• Doing the Inner work to drive Outer Results, David C. Olcott
    Sep 10 2024

    How many of us show up to meetings with an awareness of our prospect's role, potential challenge, incumbent provider etc.

    These are bare minimum in sales today, the layer beneath them is the awareness of ourself.

    How are we feeling?

    Did we check in with ourself today? Examine the quality of our energy? where are we holding tension, do we feel blocked or energized?

    Which part of you us do we need to access for our meeting? Confidence? Empathy? Curiosity?

    Are we acting as a coach, friend, parent?

    All these check-in points allow us to align our best self to the situation and increase the likelihood of getting the outcome we are looking for.

    Yet, how many of us take the time to do this?

    Slow down, connect with ourselves, what are we feeling? Who are we? We get to our create identify.

    Tune in to The K2 Sales Podcast where my guest, David C. Olcott CEO of Samurai Success, author of Swords of Illumination, with over 35+ years of professional coaching experience,

    master certified in NLP, worked as #1national trainer for Tony Robbins as well as the business manager to the #1 selling real estate agent in the world shares his valuable insights.

    He shares how we create our own identity and choose how we want to show up with intention.

    This connects us to our audience and allows us to find our authentic voice and let our inner light shine.

    We are the differentiator, but many of us are dimming our light to AI.

    Choose how you want to show up, in purpose and in service and watch the difference you create for both you and your prospect. It is game changing.

    Connect with David
    Samurai Success Inc.




    For more content like this, join hundreds of other subscribers to The K2 Sales Academy. Our subscription based on line sales training platform.

    $495/year unlocks the Fundamentals of Sales program with built in knowledge checks, resource folder with scripts, templates and checklists as well as regular webinars.

    1:1 and group coaching packages available as well.

    To access our free one week Trial visit The K2 Sales Academy

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    55 mins
  • Replay - How to land a sales job, Kristie Jones
    Sep 3 2024

    In honour of the release of Kristie’s new book, Selling your way In, I am happy to share a previously recorded conversation with Kristie Jones

    What does it take to break in to sales?
    What are interviewers looking for?
    How do I prepare?

    Sales is a tough but rewarding career.
    Many are on the outside wondering it it’s for me, others are tirelessly knocking on doors trying to get in.

    Kristie Jones Founder of Sales Acceleration Group, Speaker and author joins me.
    She provides answers to the above, shares insights from her own sales journey and so many more nuggets for anyone looking to get in to sales.
    Get your note pads out, this is a good one.

    Kristie has provided Behavioural interview questions for hunters as well as interview questions sales candidates should be asking.

    Download here

    For more content like this, join hundreds of other subscribers to The K2 Sales Academy. Our subscription based on line sales training platform.

    $495/year unlocks the Fundamentals of Sales program with built in knowledge checks, resource folder with scripts, templates and checklists as well as regular webinars.

    1:1 and group coaching packages available as well.

    To access our free one week Trial visit The K2 Sales Academy

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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • Are you capturing the Voice of Customer? - Kevin Palmer
    Aug 27 2024

    Discover how marketing and sales can work better together in a conversation with Kevin Palmer, the CEO and Founder of Palmer Creative Group. He explains how understanding the customer's perspective can help align what your business offers with what the customer sees as valuable, while also promoting honesty and responsibility. Drawing from his background in the mining industry, Kevin shares practical strategies that can be used in any field to turn insights into opportunities and boost sales.

    Kevin also warns against relying on just one contact in a client company, as it can hurt your sales efforts. Instead, he highlights the importance of connecting with multiple decision-makers, using real examples where this approach led to success. He offers tips on creating strong relationships with different stakeholders, gathering testimonials, and building a list of key benefits, features, and functions that are essential for closing complex deals.

    Kevin also shares creative ways to gather customer insights without using third-party services, including how to make engaging visual content and build focused LinkedIn groups. Plus, we discuss a case study of a geophysics company that improved customer service by relocating technicians to regional hubs, leading to faster service and lower costs. You can learn more about Kevin's innovative work by visiting PalmerCreativeGroup.com.


    Website: https://www.palmercreativegroup.com

    For more content like this, join hundreds of other subscribers to The K2 Sales Academy. Our subscription based on line sales training platform.

    $495/year unlocks the Fundamentals of Sales program with built in knowledge checks, resource folder with scripts, templates and checklists as well as regular webinars.

    1:1 and group coaching packages available as well.

    To access our free one week Trial visit The K2 Sales Academy

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    35 mins
  • How to land a Whale - Barbara Weaver Smith
    Aug 20 2024

    📺 Watch this episode on YouTube

    Most companies these days are relying on Chat GPT to conduct research for their outbound prospecting motions.
    While it is great for filtering, sorting and comparing large amounts of data, we need to ensure it is personalized, relevant and timely- especially if we are targeting “whale” accounts.

