• Be Ready, Get Ready, & Stay Ready for Christ Jesus Is Coming Back
    Sep 11 2024

    There have been many people calling themselves “prophets”, who have predicted the second coming of Christ, dating back to hundreds of years ago.

    • 3 Christian Theologians predicted He would return in the year 500
    • An Italian mystic said between 1200-1260
    • A mathematician said He was coming at 8:00AM on Oct. 19, 1533
    • Others said the years 1373, 1694, 1700, 1757, and the list goes on.

    Some predictions were based on pure foolishness. In fact, one person used the size of Noah’s Ark in their calculation, predicting the year of the return of Christ.

    The Bible states in the Book of Deuteronomy 18:22 “when a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not nor come to pass, that is the thing that the Lord hath not spoken: "

    Since their predictions didn't come true, they have all been “false prophets.

    There are also a number of people today, making predictions about when Christ will return. However, we know for a fact that their predictions are also incorrect, and they are also false prophets.

    You ask how do we know this ? Well, we know it because Jesus said no man knows the day nor the hour when He is coming back, only the Father knows. So we suggest you not spend any time listening to their predictions.

    However, we do know for sure that Jesus is coming back, because He said it, and his word is true. But its’ not for us to know the specific day or time.

    Our message in this episode to believers, is that you live your life in a way that is pleasing to God. Live in such a way that believers as well as non-believers want to know more and more about this Jesus whom we say we love, speak, teach, and preach about. Jesus Christ is The Light of the World. Live life out loud, and be “Light Walkers”

    Be Ready, Get Ready, and Stay Ready, for Christ Is Coming Back.

    Send us your questions or comments about this episode.

    If you haven't already, make a commitment today, and start Walking In The Light.

    Be sure to visit the following:

    Alpha 7 Ministries website where you can find more guidance, spiritual insight, and advice on Life & Living, Parenting & Family, Marriage & Relationships, Spiritual matters, and more.

    Elder DeBorrah K. Ogans Amazon Author Page where you can review and learn more about books she has written, including her latest, "Proverbs Daily Devotional - Goldmine of Spiritual Wisdom" and "How Do I Love Thee - Food For Thought Before You Say I Do"

    Elder Randall Ogans Sr. Youtube Channel where you can listen to his latest recordings. Smooth instrumental music that will calm the agitations of your soul.

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    To God Be The Glory!

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    24 mins
  • Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?
    Sep 4 2024

    How often have you heard someone say, “That’s not fair, life is not fair, or God is not Fair”. What does it mean to be “fair”?

    When we see tragedy occurring throughout the world, or we experience something in our life that hurts, we sometimes ask, “Why do bad things happen to good people?

    In spite of what you see happening in our world, or in your life, know that your complete faith and trust must be in God. Nothing happens in our life unless God ordains it, or allows it. God is good, and know that whatever happens, he is working it for our good.

    We are not the first generation to experience disasters, tragedy, or have suffered at the hands of someone with evil intentions. Oftentimes, God allows these things to happen because we are being disciplined, or its part of a greater plan.

    For example, remember what happened to Joseph when his brothers threw him in the pit? They meant it for “evil”, but God allowed it to happen for “good”. Joseph went from the pit to the palace, so he could be in a position to help the people survive the famine.

    There are many things our minds will never quite understand. When some of us see suffering, catastrophic events, or what is perceived as “unfair”, we are quick to say “Why doesn’t God do something?”. Actually, what you see happening, is God doing something for a greater purpose than we know. Rest assured, God still has everything under control.

    God is not fair. He is absolutely Excellent! God is a just God.

    In this Episode, we will look at a small book in the Bible, the book of Habakkuk (haa-buh-kuhk), It will help us answer the question, “Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People”?

    Send us your questions or comments about this episode.

    If you haven't already, make a commitment today, and start Walking In The Light.

    Be sure to visit the following:

    Alpha 7 Ministries website where you can find more guidance, spiritual insight, and advice on Life & Living, Parenting & Family, Marriage & Relationships, Spiritual matters, and more.

