• Therapy Exposed: The Reality Behind The Couch
    Sep 3 2024

    Uncover the truth about therapy in this revealing video.

    Join us as we dive deep into the complexities of the therapeutic relationship. Learn about the different types of therapy, the challenges patients and therapists face, and the reality behind the couch.

    Discover the importance of setting realistic expectations and embracing the therapeutic process. Witness firsthand how therapy can be both rewarding and challenging.

    Key points covered:

    The reality of therapy: It's not always easy or comfortable.

    Different types of therapy techniques and approaches.

    The importance of setting realistic expectations.

    The challenges faced by both patients and therapists.

    The therapeutic process and its benefits.

    Real-life examples of therapy sessions.

    Don't miss this eye-opening video that sheds light on the true nature of therapy.

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    34 mins
  • Inside The Overthinker'S Mind: Breaking Free From Rumination And Anxiety AudioChapter from Social Skills for the Overthinker AudioBook by Nick Trenton
    Aug 26 2024

    Social Skills for the Overthinker: Beat Self-Sabotage, Escape Your Comfort Zone, and Get Out Of Your Head (The Path to Calm Book 17) By: Nick Trenton

    Hear it Here - https://adbl.co/3U6VBOw

    00:00:00 Social Skills for the Overthinker

    00:07:19 How To Stop The Cycle.

    00:17:14 The Spotlight Effect.

    00:23:28 The Curse Of Taking Things Personally.

    00:29:21 Practice Labeling.

    00:33:07 Overcoming Generalization.

    00:37:09 Find Counterexamples.

    00:39:31 Imagine A Third Party.

    00:40:29 Be Kind, Be Moderate.

    00:42:19 Stop Labeling.


    Feel yourself become tongue-tied around others? Or worse yet, you simply avoid others because you are constantly worried about being judged?

    It's not logical and it doesn't make sense, but it can't be reasoned with. Social anxiety can be crippling, to the point where you don't even want to order food!

    How to understand your anxious brain's wiring, soothe it, and get around it.

    Social Skills for Overthinkers is about more than what to say and when to say it, it is about how to gain your freedom. This book takes a much more clinical route than any others of its kind. We gain an understanding of the issues that hold you back, how to overcome them, and an action plan for success in the future.

    You'll learn a multitude of tools to get you from "I'd rather not go" to "I can't wait to go!"

    Nick Trenton grew up in rural Illinois and is quite literally a farm boy. His best friend growing up was his trusty companion Leonard the dachshund. RIP Leonard. Eventually, he made it off the farm and obtained a BS in Economics, followed by an MA in Behavioral Psychology.

    Challenge your inner thought pattern and break free and empower yourself.

    - Putting a stop to the rumination cycle of doom; putting a fence around it

    - Why curiosity is one of your best weapons against overthinking

    - Your inner critic and why the grey area is the best area

    - How to role play for social success

    - Letting go of safety-seeking behaviors

    - The magic of improv statements#OvercomingGeneralization #Overthinker #OverthinkerSocialSkills #SocialSkills #SpotlightEffect #TomGilovich #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #SocialSkillsfortheOverthinker #InsideTheOverthinker'sMind #BreakingFreeFromRuminationAndAnxiety

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    51 mins
  • Dopamine Detox: Reclaim Your Focus And Reboot Your Brain
    Aug 19 2024

    Dopamine Detox: Biohacking Your Way To Better Focus, Greater Happiness,

    and Peak Performance (Mental and Emotional Abundance Book 12) By: Nick


    Hear it Here - https://adbl.co/3HrIUGl


    Learn how to reset your focus, productivity, and overall capacity for


    Yes, it's that important. In our modern age, we are constantly flooded

    with dopamine. That might sound like a good thing, but it means that we

    constantly require more and more stimulation to feel simple happiness.

    It's a very, very bad thing. It's the root of why we can't accomplish

    what we want, and why we can't even feel what we want.

    Show more Show less
    26 mins
  • Why You're A Couch Potato: Understanding The Science Of Procrastination
    Aug 5 2024

    In this video, we'll delve into the science of procrastination and

    explore why you might be a couch potato. Stay tuned to learn how to

    focus and master your productivity!

    Focus Master: 37 Tips to Stay Present, Ignore Distractions, and Finish

    the Task at Hand (Mental and Emotional Abundance Book 10) By: Nick


    Hear it Here - https://bit.ly/FocusMasterTrenton


    00:00:00 Focus Master

    00:04:23 The Procrastination Cycle.

    00:09:41 Unhelpful Assumptions Or Made-Up Rules.

    00:25:49 The Lizard Brain.

    00:35:02 Driven By Impulse.

    00:43:29 Nine Procrastination Scales.

    Overhaul your approach to concentration and productivity using

    strategic, science-proven methods to save hours a day and achieve twice

    as much.

