• Summer Shorts #10 - Team Member Ellen Castillo
    Aug 21 2024

    Summer Shorts #10 Show Notes

    Host: Kimberly Willess

    Guest: Team Member Colleen Meyer

    Summary: Ellen Castillo, a TILBCC Certified Biblical Counselor, shares her journey and experience with Truth in Love Biblical Counseling. She also discusses how she found her passion for counseling and the different seasons of life she has served in. Ellen highlights the benefits of being a part of Truth in Love, such as the support and unity of the team, the ability to accept as many cases as she chooses, and the opportunity to serve people from various locations. She also emphasizes the importance of being willing to serve outside the box and shares her personal ministry verse from 1 Peter 3:15. Takeaways
    • Find a counseling ministry that fits with your current season of life.
    • Being part of a team provides support and unity in ministry.
    • Online counseling is a valuable and effective way to serve others.
    • Being willing to serve outside the box can lead to unexpected blessings.
    • Stay connected to like-minded people, and be prepared to share the hope that is in you.

    Additional Resources

    • Truth in Love Biblical Counseling & Training Center (tilbcc.com)
    • Unbound: Growing Ever-freer in Christ (TILBCC Discipling Curriculum)
    • Words Matter: Refining the Conversation (Dr. Warren Lamb – pastorlamb.com)
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    13 mins
  • Summer Shorts #9 - Team Member Colleen Meyer
    Jul 28 2024

    Summer Shorts #9 Show Notes

    Host: Kimberly Willess

    Guest: Colleen Meyer


    Colleen Meyer shares her experience with Truth in Love Biblical Counseling Center and how it has changed her life. She talks about her journey of faith, the impact of Truth in Love on her understanding of Scripture, and the tools she has gained to walk in the truth. Colleen emphasizes the commitment of the Truth in Love family to the truth of God's Word and the support and guidance she has received from them. She also expresses gratitude for the technology that allows her to be part of this community and learn from people around the world.


    • Truth in Love Biblical Counseling Center has had a life-changing impact on Colleen Meyer.
    • Through Truth in Love, Colleen has gained a deeper understanding of Scripture and a desire for more of the Word.
    • The tools and resources provided by Truth in Love, such as Unbound, have helped Colleen in her walk with the Lord and in applying biblical truths to her life.
    • Colleen appreciates the commitment of the Truth in Love family to the truth of God's Word and the support and guidance she has received from them.
    • Technology has allowed Colleen to be part of the Truth in Love community and learn from people around the world.

    Sound Bites

    "Here I am, almost two years now, still loving it and absolutely has changed my life."

    "What I have really, I gained so much there, but learning to... saturate on the Scriptures."

    "The people at Truth in Love have committed their lives to the truth of God's Word, no matter the cost."

    Additional Resources

    • Truth in Love Biblical Counseling & Training Center (tilbcc.com)
    • Unbound: Growing Ever-freer in Christ (TILBCC Discipling Curriculum)
    • Words Matter: Refining the Conversation (Dr. Warren Lamb – pastorlamb.com)

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    19 mins
  • Summer Shorts #8 - Team Member Kesha Griffin
    Jul 18 2024

    Summer Shorts #8 Show Notes

    Host: Kimberly Willess

    Guest: Kesha Griffin


    In this episode of The Soul Care Podcast, Kimberly interviews Kesha Griffin, a pastor's wife and sexual abuse survivor, who shares her experience with Truth in Love and how it has helped her in her healing journey. She was introduced to the organization through a Facebook group and was seeking biblical resources for sexual abuse survivors. Kesha found the training center and enrolled in the program, which has given her more confidence in the sufficiency of Scripture for healing and transformation.

    She emphasizes the importance of addressing abuse and trauma within the Christian community and praises Truth in Love for their specialization in this area. Kesha encourages listeners to explore biblical counseling to be equipped to help others. She encourages listeners to explore biblical counseling and consider Truth in Love.


    • The Bible contains everything necessary for life and godliness, including healing from trauma and abuse.
    • Truth in Love provides specialized training in abuse and trauma counseling, setting them apart from other organizations.
    • The sufficiency of Scripture is confirmed through personal experience and the material learned in the program.
    • Biblical counseling equips Christians to come alongside those in crisis and point them to the wonderful counselor.

    Sound Bites

    "I am gaining more confidence in the sufficiency of Scripture."

    "Truth in Love has a passion and a desire to actually help abuse survivors."

    "I have never come across any other biblical counseling program that has a specialization in abuse and trauma."