    Elder DeBorrah K. Ogans Amazon Author Page where you can review and learn more about books she has written, including her latest, "Proverbs Daily Devotional - Goldmine of Spiritual Wisdom" and "How Do I Love Thee - Food For Thought Before You Say I Do"

    Elder Randall Ogans Sr. Youtube Channel where you can listen to his latest recordings. Smooth instrumental music that will calm the agitations of your soul.

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    To God Be The Glory!

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    32 mins
  • King Me - Checkered Kings
    Aug 28 2024

    Ever wondered how a game of Checkers can mirror the rise and fall of kings?

    Join us on Walking in the Light as Elders Randall and Deborrah K. Ogans explore the lives of King Saul and Abimelech, drawing profound lessons on leadership, power, and the consequences of ignoring God's wisdom.

    This episode draws a fascinating parallel between the game of Checkers and real-life leadership. Just as in Checkers, where the goal is to become a king and gain almost unlimited power on the board, leaders in real life often strive for power and authority. However, as the stories of Saul and Abimelech reveal, the pursuit of power without adherence to God's wisdom can lead to downfall and disaster.

    Through an engaging discussion, we uncover the importance of patience, repentance, and submission to God's will, emphasizing that Christ is the true King and that ethical leadership is paramount in the church, and in our political arena.

    In this episode titled "King Me - Checkered Kings," we recount the disobedience of King Saul, which led to his downfall, and the ruthless ambition of Gideon's son Abimelech to become King, after the death of Gideon, that ended in violence and his demise. Discover how Gideon's victory was a testament to God's intervention and learn the tragic tale of Abimelech's treachery.

    We conclude by highlighting the sovereignty of God, and true kingship, urging listeners to seek Him first and live in accordance with His will.

    Tune in for a compelling narrative that encourages a balanced life filled with wisdom and faith, reflecting on personal and spiritual growth. Join us in walking in the light and glorifying God each day.

    Send us your questions or comments about this episode.

    If you haven't already, make a commitment today, and start Walking In The Light.

    Be sure to visit the following:

    Alpha 7 Ministries website where you can find more guidance, spiritual insight, and advice on Life & Living, Parenting & Family, Marriage & Relationships, Spiritual matters, and more.

    Elder DeBorrah K. Ogans Amazon Author Page where you can review and learn more about books she has written, including her latest, "Proverbs Daily Devotional - Goldmine of Spiritual Wisdom" and "How Do I Love Thee - Food For Thought Before You Say I Do"

    Elder Randall Ogans Sr. Youtube Channel where you can listen to his latest recordings. Smooth instrumental music that will calm the agitations of your soul.

    Subscribe to this Podcast so you are notified when new episodes are published.

    To God Be The Glory!

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    24 mins
  • Know What You Believe
    Aug 21 2024

    It's important to Know What You Believe, in respect to God The Father, Jesus Christ His Son, the Holy Spirit, and the Bible.

    Through studying the Scriptures and applying their principles daily, we grow in our knowledge of God, fostering a relationship with Him, and solidifying our beliefs.

    In this episode, we share some history of our upbringing in the Church, hearing and learning about God, which helped us gain godly wisdom, establish a firm foundation, and to be doers of the word.

    Jesus said "Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock." Matthew 7:24-25

    Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. On Christ the solid rock we stand, all other ground is sinking sand.

    By truly knowing God and what you believe, you are better equipped to speak what you know, and to stand on His principles and promises, ensuring your faith remains unshaken by others' attempts to undermine it.

    During this episode, we also take a look at the "Apostle's Creed". This creed dates back to the 6th Century and does an excellent job of summarizing what we believe.

    We pray this episode will help you to "Know What YOU Believe".

    Send us your questions or comments about this episode.

    If you haven't already, make a commitment today, and start Walking In The Light.

    Be sure to visit the following:

    Alpha 7 Ministries website where you can find more guidance, spiritual insight, and advice on Life & Living, Parenting & Family, Marriage & Relationships, Spiritual matters, and more.