    Your current focus and productivity tactics might be “adequate.” But

    they will never be great or reach their potential if you don’t

    understand how your psychology and physiology work together to affect

    your focus.

    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Understanding And Overcoming Your Brain's Negative Bias
    Jul 29 2024

    Calm Your Thoughts: Stop Overthinking, Stop Stressing, Stop Spiraling, and Start Living By: Nick Trenton

    Hear it Here - https://bit.ly/CalmYourThoughts

    00:00:00 Calm Your Thoughts

    00:05:28 Why You Get Anxious.

    00:10:59 The Science Behind Your Brain’s Negative Bias.

    00:14:14 It’s All About Control.

    00:22:23 Keeping Cool, Calm, And Collected.

    00:29:01 A Regulation Framework.

    00:37:27 The Abc Loop.

    00:49:02 Emotional Dashboarding.

    00:57:55 Worry Postponement.

    01:06:19 Using The Five Whys.


    Stop letting negativity drain all of your energy, leaving you unable to see the brighter side of life.

    A noisy brain is the biggest cause of unhappiness. It prevents us from seeing what possibilities lie before us. Life turns into a minefield rather than a set of new opportunities. Let's change this - right now.

    Don't be your own greatest enemy.

    Calm Your Thoughts is a book that understands where you’ve been through,the exhausting situation you’ve put yourself into, and how you lose your mind in the trap of anxiety and stress. Acclaimed author Nick Trenton will walk you through the obstacles with detailed and proven techniques to help you rewire your brain, control your thoughts, and change your mental habits.

    What’s more, the book will provide you scientific approaches to completely change the way you think and feel about yourself by ending the vicious thought patterns.

    Learn to control your emotions and stay zen.

    Nick Trenton grew up in rural Illinois and is quite literally a farm boy. His best friend growing up was his trusty companion Leonard the dachshund. RIP Leonard. Eventually, he made it off the farm and obtained a BS in Economics, followed by an MA in Behavioral Psychology.

    Psychologically-proven tips to get out of your head and into your life.

    -Emotional regulation frameworks

    -Simple ways to understand your true worries and anxieties

    -How to simplify cognitive-behavioral therapy for daily use

    -Proven techniques for dealing with mental chatter and negativity

    A day without worry, rumination, or anxiety. That could be yours.

    No more self-deprecating talk. No more sleepless nights with racing thoughts. Free your mind from overthinking and achieve more, feel better, and unleash your potential. Finally be able to live in the present moment.

    #BehavioralPsychology #Psychologicallyproven #Calm #CalmYourThoughts #GAD #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorderwhen #NickTrenton #StopOverthinking #StopStressing #StopSpiraling #Trenton #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #CalmYourThoughts #ConquerAnxiety

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    1 hr and 16 mins
  • Unlock Your Potential: The Ultimate Guide To Self-Exploration
    Jul 22 2024

    00:00:00 The Art of Self-Therapy

    00:02:59 Chapter 1 - What It Means to Master Self-Exploration

    00:05:27 Beginner Strategies - Make Self-Exploration a Habit

    00:07:20 Tom Stevens’ Six-Step Self-Exploration Process

    The Art of Self-Therapy: How to Grow, Gain Self-Awareness, and Understand Your Emotions (The Path to Calm Book 8) By: Nick Trenton

    Hear it Here - https://adbl.co/3wf46tU


    Self-awareness, healing yourself, and understanding your traumas. You don't need a therapist.

    At least, not to start the process. Knowing yourself is one of the most difficult things in the world, and don't let access or funds stop your journey to yourself.

    Learn about why you do the things you do, and why you think the way you think. It's not always so simple.

    The Art of Self-Therapy is a book that introduces you to yourself. We all have unique beliefs and thought patterns that influence our behavior. Are you happy with all of the outcomes your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors create for you? Or do you frequently feel unstable, confused, lost, or out of control?

    Therapy is a tough task for most. It can be expensive, scary, or socially unacceptable. But this is a process you can start for yourself. Time to start the rest of your life.

    Think exactly what you want to think, and do only what you want to do. This is the wonderful outcome of knowing yourself.

    Nick Trenton grew up in rural Illinois and is quite literally a farm boy. His best friend growing up was his trusty companion Leonard the dachshund. RIP Leonard. Eventually, he made it off the farm and obtained a BS in Economics, followed by an MA in Behavioral Psychology.

    Become the most predictable person in the world - this means stability, calm, and acceptance.