    "I've never heard of any other biblical counseling program that offers a scholarship for survivors to go through the certification program with all of the costs covered."

    Additional Resources

    • Truth in Love Biblical Counseling & Training Center (tilbcc.com)
    • Unbound: Growing Ever-freer in Christ (TILBCC Discipling Curriculum)
    • Words Matter: Refining the Conversation (Dr. Warren Lamb – pastorlamb.com)
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    8 mins
  • Summer Shorts #7 - Team Member Pastor Paul Hoeks
    Jul 8 2024

    Summer Shorts #7 Show Notes

    Host: Jinda Reinig

    Guest: Team Member Pastor Paul Hoeks


    In this episode of The Soul Care Podcast, Jinda interviews Pastor Paul Hoeks, a Biblical counselor and program mentor at Truth in Love Biblical Counseling.

    Paul shares his journey of how he was drawn to Truth in Love and the benefits he has experienced from being a part of the organization. He emphasizes that Truth in Love is different from other counseling ministries and training programs because it is accessible to the average person and focuses on the sufficiency of Scripture for counseling.

    Paul also highlights the transformative power of biblical counseling and the importance of addressing the true problems of the heart and soul.


    • Truth in Love Biblical Counseling is accessible to the average person and focuses on the sufficiency of Scripture for counseling.
    • Biblical counseling addresses the true problems of the heart and soul, leading to permanent transformation and freedom.
    • The program at Truth in Love provides comprehensive and extensive training, with flexible online options.
    • Biblical counseling is a ministry that requires a love for the Lord, compassion, and training in using the Scriptures as the primary resource.

    Sound Bites

    • "The Scriptures are sufficient for counseling."
    • "This is permanent transformation that God has for us."
    • "Biblical counseling is helping people become what God intended them to become."

    Additional Resources

    • Truth in Love Biblical Counseling & Training Center (tilbcc.com)
    • Unbound: Growing Ever-freer in Christ (TILBCC Discipling Curriculum)
    • Words Matter: Refining the Conversation (Dr. Warren Lamb – pastorlamb.com))

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    17 mins
  • Summer Shorts #5 - Graduates Don & Jennifer Cooper
    Jun 19 2024

    Summer Shorts #5 Show Notes

    Host: Kimberly Willess

    Guests: Don & Jennifer Cooper


    Don and Jennifer Cooper, a couple from Vancouver, Washington, share their experience with Truth in Love and how it has benefited them personally and professionally. They discuss their background in pro-life ministry and homeschooling, and how they found Truth in Love in the midst of leaving their church.

    They highlight the emphasis on Scripture and the non-integration of psychology in the counseling program.

    Don and Jennifer talk about how they have used their training to help others at their Jiu Jitsu gym, including teaching self-defense to women who have experienced abuse and working with children in their martial arts gym. They express gratitude for the knowledge and resources they have gained from Truth in Love and encourage others to enroll in the program.

    (Emerge Jiu Jitsu is a "Ministry Ally" of Truth in Love Biblical Counseling.)


    • Truth in Love emphasizes the importance of Scripture and its application in counseling.
    • The program focuses on biblical principles to provide a holistic approach to counseling.
    • Don and Jennifer have used their training to help others, including teaching self-defense to women who have experienced abuse and working with children in their martial arts gym.
    • They are grateful for the knowledge and resources they have gained from Truth in Love and encourage others to enroll in the program.

    Sound Bites

    • "Your feelings can have a seat on the bus, just not the driver's seat."
    • "We can disciple each other and come along each other."
    • "There isn't a day that goes by for me here at the gym that I'm not pulling on the knowledge and experience that we gained through Truth in Love."

    Additional Resources

    • Emerge Jiu Jitsu (Vancouver, WA – emergebjj.com)
    • Truth in Love Biblical Counseling & Training Center (tilbcc.com)
    • Unbound: Growing Ever-freer in Christ (TILBCC Discipling Curriculum)
    • Words Matter: Refining the Conversation (Dr. Warren Lamb – pastorlamb.com)

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    21 mins
  • Summer Shorts #4 - Team Member Isabella Ruiz
    Jun 9 2024

    Summer Shorts #4 Show Notes

    Host: Warren Lamb

    Guest: Isabella Ruiz


    Isabella Ruiz, an elementary school counselor living in Kazakhstan, shares her experience with Truth in Love. She also serves as the Social Media Manager for Truth in Love. She was drawn to the organization through being recommended she find a mentor when she was at Calvary Chapel University and was impressed by the resources and community it offered.