    Elder DeBorrah K. Ogans Amazon Author Page where you can review and learn more about books she has written, including her latest, "Proverbs Daily Devotional - Goldmine of Spiritual Wisdom" and "How Do I Love Thee - Food For Thought Before You Say I Do"

    Elder Randall Ogans Sr. Youtube Channel where you can listen to his latest recordings. Smooth instrumental music that will calm the agitations of your soul.

    Subscribe to this Podcast so you are notified when new episodes are published.

    To God Be The Glory!

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    37 mins
  • Paint On The Canvas - The Designer's Original
    Aug 14 2024

    Have you ever considered your life to be a work of art?

    If you were to view an Abstract Painting by Picasso, your initial reaction might be
    unfavorable, as you may not be able to understand and appreciate what he is conveying on the canvas, and his unique gift.

    Our life picture can be quite like an "Abstract Painting". Difficult to understand. Especially to those who don't really know us. People usually fear what they don't understand, or tend to label it negatively.

    In this episode, Elder DeBorrah K. Ogans will help you to look at your life as though you are looking at "Paint On The Canvas". She helps us to understand how the parenting we received, choices we make, and what we say and do each day, adds strokes and paint to our personal canvas, or life picture.

    Know that your life is a work of art in progress. Let God make you a showcase of His beauty. You can become The Designer's Original.

    Send us your questions or comments about this episode.

    If you haven't already, make a commitment today, and start Walking In The Light.

    Be sure to visit the following:

    Alpha 7 Ministries website where you can find more guidance, spiritual insight, and advice on Life & Living, Parenting & Family, Marriage & Relationships, Spiritual matters, and more.

    Elder DeBorrah K. Ogans Amazon Author Page where you can review and learn more about books she has written, including her latest, "Proverbs Daily Devotional - Goldmine of Spiritual Wisdom" and "How Do I Love Thee - Food For Thought Before You Say I Do"

    Elder Randall Ogans Sr. Youtube Channel where you can listen to his latest recordings. Smooth instrumental music that will calm the agitations of your soul.

    Subscribe to this Podcast so you are notified when new episodes are published.

    To God Be The Glory!

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    16 mins
  • Contend For The Faith - Part 2
    Aug 7 2024

    In this Episode we continue to discuss the need to "Contend For The Faith", referencing the Book of Jude. In Part 1 we provided some history about Jude and his message warning about the false teachers that crept into the Church.

    We also looked at some of the worldly practices that are prevalent in some churches today. Their leadership, organizational structure, and what occurs during worship, which mimics the world.

    In Part 2 we continue to look at what Jude said about the "doom", or the "fate" of false teachers, as well as bring focus to the current events in our world and in our local churches. We are living in some perilous times today, a time of increased apostasy, a time when "good is called evil, and evil good".

    This is why it is so important to know the Word of God for yourself. To build yourself up in the faith. To hold true to the faith and trust we have in the Lord!
    Then you will be able to contend for the faith, and to snatch others from the fire.

    Send us your questions or comments about this episode.

    If you haven't already, make a commitment today, and start Walking In The Light.

    Be sure to visit the following:

    Alpha 7 Ministries website where you can find more guidance, spiritual insight, and advice on Life & Living, Parenting & Family, Marriage & Relationships, Spiritual matters, and more.

    Elder DeBorrah K. Ogans Amazon Author Page where you can review and learn more about books she has written, including her latest, "Proverbs Daily Devotional - Goldmine of Spiritual Wisdom" and "How Do I Love Thee - Food For Thought Before You Say I Do"

    Elder Randall Ogans Sr. Youtube Channel where you can listen to his latest recordings. Smooth instrumental music that will calm the agitations of your soul.

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    To God Be The Glory!

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    29 mins
  • Contend For The Faith - Part 1
    Jul 31 2024

    If you ever want a powerful defense for the Christian Faith, Jude is an excellent book of the Bible to refer too. Jude is one of the earthly brothers of Christ Jesus. He urges the importance of defending the faith.

    This is not something new. There was much apostasy around the early Church, due to the many false teachers. Jude teaches and expounds the importance of not compromising the Word of God.