    Your shadow side and how it shows you exactly what your traumas are about

    Understanding your inner child and how they are trapped inside of you

    Knowing the attachment style that dictates your adult relationships

    How to re-program your thoughts to have healthier coping mechanisms

    Analyzing your thoughts and rewiring your beliefs

    How to build your life one small step at a time with behavioral experiments

    #GainSelfAwareness #NickTrenton #Selfawareness #Selftherapy #UnderstandYourEmotions #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #TheArtofSelf-Therapy #UnlockYourPotential: #TheUltimateGuideToSelf-Exploration

    Show more Show less
    17 mins
  • How to Let Go: Mastering Control, Non-Judgment, & Self-Distancing
    Jul 15 2024

    00:00:00 The Art of Letting Go

    00:04:05 Dichotomy Of Control.

    00:31:04 Nonjudgmental Thinking.

    00:48:43 SELF-DISTANCING

    The Art of Letting Go: Stop Overthinking, Stop Negative Spirals, and Find Emotional Freedom (The Path to Calm Book 13) By: Nick Trenton

    Podcast Preview! Follow at bit.ly/Podcast


    Your mind should be your safe zone, not the noisiest place in the world. Restore your inner peace.

    If you are always on edge and unable to relax, this book is for you. Choose the pace that you want to live life at - you DO have a choice.

    Control your thoughts; control your life; control your happiness.

    The Art of Letting Go is all about organizing the mess in your mind. It's about how to stop focusing on the past that is over, or the future that may never occur, and being present in the situations that you can actually have agency in. It's about how to rewire the anxious connections in your brain, and switch your mental programming and beliefs. It's about understanding that our brains are made for 10,000 BC, and that you can afford to let your guard down.

    It's about trusting that things will be okay.

    How to control your self-talk and transform your internal worldview.

    Nick Trenton grew up in rural Illinois and is quite literally a farm boy. His best friend growing up was his trusty companion Leonard the dachshund. RIP Leonard. Eventually, he made it off the farm and obtained a BS in Economics, followed by an MA in Behavioral Psychology.

    Psychologically-proven tips to get out of your mind and into your life.

    -Practicing nonjudgment and observation over your emotions

    -Untangling the toxic beliefs of urgency and danger in your brain

    -How to use brain dumping in the most calming way possible

    -Exercises for self-distancing and externalization: powerful psychological techniques

    -Defeating your drive for perfection; finding a drive for excellent-ism

    #DarylConnor #DonKelley #ZavalMarkowitz #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #TheArtofLettingGo #EMBRACINGCHANGE

    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 11 mins
  • Injecting Happiness AudioChapter from The Anxiety Cure AudioBook by Nick Trenton
    Jul 8 2024

    00:00:00 Injecting Happiness

    00:03:29 Have a Routine—But Not a Strict One!

    00:11:21 Say Thank You.

    00:18:05 Meditation Can Make You Happy.

    00:29:08 Self-Talking Yourself to Happiness

    00:40:28 The Reading Habit.

    00:46:52 Dear Happiness ...

    00:46:52 Keep The Flame Of Hope Burning.

    The Anxiety Cure: 37 Science-Based (5-Minute) Methods to Beat Back the Blues, Stay Positive, and Finally Relax (The Path to Calm Book 15) By: Nick Trenton

    Hear it Here - https://adbl.co/3SztAyt


    Small neuroscience tweaks that can completely change your relationship with your own thoughts. Time to find your anxiety cure instead of endlessly thinking about it.

    Anxiety is a funny thing. We can’t always define it, but we know it when we have or don’t have it. Well, forget defining it – just use scientific and psychological tips to GET RID OF IT!

    Learn to wake up excited and energized each day, not dreading your life.

    The Anxiety Cure is a simple guide to making your every waking moment a CALM one. It’s not full of woo-woo advice that you can’t use – it’s 100% actions that you will scientifically reduce your anxiety, and also increase your happiness, dopamine, serotonin, you name it. Each idea has true science behind it, and includes a plan for implementing it into your daily life. This isn’t a blog post with abstract ideas, this is a book of action and implementation.

    Welcome to accessible and practical neuroscience!

    A calm mind is the most elusive thing in human history. Take a shortcut with this book.

    Nick Trenton grew up in rural Illinois and is quite literally a farm boy. His best friend growing up was his trusty companion Leonard the dachshund. RIP Leonard. Eventually, he made it off the farm and obtained a BS in Economics, followed by an MA in Behavioral Psychology.

    Equally important – learn to remove unhappiness and discomfort from your life!

    What a little bit of hope and anticipation can do for your entire mood

    Can it really be as simple as stimulating your brain’s pleasure centers with ice cream?

    How to optimize your DOSE hormones

    The importance of social activity and interaction for the brain

    How to change your environment to trigger happiness - easily but seldom done

    Aging as a key to contentment?

    How happiness can start from inside-out, or outside-in.

    #AnxietyCure #DrFernandoMarmolejoRamos #Marmolejoramos #NickTrenton #PsychiatricResearch #ResearcherJustinKim #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #TheAnxietyCure #InjectingHappiness #

    Show more Show less
    47 mins