    Being part of Truth in Love has provided her with valuable resources and a richer understanding of biblical counseling. She appreciates how Truth in Love is deeply rooted in biblical principles and emphasizes speaking the truth in love.

    The community aspect of Truth in Love, with monthly meetings and “Team connects”, sets it apart from other organizations. Isabella is grateful for the impact Truth in Love has had on her life and the international community.


    • Truth in Love provides valuable resources and a deeper understanding of biblical counseling.
    • The organization is deeply rooted in biblical principles and emphasizes speaking the truth in love.
    • The community aspect of Truth in Love, with monthly meetings and team connects, sets it apart from other organizations.
    • Isabella is grateful for the impact Truth in Love has had on her life and the international community.

    Sound Bites

    • "How can my life be transformed? Only by God's strength."
    • "Community is another thing that I haven't seen in a lot of organizations."
    • "Truth in Love has resources as a counselor, but also someone that needs discipleship."

    Additional Resources

    • Truth in Love Biblical Counseling & Training Center (tilbcc.com)
    • Unbound: Growing Ever-freer in Christ (TILBCC Discipling Curriculum)
    • Words Matter: Refining the Conversation (Dr. Warren Lamb – pastorlamb.com)
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    7 mins
  • Summer Shorts #3 - Team Member Pastor Rick Amaro
    May 29 2024

    Summer Shorts #3 Show Notes

    Host: Jinda Reinig

    Guest: Pastor Rick Amaro


    In this podcast episode, Rick Amaro, a pastor and counselor, discusses his journey with Truth in Love, a fellowship dedicated to providing comprehensive training and support for those in the biblical counseling field. Pastor Rick was initially attracted to the organization due to its extensive educational program and the opportunity for continued mentorship, which he felt was essential for his development as a counselor.

    Through his involvement with Truth in Love, Pastor Rick has found a tight-knit community that offers ongoing guidance and support, significantly contributing to his personal and professional growth. He highlights the fellowship's distinct characteristics, including its unwavering dedication to the completeness of biblical teachings, the focus on fostering strong interpersonal relationships, and the demanding curriculum that equips counselors to handle challenging situations effectively.

    Rick Amaro encourages fellow believers who feel a calling to support others to consider joining Truth in Love and receiving training in counseling techniques firmly rooted in the Bible and biblical principles.

    Additional Resources

    Relevant Links

    • Calvary Chapel Fayetteville (Pastor Rick Amaro)
    • Truth in Love Biblical Counseling & Training Center
    • Unbound: Growing Ever-freer in Christ
    • Words Matter: Refining the Conversation (Dr. Warren Lamb)

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    13 mins
  • Summer Shorts #2 - Finding Hope in Suffering
    May 20 2024

    Summer Shorts #2 Show Notes

    Guest: Dr. Warren Lamb

    Topic: Finding Hope in Suffering


    People often come to us from a place of suffering, seeking help and support. The God of all grace, as mentioned in 1 Peter 5:10-11, promises to restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish us after we have suffered for a little while. Our God is intimately acquainted with our pain and sorrow, having experienced suffering himself through Jesus Christ. Suffering becomes a crucible that tempers and strengthens us, transforming our pain into purpose and weakness into strength. God's grace knows no bounds and transcends our understanding, restoring and transforming us. We are called to God's eternal glory in Christ, which far surpasses any temporal trial. We are not alone in our suffering; God walks alongside us, sustains us, and leads us through to our ultimate destination.


    • People often come to us from a place of suffering, seeking help and support.
    • God promises to restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish us after we have suffered for a little while.
    • Suffering becomes a crucible that tempers and strengthens us, transforming our pain into purpose and weakness into strength.
    • God's grace knows no bounds and transcends our understanding, restoring and transforming us.
    • We are called to God's eternal glory in Christ, which far surpasses any temporal trial.
    • We are not alone in our suffering; God walks alongside us, sustains us, and leads us through to our ultimate destination.

    Scripture Mentioned

    1 Peter 5:10-11

    Ephesians 1:18-20

    2 Corinthians 12:9


    “The suffering that you're enduring is temporary. In the grand scheme of eternity, it is just a little while."

    Relevant Links

    • Truth in Love Biblical Counseling & Training Center
    • Unbound: Growing Ever-freer in Christ (TILBCC)
    • Words Matter: Refining the Conversation (Dr. Warren Lamb)

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    12 mins