    There are a lot of worldly influences that from the very beginning, have tried to twist the Bible and its teachings. Many have been deceived. This is still the case today. In addition, many worldly ways, concepts, and methods have crept into the Church. Some places of worship are looking just like the world. Their leadership, organizational structure, and what occurs during worship. If we closely examine the practices of many of our places of worship today, here are some of the things we will find:

    • Jesus is not given the pre-eminence, but rather the leader of the group is reverenced more than the Lord.
    • A deep reverence for the Lord is lacking.
    • Many leaders focus on "building buildings". Little emphasis on building up the faith.
    • Repentance doesn't seem to be primary, but rather making people feel comfortable in their sin.
    • Denominational beliefs take precedence over the Word of God.
    • Excessive focus on "giving money", or "planting seeds(money)" in their ministry, with a promise the giver will be blessed with more.
    • Seeking God for His blessings, not worshipping Him because of who He is.

    Jude urges us to "Contend For The Faith". What does this mean? "Contend" means to strive against difficulties, to be persistent and assert yourself.

    Know that we are in the perilous "Last Days". Just look around you and see that God's Word is being fulfilled. Don't fear, but draw nigh to Him, and He will draw nigh to you.

    In this Episode we begin to explore information about Jude, his epistle, and his reasons for why we must Contend For The Faith.

    We will expand on this in Part 2.

    Send us your questions or comments about this episode.

    If you haven't already, make a commitment today, and start Walking In The Light.

    Be sure to visit the following:

    Alpha 7 Ministries website where you can find more guidance, spiritual insight, and advice on Life & Living, Parenting & Family, Marriage & Relationships, Spiritual matters, and more.

    Elder DeBorrah K. Ogans Amazon Author Page where you can review and learn more about books she has written, including her latest, "Proverbs Daily Devotional - Goldmine of Spiritual Wisdom" and "How Do I Love Thee - Food For Thought Before You Say I Do"

    Elder Randall Ogans Sr. Youtube Channel where you can listen to his latest recordings. Smooth instrumental music that will calm the agitations of your soul.

    Subscribe to this Podcast so you are notified when new episodes are published.

    To God Be The Glory!

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    25 mins
  • Distorted Thinking - Sowing Discord In The Church
    Jul 24 2024

    "Distorted Thinking" is a pattern of inaccurate and damaging thoughts. It is prevalent in many of our local churches. More often than not, it is caused by the pastor/preacher who embed negative and untrue statements in their sermons about people in the congregation.

    One area in particular, where thinking is distorted, is regarding people in the congregation who may be prosperous or successful. It becomes obvious that the pastor/preacher or others in the group, have an issue with them being more prosperous or successful than themselves.

    Some are quick to erroneously judge, think the worst, or come to conclusions about an individual based on what someone else has caused them to believe, and not based on their own personal interactions with the individuals. Their thinking is "distorted" and their engagement with them has now been impacted by what they "think" they know about them, which is probably not the truth.

    The pastor/preacher has now caused others to do something that God has said that He hates, which is sowing discord among the brethren, by pitting the "haves vs. have-nots".

    In this episode, you will hear about an occasion where this occurred regarding people who live in "Gated Communities". You will also better understand why all professing Christians should desire and look forward to living in a Gated Community.

    Send us your questions or comments about this episode.

    If you haven't already, make a commitment today, and start Walking In The Light.

    Be sure to visit the following:

    Alpha 7 Ministries website where you can find more guidance, spiritual insight, and advice on Life & Living, Parenting & Family, Marriage & Relationships, Spiritual matters, and more.

    Elder DeBorrah K. Ogans Amazon Author Page where you can review and learn more about books she has written, including her latest, "Proverbs Daily Devotional - Goldmine of Spiritual Wisdom" and "How Do I Love Thee - Food For Thought Before You Say I Do"

    Elder Randall Ogans Sr. Youtube Channel where you can listen to his latest recordings. Smooth instrumental music that will calm the agitations of your soul.

    Subscribe to this Podcast so you are notified when new episodes are published.

    To God Be The Glory!

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    19 mins