you; think, “I am also that…” For instance: Somebody is screaming: “You B*tch”, “Cut your b*lls”, “As-wh*le”, “F*ck you…”
    Sometimes, everybody is an As-wh*le…. Because, sometimes, everybody is messing up, do the wrong thing,… We are not perfect.
    Our imperfection makes us perfect! It is okay for me when I am sometimes a son of a B*tch. When somebody abuses us, even we don’t deserve it, it means that to this moment he thinks that we are bad. So we won't be entirely bad. And if we think we are also bad, everything is perfect!
    “So what?”
    If we get angry at somebody because he didn’t meet our expectation. Maybe he is not all the time to 100% perfect. Only we are perfect when we are messing up?!
    So what? With these 2 magical words, we can relax without the need to resolve the problems immediately. So what?We let go of our problems.We release our tension.And we win time to think over…
    For instance:
    Our spouse has cheated us.Can we change that? No, because it is already done.So what? Will we die, when our spouse has cheated us? Should we kill our spouse?
    So what? Relax and let go!
    One of the worst words in our self-talk is: “BUT”
    Have you read all of my blocks? I rarely use any “But”.
    When we have done it well, our mind is looking for mistakes to mess up our good mood.And then this “But” appears. With this “But” we neglect what we have thought or said before.
    For instance, “my car is fantastic, “but” it uses too much petrol. I have done it well, but I forgot …
    “Shut up” We are never perfect. We can find always in everything mistakes because they exist. Only God is perfect even we think he messes up very often. I think that too, I am not better than you. Still, I believe in God.
    Enjoy your imperfect life and let go of your terrible “BUT”.

    My Video: How can we change our self-talk? https://youtu.be/swaK5cX7dRwMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.B/How-can-we-change-our-self-talk.mp3

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  • How to get focused?
    Jan 24 2025
    We have inside procrastination, laziness or distraction that hinder us to focus on our subject.
    Should we force us to focus?
    Why don’t we ask us in the first place why we can’t focus?
    Why do we let us distract?Why do we procrastinate?Why do we are lazy?
    When we would have interests in the things that we should be focused on we would not have the problem to focus!
    There exist for everything a reason or cause and if we don’t know the reason we can’t find the solution for most of all problems!
    And from the positive thinking, we know that we should force us to be positive and productive…
    If we force us to be productive and positive we gain at the end the negative. It is just like a pendulum. When we force the pendulum in one direction after some time it gets heavier and heavier until we lose our power and the pendulum swings in the opposite direction towards our laziness, distraction, and procrastination.
    If we understand that there must be a reason why we can’t focus we don’t need to work so hard… For what? To suffer?
    When we do something without forcing we can find much easier the solution. Because our tension and fears (to get the things done) are in the way to attract the right outcome!

    First, enjoy your life! Second, find the reason why you can’t focus!Third, solve or accept the problem, why you can’t focus. Forth, why is it important to do the things?Fifth, be open to the solution.
    For instance, I like to learn and I don’t like to be forced to learn.
    The University is taking away from every student the motivation to learn… So that the students are forced to learn to make their degree. And that is wrong! Still, we think it is necessary because our teachers have done so!
    Pink Floyd: (Another brick in the wall) We don’t need that education, we don’t need thought control… Teacher, please leave the kids alone… Year!!!

    My Video: How to get focused? https://youtu.be/JKYUQTSf1wY My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.B/How-to-get-focused.mp3

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