    Tune in to my conversation with @Barbaraweaversmith two time author and most recent founder of The Whale Hunters Institute as well as Barbara AI, an AI clone of her.
    Barbara shares what it takes for small to medium companies to land a “whale” by definition an account 20x their average deal size. For most companies this would not only change their business, but their lives.
    She shares the risks from both sides and the level of detail required when it comes to research.

    Sales people represent the intuits who hunted whales many years ago, it took a village. We are no different, they expect resources both pre-sales and post sales including professional services, and an implementation team. Many small companies shy away from this.
    It is not impossible to do, we need to create standard processes, align specific resources and have a clear onboarding plan.
    Tune it to learn the steps to take to move your fish accounts to whale accounts.

    0:01:53 - Hunting Whales
    0:07:04 - Strategic Approaches to Reaching Clients
    0:12:29 - Effective Email Outreach Strategies
    0:21:46 - Amplifying Sales Coaching Through Technology
    0:28:07 - Leveraging AI for Efficient Data Processing
    0:35:21 - Overcoming Corporate Buying Team Fears
    0:50:57 - Utilizing Network for Referrals and Introductions

    Connect with Barbara:



    #b2bales. #sales #prospecting

    For more content like this, join hundreds of other subscribers to The K2 Sales Academy. Our subscription based on line sales training platform.

    $495/year unlocks the Fundamentals of Sales program with built in knowledge checks, resource folder with scripts, templates and checklists as well as regular webinars.

    1:1 and group coaching packages available as well.

    To access our free one week Trial visit The K2 Sales Academy

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    53 mins
  • Guest Appearance - Scale Your Sales #232: Karen Kelly – Breaking Barriers in a Male-Dominated Environment
    Aug 13 2024

    Enjoy this weeks episode where Karen Kelly is a guest on the Scale Your Sales podcast with Janice B Gordon.

    Here is what Janice had to say - In this week’s Scale Your Sales Podcast episode, my guest is Karen Kelly, the Host of K2 Sales Podcast.

    Karen is a seasoned sales expert with a passion for empowering sales professionals to achieve sales excellence. With over 20 years of experience in the healthcare industry, she brings a unique blend of expertise, energy, and practicality to her clients. She unlocks the grip our mindset, beliefs, and behaviours can have on us. Separating what serves us or sabotages us starting with our self-awareness. Replacing these patterns with purposeful values, confidence and action producing tangible results. Beyond her training work, Karen is a sought-after speaker at industry conferences and events. As the host of K2 Sales Podcast, she offers valuable guidance and strategies that can elevate your business to new heights, all while ensuring that you feel content and fulfilled.

    In this episode, Karen shares her experiences of being the sole woman in a male-dominated industry and how she leverages these experiences to empower other women in similar environments. We delve into the crucial aspects of self-belief, confidence, and understanding one's worth, especially in the context of women in sales. Our conversation also explores the value of curiosity for sales leaders in today's landscape, as well as for salespeople when engaging with customers. Furthermore, Karen emphasizes the significance of fostering curiosity, embracing diversity, and shifting the sales mindset towards genuine customer centricity.

    Welcome to Scale Your Sales Podcast, Karen Kelly.


    00:00 – Breaking Barriers in a Male-Dominated Environment

    04:38 – Finding strength in adversity.

    07:36 – Women must seek environments that appreciate diversity and know when to leave negative situations.

    11:33 – Society limits women’s potential, they need to back themselves.

    13:36 – Embracing diverse thoughts and fostering leadership skills.

    16:03 – Embrace curiosity, transparency, and team empowerment.

    19:40 – Consider others' perspective, ask questions, understand impact.

    22:44 – Intentional communication, active listening, and creating space for others.

    / karen-kelly-sales-trainer-

    Janice B Gordon is the award-winning Customer Growth Expert and Scale Y

    For more content like this, join hundreds of other subscribers to The K2 Sales Academy. Our subscription based on line sales training platform.

    $495/year unlocks the Fundamentals of Sales program with built in knowledge checks, resource folder with scripts, templates and checklists as well as regular webinars.

    1:1 and group coaching packages available as well.

    To access our free one week Trial visit The K2 Sales Academy

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    29 mins
  • Replay: Buyer First, Carole Mahoney. Are we selling With or At our prospects?
    Aug 7 2024

    📺 Watch this Episode on YouTube

    How many of us get in our own way of achieving sales success?

    Imposter syndrome Fixed mindset Lack of required skills Comparing to others

    Winning new customers is the number one challenge 80 percent of entrepreneurs face - and a big reason half of small businesses fail within five years.

