• Relax, You Are Safe | Guided Meditation for Inner Security & Peace
    Sep 11 2024

    This guided meditation is designed to help cultivate a deep, unwavering sense of peace and security from within. By creating safety internally, it becomes easier to remain unphased by external events and access the reservoir of serenity already inside. This meditation is perfect for moments of uncertainty, anxiety, stress, or when you simply need a peaceful break. This time invites you to relax deeply and reconnect with your inner calm and security.

    With love, Jo


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    12 mins
  • Discover Your Authentic Self | Guided Visualization
    Sep 4 2024

    This guided visualization takes you on a journey to discover and reconnect with your most true, authentic self. This meditation focuses on removing the layers of identities that others, and our own selves have places upon us, and returning back to our absolute authentic self. Fostering a sense of unwavering love, trust, and honor for our true inner being, and connecting with what it means to be authentic in our being.

    With love, Jo


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    12 mins
  • Morning Light Bath - Guided Morning Meditation
    Aug 29 2024

    This morning meditation is a gentle and uplifting way to begin your day, filling your entire being with radiant, nurturing light. By focusing on cultivating positivity, love, and light within yourself, this meditation sets the tone for a day where your experiences reflect the warmth and positivity you've cultivated within.

    With love, Jo


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    8 mins
  • Heal as You Sleep - Guided Meditation for Deep Sleep
    Aug 22 2024

    This guided meditation is perfect for winding down at the end of your day. As you prepare to drift into a deep, restorative sleep, you'll be soothed by slow, healing affirmations that gently guide you into a state of calm—a space where you can fully release the day's stress and turn inward. As you sleep, these affirmations will quietly work to restore balance and promote healing within your mind and body, so you wake up feeling refreshed and renewed.

    With love, Jo


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    17 mins
  • Detachment - Let Them, Let It - Guided Meditation
    Aug 14 2024

    This meditation is centered on the art of detachment—releasing your hold on people, situations, or outcomes that you may be clinging to too tightly. Attachment often fuels anxiety and a sense of inadequacy, but by consciously turning inward, we can reconnect with our inherent worth and completeness. Through this practice, you'll be guided back to the truth of your innate wholeness, independent of external conditions. During this meditation, we use the phrases "Let Them" and "Let It"- reminding us to to release control, trust in the natural flow of life, and stay rooted in your authentic self.

    With love, Jo


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    13 mins
  • Reclaim Your Energy & Call Back What is Yours
    Aug 8 2024

    This meditation focuses on the journey inward to reclaim the energy we have scattered or given away to people, places, and past experiences. During this time, you will be guided into gently and compassionately drawing your focus back to yourself - bringing your energy home to the center of your being. This meditation will help you release distractions, let go of what no longer serves you, and realign with your true essence, replenishing your spirit, restoring your vitality, and reconnecting with your core values and intentions.

    With love, Jo


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    11 mins
  • Release & Receive | Let Go & Create Space Within - Guided Meditation
    Aug 1 2024

    This meditation is a journey into the art of letting go, and the beauty of welcoming in new opportunities & receiving all that life has to offer. Releasing what no longer serves you and creating space for new blessings to pour in. This meditation focuses on the balance between releasing blockages and limiting beliefs, and creating the divine space within, where abundance and blessings can flourish.


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    9 mins
  • Morning Meditation for a Perfect Day - Calm, Centered & Aligned
    Jul 24 2024

    This morning, offer yourself the beautiful opportunity to turn inwards for a few minutes, to silence your thoughts, to set your intentions, and to come into your most powerful, centered and grounded energy. By aligning yourself with calmness and centeredness, you'll create a wonderfully harmonious start to your day. This brief yet powerful morning meditation can be used each morning (or any time during the day when you need a quick refreshing break), and will help you quiet your thoughts, connect with your inner self, and prepare your mind and body for an absolutely perfect day ahead.

    With love, Jo


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    8 mins