    Tune in tomorrow where @Carolemahoney, author of Buyer First, Founder of Unbound Growth, member @womensalespros, Speaker and much more shares her experience of overcoming her sales struggles.

    Struggling to initially pay her bills to becoming a sought after speaker, sales coach for Harvard Entrepreneurial MBA program, influencer etc.

    She breaks down the importance of "Selling with our customers vs selling to or at them". Everybody wants to buy, nobody wants to be sold to.

    The balance of emotional storytelling backed with data and actionable worksheets will undoubtedly leave you empowered and equipped to make the required changes. I loved the book and as an entrepreneur related to many of her stories. Thank you for sharing your journey Carole, it is an extremely valuable and well written book!

    order her book today


    Tune in and get your note pad ready this one is a #gamechanger.

    #buyerfirst #b2bsales #mindset

    For more content like this, join hundreds of other subscribers to The K2 Sales Academy. Our subscription based on line sales training platform.

    $495/year unlocks the Fundamentals of Sales program with built in knowledge checks, resource folder with scripts, templates and checklists as well as regular webinars.

    1:1 and group coaching packages available as well.

    To access our free one week Trial visit The K2 Sales Academy

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Do you have a bold hypothesis that engages your prospect? Will Barron
    Jul 30 2024

    📺 Watch on YouTube

    How many of us overcomplicate sales?

    Adding too many steps, not getting to the root cause of what support our prospects need and using seller language are just a few ways.

    These result in a journey along a path they do not want to travel.

    We create a lengthy, clunky and uninviting experience leaving them dizzy and desperately looking to get out.

    Tune in to my conversation with @willbarron host of The salesman.com podcast and salesman.com Academy where he teaches simplicity and frameworks to find and close more sales.

    Will shares the importance of starting our engagement with a bold hypothesis. Our detailed point of view, of what could be taking place in your prospects business.

    This is the critical starting point that is often missed.

    Tune in to learn step by step what we should be doing to engage as well as some of the sought after traits of sales professionals. Do you possess any of them?

    Connect with Will:




    Salesman.com Podcast

    Free Access to Will’s books:

    Selling Made Simple (frameworks to find and close more sales) -


    SalesCode (becoming the person capable of implementing the sales process) -


    For more content like this, join hundreds of other subscribers to The K2 Sales Academy. Our subscription based on line sales training platform.

    $495/year unlocks the Fundamentals of Sales program with built in knowledge checks, resource folder with scripts, templates and checklists as well as regular webinars.

    1:1 and group coaching packages available as well.

    To access our free one week Trial visit The K2 Sales Academy

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    58 mins
  • Guest Appearance - Understanding customer needs to build lasting relationships and a Strong Foundation in Sales with Karen Kelly
    Jul 23 2024

    “Failure is part of the journey and to have that resiliency and along the way, like the growth and the revenue that I made up has tripled the initial loss.”- Karen Kelly

    Karen Kelly shares her journey from wanting to be a doctor to becoming a successful sales professional. She emphasizes the importance of having a strong foundation, whether it’s through education or working in corporate America, to develop the skills needed for sales. Karen also highlights the significance of understanding the customer’s language and needs, building relationships, and providing after-sales support. She discusses the collaboration between sales and marketing departments and the need for a unified strategy. Karen encourages embracing failure as a learning opportunity and not being afraid to take risks.


    1. A strong foundation, whether through education or working in corporate America, is crucial for developing the skills needed for sales.
    2. Understanding the customer’s language and needs, building relationships, and providing after-sales support are key to success in sales.
    3. Collaboration between sales and marketing departments is essential for aligning strategies and meeting customer needs.
    4. Embracing failure as a learning opportunity and taking calculated risks can lead to personal and professional growth.
    5. Don’t play small in sales, leadership, or entrepreneurship. Take bold actions to achieve big results.


    • 00:00- Introduction and Karen Kelly’s Career Journey
    • 08:31- The Importance of a Strong Foundation in Sales
    • 13:10- Embracing Failure and Taking Calculated Risks
    • 25:43- Collaboration between Sales and Marketing
    • 31:00- Don’t Play Small: Bold Actions for Big Results in Sales

    Follow the Transformed Sales Podcast here

    For more content like this, join hundreds of other subscribers to The K2 Sales Academy. Our subscription based on line sales training platform.

    $495/year unlocks the Fundamentals of Sales program with built in knowledge checks, resource folder with scripts, templates and checklists as well as regular webinars.

    1:1 and group coaching packages available as well.

    To access our free one week Trial visit The K2 Sales Academy

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    33 mins